
600 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Yeah, I'm going to use the same review summary as DraknaarKau. This is a very epic and fast-paced song, and I enjoyed it all the way through. It's very high quality, and powerful, and it shows you worked hard on it. Awesome job on this man, I can't believe I missed out on so much by not reviewing your older requests these last few weeks.

The melodies are very heroic, and I really enjoyed them. The staccato strings' melodies were especially heroic, but at the same time they sound very war-like. Loved the notes you played on the high strings too. Also, the emotional piano melody at 0:52 was awesome and the glissando at the end of it was a nice touch, but I couldn't help but think that it could have been softer with a more powerful crescendo onto the next part. I think you should take advantage of the softer parts of a song to make the section which follows it sound much more epic and powerful. Although I have an obsession towards epic and powerful so I should shut up now :3.

The instruments were very high quality. Which VST did you use? I especially liked the choirs you used throughout the song, heard mostly in the piano part. They added to the epic feel of the song and were a very nice touch. Maybe that's just because I love adding choirs to my song, though :D. That flute (I don't know if it is or I'm just imagining it - I'm deaf from one ear so I can't hear the instruments properly) sounded really cool and added to the 'medieval' sound that this song has. Finally, I also liked the tremolo strings you used in the background. They definitely added to the tension.

The one thing that truly ruined this piece for me (and made me give you a 9) would be the mix. The sounds sort of blur together with each other at times, and I'm not really hearing the clear sound that I want to hear at times. This could either be because of too much use of reverb, bad volume levels, lack of proper EQing or lack of mastering, but I think that a lot of the time the song really sounds blurry and hard to keep track of. Could just be me though, I don't know...

The transitions on the whole were superb. The only transition which I didn't really like would be the one at 0:52. I like the fact that you added those wind-chimes to move to the piano part, but I definitely think that the transition itself is too abrupt since it switches from epic and powerful to slow and soft too suddenly, or maybe it's because the piano is introduced out of nowhere. The transition at 1:32 sounded a bit weird at first but I'm starting to like it now xD. TL;DR: transitions were good except the one at 0:52 in my opinion.

The structure is very good. I would've liked to hear more of a climax at the end of the song, and seen a few more softer parts in the song, even if for a few bars, but still, that might be a bit too much to ask for to try and fit in an only 2-minute long song. While on the subject, I think you could've made the song a bit longer, though :P. Ah well, as for the variety, I was really impressed. It's one of the reasons why I prefer orchestral submissions so much more than techno and trance; in orchestral you don't repeat the same thing over and over and techno/trance has been made so much, that it's become generic and overused. You did a great job varying the song :D.

The intro was very good, especially the prominent tremolo strings playing along with the staccatos. The ending was a bit overused as an ending for orchestral songs, but worked well here :P.

Finally, on to the percussion: I loved it. The occasional cymbal crashes were really mighty and awesome. Gong was a bit weak, though. Still, the snare fit really well in the song and added to the war-ish feel especially since it was so powerful. I would've welcomed more orchestral percussion like bass drums and timpanis, but the percussion you have now is amazing.

Overall, this is one hell of a good piece. I enjoyed listening to it, it was really epic and I hope you keep up the amazing work. I think you should focus on improving the blurry mix and that one transition at 0:52.

-Review Request Club-

Xyirx responds:

Oh......I just don't really know how to describe my feeling to see a wall of review text in front of me. Seriously, this is like the longest review I've ever had.

For the VST, I use Edirol Orchestral which I'm quite fond with and have been using since I started composing Draconity album. It works quite well, though not as good as East West or Ambience, etc.

About the mix. Yes, I can't do the mastering stuffs well, since I don't really know what to do with it. And using Maximus alone sometimes creates terrible trebles. I just did my best to make each instrument clear and tried to make overall impression of the song strong.

Thank you very much for all the detailed comments. I read all of those, really. And sorry for not being able to respond that long. I don't really know what to type 'cause I'm in awe, reading your review. lol



...How you managed to grab an emotional piano piece and turn it into a fast-paced DnB song while still making it sound good is beyond me, so awesome job there. While I personally prefer the original version, that's probably just because I would usually enjoy a piano piece more than a DnB song, not because your song is bad. You've definitely improved since the last song of yours which I've reviewed. Nice job, keep it up :).

I can't really say much about the melodies since you didn't make them yourself, but I like that you did something original with the melodies as I said above, since you managed to turn a piano piece into some rather well done drum'n'bass. Good work.

For the instruments, on the contrary, I can say quite a bit... The instrument choice was unique, and I like that. You had a variety of different sounds, and the bass that you used was awesome (especially at 1:13-ish). Hell, I even heard bells in the song. Now, the 2 instruments which I don't think fit really well in this would be the piano and the guitar:

Piano - Among all of those instruments, the piano stood out way too much. In the intro the piano sounded a bit bland and could've been replaced with some sort of plucked synth, and throughout the song the piano did sound a little weird among all the other instruments. Not only that, but you're remixing a piano piece, so I think it'd be more awesome if you add your own touch to the piano melodies by using a different instrument for them.

Guitar - Haha the first thing I thought when I heard it at 1:13 was 'FL SLAYER' lol xD. I don't know if it really is FL Slayer, but it does sound a lot like it. As RealityVictim pointed out, the guitar is quite low-quality it sounds a bit bad in the song. I think that the guitar pretty much ruined the part at 1:13, and in my opinion you could've used a different instrument/synth...

The transitions are awesome. While they're not the smoothest, some sound so epic and great that I didn't really mind hearing some abruptness in the transitions. 0:44 was pretty rough, for example, but then a cool drum roll and effect came in a few seconds after which sounded awesome. Actually, the only transition which truly didn't sit well with me would be the one at 1:12-ish. I think there are a few milliseconds of silence which cut the song a bit abruptly (lol, ultimate nitpicking xP) and the transition is pretty abrupt. Still, all in all the transitions were awesome :D.

The structure keeps to a similar structure as the original, but has a few nice additions. When I remix, I personally completely change the structure of the original song to my own liking, so maybe I'm being a bit biased when I say that I would've liked to see a few more changes in the structure. Variety, however, was brilliant. The intro was perfect as well, but I don't think that ending is too good. Firstly, there was too much silence, which sounds quite odd, and secondly, it ends really suddenly. I expected some sort of ending note or something; heck, I'd even welcome a fade-out, but I think that the ending right now is very weird and abrupt.

The drums were out of this world. I really liked all of the beats you used, and while some where typical DnB beats, they still fit very nicely in the song. The use of a crash cymbal in some new sections of the song could help the transitions a bit more, but other than that, the drums were awesome. Also, did you slice the Amen Break for the drum samples? I really don't know how the Amen Break really sounds, but from experience after reviewing a number of tracks which use the Amen Break, I think the drums sound a lot like the Amen Break :3. Oh well, whatever...

In conclusion, this is a really awesome remix. I personally love remixes where they get a song from one genre and make a totally different genre out of it, since they sound so unique and original. Sure, your remix still needs some work here and there, mostly regarding the instruments, piano/guitar in particular, but overall, I really enjoyed this submission and I hope you keep on improving :3.

-Review Request Club-

eatmeatleet responds:


Decent for a work in progress

This actually sounds quite unique and pretty enjoyable to listen to. This does sound a bit boring at times, but maybe that's because it's a WiP. Good job on it in general.

The melodies are cool. They have a sort of laid-back "lazy" feel to them, and some parts are pretty catchy. I liked the part at 0:30-ish with that cool effect in the background and the pad, played on top of that beat. The guitar's melodies were pretty good too.

Actually, the main 2 things which I don't really like in this would be that it sounds random and that the song doesn't really 'get anywhere' if you know what I mean. I'll start with the random thing: random effects came in all the time, random changes in the percussion (such as the crash coming out from nowhere at 0:25), guitar notes all over the place, etc... Not only that, but even at the end when you suddenly end the piece halfway through a bar and start it again, it makes the listener think 'Eh? What was that?'. I think if you work more on this, if I were you I'd definitely consider making it a bit less... random.

Another thing would be that the song really doesn't get anywhere. While I liked the part at 0:30 since it sounded trippy and catchy, I still think that this gets boring to listen to. There aren't really any climax or breaks, and the song stays on the same level throughout. I think it would definitely be more interesting if you added a variety of different sections to the song.

The instruments are good. Basically the melodic instruments I could make out would be a background pad and a guitar. They're not the best of quality, but give the song a cool vibe. So yeah, not such a bad job on the instruments. The sound effects you used actually make this sound very interesting and unique. You used a few effects, some at random times, but overall they made this more enjoyable to listen to.

Some of the transitions were a bit random, but I liked the transition into the part at 0:30 even though I feel that the random crash didn't help much. All in all the transitions were good. The structure, on the other hand, was weird. Like I said above, the song never really went anywhere but stayed on the same level. Maybe that's just because you're still working on it, though. Variety was good in this, though.

The intro was a bit uninteresting, but I suppose it works. As for the ending, this is a WiP so I won't expect something great from the ending, although it seems to end a little after the second beat of the bar, which is strange.

The drums were cool, but very repetitive. I liked the beat which came in at 0:27-ish, and the drum samples were good, but they were very repetitive, which clashed with the varied foreground, making this sound pretty strange. Also, is it me, or do the drums get lower in volume towards the end?

Anyway, in all, this is a pretty decent work in progress. It sounds a bit random, has a strange structure, is a bit boring to listen to and the drums were repetitive, but it has potential. Good luck continuing it.
5/5 because this song got 0-bombed.

-Review Request Club-

DXsamurai responds:

thanks for the review, i will have to work out the structure and give a break down or something but for now i'll let it slide. As for the end i had to go back and something and it make the drums quiet...er.


Don't think I was going to leave you un-reviewed (if that's even a word) after you gave me such an epic review on Racing Through Eternity :D. So yeah, onto the review...
This is a pretty cool song. For only making music for 5 months, I must admit that this is one hell of an impressive song. After five months I personally was STILL crap at making music xD. As Stargenx said, it's quite generic and I almost predicted what was going to happen next, but I still enjoyed it, so good job!

The melodies were quite good. I liked the chord progression you used, it wasn't that generic, and as you said it's a cool melody. I think you had some space for some more melodies though; I don't know, maybe it's because of my obsession for variety, but I think that this could definitely do with a few more melodies, maybe a change in chord progression as well. By 1:09 I was getting quite tired of the melody, and even when you layer a second melody on top of it it still gets quite boring after a while. Some occasional melodic subtle changes could really work well over here too. Also, your melodies seem to stick to the same rhythm for each note, i.e. they're all quavers. I think this could do with a few more rhythmic changes too.

The instruments you used are pretty generic. They don't sound too bad, but a bigger variety of instruments other than just saw waves would be pretty cool. Still, not such a bad choice of instruments. What might work well would be a pad or maybe another background synth to help the melody a bit more, but even though you had no pads and not many background synths, your song never sounded too bland or empty, so nice job over there. The filtering you did on the saw synths was very good, since it introduced new melodies well. The filtering of the synth at the beginning was also interesting, to say the least.

All the other effects were very nice too, like the reverse cymbal/sweep thing you used throughout the song. So, as a recap; decent synths, great effects but could do with more unique synths or background synths. Although I totally agree with you about vocals, I hate them too and I don't think they'll work out in this song xP.

The transitions were impressive. Instead of suddenly introducing new melodies, you always automate a filter effect on them to fade them in, which really helped the transitions. Not only that, but there are loads of cool transitions throughout the song which are well-executed like the one at 0:42 when you introduce the kick. Nice job with the transitions!

The structure is quite unique. Throughout the song, you have basically 2 melodies. You play the first one, then you play them both at the same time, then the second one, then back to the first again and you end the song. Still, while it is a unique structure, it's quite repetitive, as I said above, so I think that other than making this song less generic, you should try and work a bit more on the variety :).

The intro and outro were both OK, although they have potential to be better. I can't help but think that the intro could have more synths playing at the same time, since that saw synth sounds a bit awkward on its own. Ending was alright, but sounds a bit 'unfinished'. If you ever think about expanding on this, then I think that you should continue where you left off by keeping the song silent for a bar, then reaching an epic climax.

Not much to say about the drums. They were quite generic, although they weren't badly varied, so nice job there. Also, yeah, the kick does sound very awesome :3. Wish I was that good at making kicks, lol xP.

Overall, this is a good submission. The two main defects in my opinion would be the fact that it's repetitive and that it's generic, but the FX, the kick, the melodies, and the transitions are pretty much great. Keep up the good work, and sorry if this review is a bit harsh. I figured you'd prefer an honest but harsh review rather than a dishonest but 10/10 review. Thanks again for reviewing my song Racing Through Eternity, maybe we should exchange reviews again sometime :).

-Review Request Club-

DjAbbic responds:

Yeah :D. Unlike you, my replies cannot be a huge blob of text :(. Oh well, I'll try.

I totally prefer an honest and harsh review over a dishonest review. It always helps to learn new things and what people like/ don't like.

This song was made agess ago, and I'm pretty sure I have improved a lot since this. Also, one thing I'm not too good at, melodies. That's why I started making electro a bit more than this because in electro, the need for a melody is just not there :P.

I guess this submission was an 'early' one and I wasn't very experienced. Every time you look back a few months your music always sounds so simple and generic :|. Well, as long as you had fun making it.

That was my attempt at a long reply :S. If you ever want another review, you could PM me or leave a review somewhere and I'll get back to you asap ^^.

Also, thanks for the review :D. I guess you clicked on 'Most Popular 2010' and came up with this :S. I really hate it when your most popular song is not so good, and people think your a noob >.>

Well, thanks again. :)

Some parts are good, some not as much...

I'll start by saying that I really enjoyed this. It has a nice amount of changes to it, sounds very unique, and heck, some parts even sound professional. Production-wise, this song is also very good, and overall it has a very relaxing feel and a clear joyous sound to it. Some parts can get a bit boring or weird, but still, as a whole, this is a good submission.

The melodies are very nice and I don't really have much to complain about in this song, composition-wise. I really liked the change you did in the song at 1:57. It was getting a bit repetitive, so this little guitar section really broke the monotony well. I also liked the melody that played towards the end of the song by the guitar. It was definitely a euphoric melody. Actually, this whole song has a certain sense of happiness to it, and I can definitely imagine this being perfect to start a day with :).

The one thing which I didn't quite like was that sound that started to fade in at 0:27 and got to its loudest at 1:05. The exactly moment that I heard this sound I was a bit shocked, really. The whole song had a nice vibe to it, and this sound just ruins it all and sounds cheesy and strange. I'd definitely consider changing it to some sort of woodwind instrument or high violin.

As for the instrument choice, I was really, really impressed. I mean, wow, there's a guitar, there are some nice plucked synths, of course there's that cheesy sound at 1:05 and there's, what, a saw synth at 2:40? Wow. And you made it fit so well too! I must say that the instrument choice here is fantastic. The sounds fit so well together (except that sound at 1:05 which sounded out of place) and I can't believe you managed to make sounds which usually don't have anything to do with each other sound so awesome together. Good job on that ^^.

The transitions on the whole were great. Instead of suddenly introducing new melodies, you fade them in, providing a smooth transition, and I noticed a few cool breaks throughout the song like at 1:01 which helped to create a smooth transition. Probably this song's flow is the most smooth I've heard on NG in ages. The song just seamlessly transitioned from one section to the next, which I think is important in a song like this. Buildups were also good; no problem there...

The structure in this is actually quite unique. You have a set background with some nice bassey pad-like sounds and of course the House beat, but in the foreground you add a variety of different melodies, and each one comes in with a long fade-in and exits smoothly. I suppose a unique structure for a unique song would be necessary, though :D. Variety was good, and although the song was getting a bit repetitive after the one minute marker, I still think that the variety of different instruments and sections, coupled with the unique touch that you added made this quite an interesting and varied song.

The intro was PERFECT to someone who's just waking up. I definitely can't think of a better way to start the song. The song looped well too, and at times I didn't notice that it looped, although I think you could've done a quick fade out of the drum beat at the end to provide a smoother transition to the beginning.

The drums at times needed to be varied, but I doubt that would be easy in a song like this, and even then, the drums sound fine as they are. Perhaps the most interesting part about the drums is that they're a House beat, and they fit perfectly with the relaxing mood you've evoked. The drum sounds were also awesome and the drums were just the right volume. Basically, flawless drums.

You really seem to know your way around your DAW and you're really talented at making music, or at least judging from this song. It was really relaxing and enjoyable. I would have given it a 10 but the sound at 1:05 totally ruined it for me, sorry :P. Still, you were close to getting a 10, so amazing job on the song. Sorry for the long review, I'm like that when I write my reviews :D.
Keep up the truly amazing work, I hope to hear more of your pieces in the future!

-Review Request Club-

durn responds:

Hehehe, yeah, you're not alone with the dislike of the synth I chose for the lead melody. I really should've filtered it better and found some better supporting fx to thicken it up but for some reason I liked the shrillness of it. Almost seemed like an alarm clock in a way, to me. :d

You freakin' reviewed the hell outta this song, dude! :D That is amazing!! I'm glad you enjoyed the transitions as it's something I spend a lot of time on, I love stitching together weird odds and ends that may not normally work. :d

:) I'm glad my years of Reason use are starting to show as more than "Oh, that guy uses Reason". lol. :D Thanks for -beyond- the best review I've ever gotten, Stephen! Thank you, kind sir! :)

Quite a lengthy song...

While I don't think this is your best, it's still a really nice song. Just like most of your others, it's quite long, so you know what I do when I'm reviewing a long song. Break it up into sections :D.

0:00 - Damn, haha, I just had to have my volume up quite high because I was reviewing a slightly quiet song before this one. The powerful hit at the beginning *almost* gave me a fright, but luckily it's pretty hard to give me a fright :3.

I personally prefer intros which start with a really quick sweep (maybe a bar long) which gets from soft to loud, or maybe a reverse cymbal, instead of starting it instantly with a powerful hit. Definitely gives the listener a little time to prepare for a loud hit.

That being said, the intro was quite powerful and the plucked synth set the mood immediately. I didn't like the clapping and applause since it sounded a bit cheesy but that's probably just me and my hatred for anything generic. Good job on the intro!

0:47 - The song becomes quiet now, and there's an awesome buildup. Loved the transition at 1:01 and the addition of that beat was a really nice touch.

1:21 - Also a nice transition, although from here I'm starting to get a bit bored. The song doesn't really go anywhere for quite a while and nothing other than the fantastically executed transitions were that interesting.

1:56 - A bit of an anti climatic transition, to be honest, and over here the melody is getting a bit repetitive. Still, not too bad.

2:23 - OK that was very cool. After hearing this I was finally convinced that this song has some of the coolest transitions that I've heard on NG in a long while. The climax that followed soon after was awesome and as usual the harmonizing was spot on.

2:52 to 3:20 - I don't know about this part. It seems a little unnecessary to me. Not only because this is quite a long song and could do with being shorter and more condensed, but also because it's not really interesting and sounds a bit boring, to be honest.

3:20 - Wow, amazing. The percussive hit you did was a great way of introducing the piano. Best part is that the piano wasn't used before in the whole song so it really grabs the listener's attention when it comes in. Choir in the background was really nice too.

When some accompaniment and chords come in at 3:47, I was even more impressed. While I think the beat could've been a bit different since the exact same beat was used earlier in the song, I was still extremely impressed.

From then on the piano part was nicely structured and varied well. I think this part would be my favourite from the whole song, but then again I love piano anyway xD.

5:11 - A very nice way to go back to the familiar main melody that plays throughout the song. We can clearly see (hear) that from here the song is getting ready to finish, and while I said that I don't like the applause in the beginning since it sounded cheesy, I actually think the applause over here fits really well xP.

5:53 - Ah, the piano comes in again with another good transition. Nice job here.

6:06 - The song ends. As for the ending, it was great. The only thing that might have been better is if you give a bit more importance to the final note. Maybe give it a percussive hit or something, since right now I think that the final note doesn't really give as much of a satisfying ending as I would have liked.

I'll have to admit that for your first collaboration, I'm very impressed. I've never done a collaboration with anyone before except people I know in real life so I don't really know how the experience is, though.

Heck, even if it wasn't your first collaboration this is still a really awesome song, especially transition-wise and piano-wise :D. Probably the main problems with this song are the fact that it's repetitive and sometimes uninteresting. Keep up the awesome work!

Heh, feels weird requesting a review when I'm in the Review Request Club, but if you could review my song 'Racing Through Eternity' then that would really be awesome.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/322854


-Review Request Club-

DJ-Chilvan responds:

Thanks so much for the review! I read and followed every single word, and will take all of it into consideration. Just right off the bat, I collaborated with a real-life friend. Montehawks (Monte) is a very good friend of mine. We made this at his house. So yea, this is my first collab, and it's with someone I personally knowXD.
I really liked the transitions too. Many of them were from Monte but I spiced up a few and told him where to put them. In a nutshell, Monte made around 40% of the patterns while I made 60% of them. I made the piano part and most of its harmonic counterparts as well (that was so I could show my influence in this collab). I focused on harmonies, structure, bass lines, and mixing. Monte focused on transitions, effects (especially filters), several parts of the structure, and some instrument choice. I also had my instrument of choice in here (the simple saw from Nexus). The cutoff was just lowered, so its more comparable to "Golden Paradise" rather than "Our Nova."
I'm glad you liked my song! I would love to see a review for Golden Paradise if it wouldn't take much of your time.=)


You've seriously left me speechless. I really don't know what to say about this piece. It's just so amazing that I can't find much to comment about, and trust me, it takes a lot to leave me speechless... Well, I'm part of the RRC, so I'd better think of something to say.

The composition is obviously the highlight of this track, and it's really well done. Those melodies are extraordinary and every section had a totally new theme to it, each melody sounding more amazing than the previous one. I think my favourite part would be a tie between the second section and 3:22 onwards, but all of it sounds superb. Extraordinary job with the melodies, they're among the best I've heard in a long while.

Naturally, the only downfall in this would be the performance. Not to say you played it badly because you didn't, but there are a few mistakes or bad timing, which distract the listener a bit. Furthermore, like in your other piece, this could be a bit louder. Could be me and my obsession to loudness, but I think you could definitely amplify this by at least 5 decibels and not reach any clipping.

TL;DR: this song is amazing. You have a real talent at playing the guitar, and I hope you develop it even more :D.

-Review Request Club-

Darkmaster603 responds:

haha Thanks! I can play this a lot better now, it's just finding the time to record it. I mostly do live performances, so recording is kind of tedious to me sometimes. My nails were also a bit too long at the time, which can cause me to hit some different strings. I try to increase the volume, but it ends up making the quality bad when you turn it up louder. The guitar is a chamber instrument, so it's not going to be the loudest, but I'm trying different techniques to get the most volume out of it, I even gbought a second mic to record in stereo and hopefully get more volume out of it.

Thanks for the lengthy review =D


I suppose I can't give this any lower than a 10/10. It's at atmospheric track, and a very well done one. The three different sections fit really well with each story, it has almost professional instrumentation, and the atmosphere you made was excellent. This isn't really something I'd listen to, but that's strictly my opinion, and I'm still giving full marks because this does its job well as an atmospheric piece. Good job!

The composition in this is fantastic, especially the melodies played by the piano. I really don't think I can say much about the melodies. I especially liked the different atmospheres you conveyed in each section. In the first one you can clearly hear a peaceful and wondrous atmosphere, in the second one you can hear the suspense, and the last powerful part had quite a good atmosphere too. Superb job with the atmospheres and melodies.

The instruments are also good quality and chosen very well. I especially liked your use of choirs in this. Those wind chimes at the beginning were a nice touch, as well. The one thing that I think might help over here is if you turn the track up a bit more. I can't begin to tell you how much more I enjoyed this track by turning my volume up higher than it should be. Although that's probably just me.

Transitions were good, although I think the transitions from one section to another could use some work. You simply stopped one section, left some silence, and started the next for the first transition and for the second you suddenly made the song more powerful, catching the listener by surprise. For a background track, I definitely think this needs smoother transitions. Still, overall the transitions weren't too bad.

I can't really comment much about the structure and variety since the structure of this is simply three completely different sections and the variety is obviously great since no patterns are repeating themselves, so good job I suppose :P. The intro and outro were both fantastic and I won't complain about them either. The intro was quite majestic and a good way to start the song, and the ending was also good.

As for the percussion, it was very mighty and powerful, namely in the third section. I was pretty surprised when the percussion decided to disappear after the percussion hit at 1:02. I expected it to go on a little longer. Still, other than that, the percussion was eye-widening, if you can take that as a compliment :3.

So yeah, in general this is a really good track. Other than maybe making this louder, improving the transitions in between each section and maybe keeping the percussion going a little longer in the third section, I think this is really amazing and I hope you keep up the excellent work!

-Review Request Club-

Calamaistr responds:

The CD version is slightly louder :)

Anyway, this is perhaps the least of the tracks on this album not that its bad ofcourse, just expect better things. ;)

And thanks for the elaborate review man.



I had to review the flash game which uses this song since it was requested in a club I'm in, the Review Request Club, and in it there's a choice of 3 songs. This one beats each one of them by far and I always keep it playing while I'm playing the game. It's actually quite unique for a techno song, especially the beat, and choice of synths. Excellent job on this, you really seem to know your way around your DAW, especially if this was made a year before you uploaded it :P. Also, what does Sibm mean? Does it have to do with B Minor (bm)? xD.

The melodies are great. Loved all of the new melodies that came in, which all built on the first melody that plays at the beginning (even that was catchy). I would've liked to see a bit more changes in the chord progression, but still, the chord progression you used wasn't generic and sounded great. Loved the small break at 2:54, and the great melody that followed it. I think one of the few things I would've wished to see more of would be solos. You had some really awesome sections in the song, yet there were rarely any parts where the song goes a bit quiet and some synth plays an epic solo before continuing with the song. Still, I'm a fan of solos, so that's probably my bias :3.

The synths were also amazing. None of them were unoriginal or cheesy. I mean really, I expected some cheesy dance/techno saw lead to take over and make me go 'Oh alright, this is just like the other cheesy songs...', but all of the new synths were interesting and fit with each other very week. While I would welcome a few more pads, I'm not that much of an expert at techno as much as I am at Orchestral and Trance, so maybe pads won't work. Basically, all of the synths were chosen really well. I really like the Video-Game-like feel that the sounds you used give out. Nice job!

The transitions were all pristine and I can't seem to point out any transitions which sound weird. At first I thought the transition to the small break at 2:54 was way too abrupt, but when the song kept on playing, I was impressed so it doesn't matter. New synths were all introduced well, and I also liked the fact that throughout the song you had a lot of sections where you introduce a new synth every few bars, building up to some fantastic climaxes. Transitions/buildups were superb.

Structure was very cool, and I enjoyed every new section you threw in. However, as you said, the variety could use a bit of work, but strangely, even though I really hate it when songs repeat a lot, this song didn't end up that repetitive, to be honest. Probably because it's so awesome. The intro was an excellent way to start the song, although I think the ending could be a bit better. In my opinion, you should go to 4:58 where there's the last note with the heavy plucked saw, and add a crash cymbal right where it plays. Then, fade out whatever plays after it. If you don't get what I mean but want to get what I mean, send me a PM :P.

The drums are probably some of the most original and unique drum styles I've ever heard in a techno song. Hell, the drums had a hip-hop style to them, with snaps, hi-hats and a hip-hop beat, yet they fit so darn well with the song. I mean wow, I expected a song like this to have techno drums, but I was so wrong. The beat sounded excellent, and while at times it got a bit too drowned out by the synths and was a little hard to hear, and at other times it got a slight bit repetitive, I still think the drums are near-perfect. Good job on the drums!

In conclusion, overall I really like this song. Trust me when I tell you that I'm no fan at all of Techno songs, since I prefer Orchestral or Trailerscore much much more, so getting me to download a techno song these days is a feat that only a very small amount of talented Techno artists have done, and you're one of them :D. Keep up the amazing work, I hope to see (hear) more excellent songs like this from you!

-Review Request Club-

Hey if you don't mind, can you maybe review my song Racing Through Eternity? :3.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/322854

Drawoh responds:

wow O.o
Awesome review!!

I gotta say, you sure do know how to review a song with all that wisdom on your side :P
I'd like every review to be like this one, expressing everything they feel and hear about the song.

Thank u very much for just stopping by and taking your time to write a review.

( and yeah, its B minor, didn't know how to name the song at the moment :D )

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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