Nice :)
This is a really good drawing of a gun, and although, like Haggard, I barely know anything about guns, at least I know how they look like and I'm telling you, this looks a lot like one.
Shading gave this picture a really cool 3D effect, especially the shading at the very left, but when it comes to the scope, I think the shading could've been done a little better since the shading was a little too dark at the bottom. Other than that, the shading was perfect. Colour scheme was excellent as well, maybe a bit too bright, but I don't know if that's how the gun is in real life.
The gun itself was drawn really well, and is the perfect shape, but after reading Coop83's review (and only understanding half of it...), I think he is right about the scope being too far down. As for the background, there wasn't any, which was really what gave you a 9. I like CaptainAwesome's blueprint idea, or you can at least simply make a person holding it, sniping off opponents high up on a building. If you can make a gun this good, I'm sure you can make a background that good.
It's a really cool looking gun, that only needs a background to compliment it. Keep up the good work, and sorry for the useless and short review, guns aren't my strong point.
-Review Request Club-