I knew I was going to have some good competition for the contest. This sounds really cool, keep up the good work.
Yeah, the melodies are very catchy. You're really talented when it comes to melodies, and here is no exception. The main melody is catchy, and when the beat comes in, I was like 'wow, those match perfectly'. Also, towards the end, the song really picked up, and was really fun to listen to.
Unfortunately, I don't agree with a lot of the 'notes that are held out longer than what they probably should' in this. They feel as if they're 'forced' into playing for longer than they should be, instead of having that 'natural' held back feel, if you know what I mean, and at times the piano lingered behind the beat which was a little weird. I'd suggest making some parts where the piano plays some high notes on its own, and THEN adding some notes which are longer than they should be, since those notes sound weird when played with the beat, making the listener lose track of the song.
Still, on the bright side, the offbeat notes were fun to listen to, and the chords you used are really well done. By the way, I'll have to agree with RiotProof that this song needs some EQing. By the way, the synth (?) that you added sounded a bit weird, and sort of ruined the feel you originally set with the piano. Replace it with some strings, or possibly a woodwind instrument such as a pan flute.
The transitions overall were decent, even though there were a few transitions which made me lose the song's rhythm. Also, the transition at 3:13 doesn't sit well with me, I think maybe it's because you took away the piano and drums a bit too suddenly. Still, a lot of the other transitions were cool, such as the way you introduced the piano and beat at 3:30. The song structure is very good - perhaps at times a little random, but a good song structure in general.The intro was great, I can't find anything to complain about, and so was the ending, so great job ^^.
The drums had good samples, and the beats were very cool, and fit extremely well with the piano. The drums in general were well varied. The only thing I would ask for would be some more cymbals. You mostly had tomtom drums, a kick and a snare. Some parts in the song could do with some ride cymbals and maybe some hihats, and I think this definitely needs some crash cymbals too, namely when you took away the drums from the song, since most of the time they exited from the song quite abruptly and suddenly, so by adding a crash cymbal right after they exit the song, I think it would provide a smoother exit.
Overall, this is a really cools submission, and Darklight and I sure have to work if we want to beat this :P. Keep up the great work, you're an excellent piano artist, and you have quite a large chance of being $50 richer towards mid-April xP. Keep it up! Also, I'd appreciate it if you check out my latest WiP, I'm about to post it on the WiP advice thread ;).
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