Good job!
The instant I saw this picture I was immediately impressed by the way you made the guy in it look so bloodthirsty and evil. Great job, I couldn't find anything wrong in it.
Colour scheme was perfect, as dopedgod said. The colour of the blood looked great, and no colour sort of stood out and looked annoying in this picture :). The texture and shading, well, there wasn't really any :P. Still, I liked that you sketched this. I suppose it would look better more realistic, but it still looks great like this. Scribbles FTW :D.
You drew the person really well, the way he was tilted to the left instead of straight, and I really liked the way you drew the teeth as well. Gah, I'm trying to look for some defect but I can't find any X(.
This could use a background, but it isn't really too necessary. Just something extra that could add to this already-awesome submission ^^.
There isn't really much to add to this submission other than a background. Good job, it looks really cool!
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