Good song ^^.
Hey man, I can't even remember the last time I reviewed one of your songs for the RRC lol xD. Well, sorry for reviewing late, compared to the other members; but as you may imagine, these reviews take a while to write :P. Oh, and as for the song, great job on it, it's fun to listen to and really well made. Keep up the good work, man.
The melodic section of the song is very well done, with a nice chord progression used, although maybe you could use a different chord progression? It's just that the whole song had the same chord progression (as far as I know, anyway. I suck at music theory) which could change a little, since it would also help with your variety. Also, good job at 2:51, that'd probably be one of my favourite parts of the whole song :D. In addition, I also liked your amount of melodies. Whilst the chord progression was the same throughout the whole song, you had a number of different melodies which really helped keep the song interesting.
One thing about that repetitive note that you kept on playing... As Animith said it didn't get too repetitive, but even then I think it got a little too predictable and annoying to listen to at times. Add some more automation on it, maybe some additional parts where that note doesn't play. Perhaps you can vary its rhythm more throughout the song, and add some parts where it plays arpeggios instead of a repeated note. Still, overall it was a nice addition. Furthermore, the harmonizing in this track is very well done, which is a nice difference from usual Trance songs which have little to no harmonizing in them.
The instruments are great, and they all fit with each other so well. Each one fit so amazingly in the mix that none stood out too much and contrasted with the other instruments, although maybe the addition of a few more effects on the instruments such as delay and reverb might help out. Production and mastering are good, although what this song might lack would be a vocal sample. I think a small vocal sample saying something catchy in some transitions, particularly the transition at 2:49, would really help fill up the transition a little and make it more interesting in my opinion.
The transitions are actually really really good. I haven't heard such good transitions in a long while. I particularly liked the transition at 0:45 and the transitition at 1:53/2:20 would probably be my favourite transition from the whole song. I must say that those transitions sound almost professional. Great job! New instruments were also introduced really well, and the buildups were also great. The transtitions and stuff really shine in this submission.
The structure is quite interesting, and the fact that at the end you added the climax of the song provided a good structure, so nice job over there. Variety was OK. As I said, you had a nice amount of melodies, although it still sounds a *little* repetitive because of the fact that the chord progressions never change. Although maybe it could be just be me, as I said, I'm a beginner at music theory. The intro was decent, although I feel that it has potential to be better. Add something a little more interesting to it, such as a sweep, a splash cymbal or some reverbed kick. Ending was a fade ending. To be honest, the fact that it went right to the climax and suddenly faded out for an ending really left an anti-climatic ending. Try and give it a more interesting ending, other than a fade out.
The drums are basic techno drums, not really too special. Still, the rhythms of the snares were excellent, which really made up for the somewhat generic kick and hi-hat beats. The kick, at times, could be a bit more powerful, but overall the drums were pretty good, and the snare was great. Reverse cymbal was also nice :).
In general, this is awesome, although the generic kick/hat rhythms, uninteresting intro/outro, lack of different chord progressions, lack of effects and slightly annoying repetitive note ruin this song a bit. However, I really enjoyed listening to this... Keep up the fantastic work!
-Review Request Club-