I like fire, I like Castle Crashers...
...so yeah, I can't say I don't like this submission ^^. This looks well-drawn and actually looks quite mighty, so yeah, good job on this :D.
The colours, well, red, green and white. While I like your use of different shades of red, unfortunately I don't like the fact that you made the ground green. It sort of stands out in the fiery atmosphere of the piece. Make it fit with the colour scheme a little more, maybe some shade of red with a few sparks coming out of the ground or something, it's just that green didn't really fit with the colour scheme in my opinion. The shading was good, and although the texture, especially on the fire, was pretty simply, it added to the unique stylethat you used to draw this. So yeah, the texture/shading overall was decent, but the colour of green for the ground stands out a bit, and I think you should find something which matches a bit more with the colour scheme of red.
The picture itself was drawn well. The feet look a little weird, and the outline of the ground was too thick, but you drew this well overall, especially the fire around the Castle Crasher, although maybe you could make it that both of his hands are holding fireballs. Just a suggestion ^^. The background was done very well, and I like that you added that fiery background instead of left it one colour or something. Good job :).
In general, it's a pretty simple piece, has its defects like any other picture, but it's an all around good submission. Keep it up.
Recommended for Art Portal.
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