Hehe, this is awesome :D
I really like this submission. The fact that you mixed ambient and glitch/IDM so well together really worked well in this song, and overall this song is enjoyable to listen to. I can barely find any problems with it: it's catchy, calming and a great song all around. Keep it up, I really enjoyed it :D.
The song's composition is superb. I really enjoyed the melodies you used, especially the main melody that first came in at 1:35, and the guitar's melodies were really soothing. Those staccato thingies at 1:52 were really cool too, maybe you could add more of them throughout the song. The amount of alternate melodies was also very good, and overall your melodies were really cool. At times the song felt a bit empty though, like at 1:36, and for Ambient I expect it to have more depth, so maybe you could add a few more bass pads; it would definitely help in fixing the high frequency that ChampionAnwar was talking about. On the other hand, panning (at least I think there's panning: I'm deaf from one ear so I can never hear panning properly) was a nice touch.
The instrument choice you had was really great. You're really good at making pads, they worked very well in this song and sounded great. I also like your addition of guitar, it added to the atmosphere a lot. I just think that the guitar could have more reverb; I always liked guitars with a lot of reverb. Still, overall the instruments sounded awesome, especially the main lead which has that unique sound to it, and I liked the pad at 3:19-ish. The glitch stutters were also very well placed, although I would've liked to see more glitching on those drums. Also, the reverse snare or whatever reverse effect it was penetrated the atmosphere at the beginning and ruined it since it's so loud, as Heith said.
The transitions are all extremely good. The song flowed really smoothly, and while I think you could have used some more sound effects to transit from one part of the song to the other such as sweeps and more glitch effects, overall the transitions were very impressive. You introduced new instruments really well and the buildups such as the buildup in the intro were excellent. Nice job with the transitions :D.
The structure, as ChampionAnwar said, was very good. New parts came in which made the song never get boring and yet never get random either. I can say the same for the variety, which was superb, with a great amount of different melodies and something new all the time. Variety and structure were also fantastic, so good job there :).
The intro was pretty good. At first I thought it was going to be some generic trance crap, but as it progressed with a good buildup, I was wrong. Maybe you can make the intro a bit more interesting with some more effects and maybe a few pads too, but to be honest the intro was fine. The outro was superb though. A perfect way to end the song. Intro and outro were great ^^.
The drums, wow, they were amazing. The beat was really nice, and the drums were so varied that they not only added to the background and fit so well with the song, but I bet I won't get bored listening to them even on their own because they're so well done. Kick sounded powerful but never got in the way with the song, the open hats sounded awesome, so did the hi-hats and the snare, sounded great too. The only thing which would make the drums a bit better was as I mentioned above: glitching them a bit more.
Overall, this submission is really well done. It's amazing that you managed to combine calming ambient with some glitchy stutters and effects to produce something as extraordinary as this. Just work a little on the mastering, maybe making the intro a bit more interesting, softening the reverse effect at the beginning and filling up some parts which feel a bit empty with some more pads, but as you can see, these are all small nitpicks which don't take much away from the awesomeness of the song. I hope you keep up the outstanding work, and I hope to hear more awesome songs like this from you in the future :D...
-Review Request Club-