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Ambient and DnB never sounded so good together!!

Wow, when you said ambient and DnB I didn't believe you'd manage to pull off such fast drums and still leave a wonderfully relaxing feeling that an ambient song as awesome as this gives out, but you really amazed me. Great job on this!

Loved that melody. The piano was great, although I'd suggest some accompaniament (or however it's spelt. I can never get around to finding out XD) from the piano in the bass, like some soft chords. The melody still is great, and I have nothing to complain there. Good use of the rain sound effect.

Transitions were excellent. I liked the one at 0:58. The ending was kind of strange. I wished it ended with an ending note, instead of just leaving the listener expecting for more and it would be over so suddenly.

Good job with the drums, and the drum samples were superb. It needs some variation, though; the drum beat stayed the same, and it got quite annoying. It would help to make some slow drum beat somewhere.

All in all, a very good mixture of two genres. I greatly enjoyed it, keep it up!

-Review Request Club-

SessileNomad responds:

yeah i did have intervals, not full chords, but i guess some more bassey notes would have been nice

yeah looking back i should have gone with other notes after the last part

i tried to add more intricacy to the drums, but it was starting to get in the way of the ambience, i guess its really personal preference though xD

thx for reviewing

Pretty good!

Really good job on it! It impressed me quite a bit.

The melody is really good, I honestly have no idea how you come up with melodies this great. Good instruments, but I noticed some static in the song (I don't know if that's my speakers or not). I liked the choir, and its melody was great. Still, the song in all is quite long and repetitive.

Great transitions and structure. Just the one at 4:28 was a little bad, since it went from loud too extremely calm much too quickly. Intro was very good, and the transition to introduce the drum beat was very well done. The ending felt more like it would fit to loop this song, since I heard it about 3 or 4 times without even recognising it repeated itself.

Drum samples were great, and so was the main drum beat. Repeated itself a bit too much, and I expected, like in a lot of hip-hop beats, to have a high hat every 2 steps for some drum beats, but I don't think I heard any of that throughout the song (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm deaf from one ear).

In all, quite a good song. Really repetitive, but good structure, and very good melodies. Keep it up!

-Review Request Club-

DJ-Chilvan responds:

well, the melodies are actually string loops that were premade (which is something i am not fond of using) but i harmonized them so that's why they sound nice. This song was meant to be just a lil quickie to suppress boredom. But it turned out to be what I would say is my best piece I will ever create. The drum samples are a combination of different toms, DnB breakbeats, and a 'broken hi-hat' or whatever you wanna call that scratching noise. You were right, the hi-hat wasnt every 2 steps. But that was to make it more high speed, action packed.
This song, if translated literally, is not really meant to be a 'rap song.' It would make a sick freestyle but its main intention is to depict fast, nonstop, action. That would explain the repetitiveness.
The transition and 4:28 was the way it is because of the fact that it describes a respite in the nonstop action the song is depicting. That's why i love this song. If translated, it's more than a song, its a story.
Thank you very much for the review!

Original melodies, creative structure......... Wow

Really awesome song. I love it!

I really enjoyed the melody. I really don't know how you did it, but that melody really rocks. Every note complimented the next, plus the instruments used were great. I liked the chorus, and the strings as well. I loved the part at 4:03. I noticed a slight bit of repetitiveness in the melody, though. Also, I agree with SessileNomad; the synth at 0:50 was much too loud.

Transitions were very nice. Good job with the reverse cymbal as well, it made the song sound very epic. Nice intro as well, and a great buildup. I wished the drums would build up a little better though, but still, good job. Ending was quite good too. I think you should make the ending echo a little more, or a fade might sound cool as well...

The drum samples were very cool, especially that snare, but the drums felt quite repetitive. You did vary the drum beats quite a bit, but it needs more variety, especially in a song as long as this. You should add that bongo-ish drum beat that appears at 3:08 to the song a little more, it was quite good.

In all, really, really good melodies, amazing structure, excellent instruments, great drum samples, nice intro and ending, so there's nothing more for me to say to this. Really amazing job! By the way, really good name, fits with the song perfectly. Latin words always sound cool XD.

-Review Request Club-

DJ-Chilvan responds:

thank you very much for the review! Im glad you liked the song! Even, I'm very satisfied with the outcome. I've always wanted to make a song like this ever since I heard the song 'Neutralized' by ParagonX9. That song kinda gave me the inspiration for this. The melody of Terracrypha is also nice IMO. I'm suprised it turned out so well due to the fact that i'm not too great in making melodies (it's only beats and harmonies that are my specialties). It's the harmonies and the strings and choir (2 of my fav instruments) that accounted for this song's epicness. The structure also is well in my opinion too. I really tried on that part. It just came easily with the song.
As for all the faults you mentioned, because they are minor I will remaster this track when my lazy brother buys premium edition for my DAW (it has more advanced remastering capabilities). I would buy it myself but its his laptop, so when i get my own it would mean i would have to buy it again =/.
Anyways, thank you very much for the review!

Repetitive, but overall... :[]

Whoa... This song impressed me. Repetitive, as the ones under me said, but still... Wow...

That melody is just so catchy XD. I had one just like it stuck in my head strangely, but thankfully forgot it, and now you reminded me of it :(. Well, apart from that, the melody is unbeatable. Very repetitive, though, you need a few more melodies to it, like some with a piano as well, to vary from the arps. Good choice of instruments, and although you did use some presets, they were all really cool, and I won't brag that I don't use presets, beause I do too :[.

Transitions were done very well, and the song flowed smoothly throughout. The beginning was a little too quiet for my tastes though. I'd suggest a reverbed kick playing slowly in the background. The ending was very strange, too. It sounded like someone snoring, which felt really wierd after hearing a song as good as this.

Drums were very good. I liked those drum samples a lot, and they helped with the transitions perfectly. They varied quite a bit too, although for a song as long as this, varying the drums even more would help. Just don't make them sound random.

Overall, very good job. Very repetitive, and the intro and ending bothered me a little, but that melody is awesome, good instruments, great drum samples, so fantastic job on this XD! Oh, by the way, you typoed the name :P.

-Review Request Club-

EoD696 responds:

Heh, typoed the name on purpose :P appreciate the review, danka.


Kinda strange...

Some of the notes of the guitar melody were a little too off rythm, but the melody itself was fine. I liked that solo at 0:12. The vocals were what made it strange. It was funny, but kinda ruined the song.

The intro was fine (the guitar, I mean) and the ending, although slightly sudden, wasn't bad. Lengthen the note at the end to make it sound better. Transitions were fine, great job on them.

The drums were OK, and fit with the song perfectly, but fo heavy metal, they should be much, much louder. Plus they were a little simple.

Overall, not a really amazing remix, but not too bad. I never expected someone to do a heavy metal remix of the song though, so you get points for originality ^^.

-Review Request Club-

Blackdoom13 responds:

lol I'm guessing nobody liked the vocals. Lol ok I'll do some other ones later I guess.
But thanks for the review! Glad you liked some of it! lol

Good song!

Wow, not such a bad song! I can't shake off the fact that I've heard something similar to that piano melody at the beginning. I have no idea where I've heard it before, but somehow it sounds familiar :S. Anyway, onto the song...

The piano melody at the beginning was really good. Good variation of the dynamics, and good piano quality. Most of the other melodies weren't bad. It got a little repetitive though... Also, (apart from the piano and flute at the end [<-which by the way sounded awesome!]), the choice instruments wasn't too special.

Some of the transitions were quite well done, but others weren't too good. I didn't like the transition at 1:16. The rythm seemed to change and I lost track of the song. The intro was great though, and the ending, although a little sudden, was pretty good :)

A problem that bothered me quite a bit in this is the lack of drums. They don't need to be that complicated or anything, but they would help keep the rythm of this song. Plus, somewhere towards the ending there was an annoying scraping or static-like sound which bothered me a little, as Fro pointed out.

Well... it has quite a few problems, but the advantages of this song outweigh the disadvantages a little, so in all, quite a great song! Would make a great credits theme ;).

-Review Request Club-

alix1 responds:

lol. thanks. the scraping migh have been me moving as i record the piano :( I might re-play this one and submit again. thanks for the review dude!

Good job :D

I usually hate calm and ambient songs like this, but good job on this one, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

The melodies of that piano are just fantastic. All of the other instruments that you used were perfect as well, and they all fit the name perfectly, especially the harp. The snare sounds a little off, I'd suggest some booming bass drum instead.

Beginning was great, I have nothing to complain over there. It's the ending which was a little bad. It ended with too quick a note and it sounded a little wrong. Instead of ending it with the note you ended it with, repeat the note before it again, but making it a chord, a little longer longer and end it with that instead, and maybe some wind chymes too.

Apart from those small problems, I have nothing else to complain about, so great job on it!

-Review Request Club-

Box-Killa responds:

Oh sweet, i got a review club review :D!! wooh glad you like those melodies! Yeah the ending wasn't great. I really couldnt think of anything else to end it at the time. Your idea sounds good. :D Thanks for the review much appreciated !

Very good job!

I don't usually enjoy classical pieces, but this impressed me quite a bit. So far, you're doing an awesome job on it ;).

The melodies are fine and I have nothing to complain about them. I wish I could see more piano though, since when the other instruments came in, I could barely hear the piano notes. The brass instrument at 1:07 was very good, which I could hear more of that too.

The piano intro in the beginning was very good, with great notes. It was the ending which bothered me a little, since it ended way too suddenly. The transitions and overall structure isn't perfect, but I'm sure you'll get that better when you finish this WiP.

Good job on it so far. I'm sure this'll turn out to be an awesome piece, so good luck on it.
5/5 - Man this song is so 0-bombed. It shows how much Newgrounds appreciates this kind of stuff -.-

-Review Request Club-

loansindi responds:

Thanks for the review!

The piano will ultimately carry through more, this one was mostly an experiment in orchestration.

The end does come suddenly because my key change wasn't working quite like I wanted to so I called this version 'done' for the time being. I'm just waiting on some motivation to get this shiz done, you know?


But cool ^^. It's a really good song, just very repetitive. Well, it's a long song, so it's gonna be hard to review, but here goes...

The melodies themselves are very catchy. Need a few more guitar chords, in my opinion, but they had awesome notes. As I said, the melodies repeated themselves quite a lot so you should work on that. Oh and I loved that guitar solo at the end XD.

The transitions were very good, and every melody seemed to get the listener ready for the next, which was cool. The ending was great for a loop, so you should shorten the last note, or end it with a proper note.

The drums were pretty repetitive too, and kinda simple as well, but the samples used were excellent so you should make more drum beats with those samples.

A repetitive song, but the tunes themselves are perfect and I've not much to complain about them. You should make this better, it rocks XD. Keep up the great work :).
5/5 - since it's really 0-bombed...

-Review Request Club-

Sawdust responds:

Thanks, I'll try and cater to this then. I can see that the problems I have here are very very prominent, so then I'll improve it.


Cool :)

Not such a bad idea to a song. I quite enjoyed it. Still, it has some problems in it.

I'll start with the drums. The beat is pretty good, but it plays for too long in the song, is way too loud, and overpowers the main melody too much. I only heard about 3 or so drum samples used, so try and vary those too.

The main tune repeated itself quite a lot throughout the song. It's relaxing, and the instruments you chose are perfect, but it got a little boring to hear after repeating itself so much.

The ending sounds like it would make a good loop, but there was some silence after which made it a song. I think as a loop, it would sound better, or at least give it a good note to end with if you really want a song instead.

Transitions were done very well, and I didn't find even one transition which felt off. Also, the song fit very well with the name, so good choice of the name.

There are some defects in this song, especially the fact that it's very repetitive, but the melodies themselves are very good, so keep up the good work :).
5/5 - since this really got 0-bombed O_o.

-Review Request Club-

Sawdust responds:

Alright, thanks for the feedback. The drums were probably off because I EQed them and tailored to them on some very shit headphones, you probably have some rapetastic speakers going on, which must've changed the intended sound I was going for.

As for the boring part, It was probably there because well, I composed this mainly for school purposes, there was a project and I had to write something, so I just had to put really bassy drums and weak melodies, because this was supposed to be sung to. Well, it wasn't used for the project in the end, so here I am, stuck with this, too lazy to tailor it to NG standards.

Yeah, it is a very relaxing song, the subject matter it was supposed to have was about the life and times of this saint :P

And the name, well 'change' was part of the life of this saint, so me being cheesy and original, stuck with that title.

Yeah, thanks!

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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