
62 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 85 Reviews

Should be the logo of the NG General Forum :D.

Yeah, I can't really find much wrong with this. Most of the stuff that could've been better was already mentioned, so I suppose you get a 10/10 from me :3. Good job on this!

The colours are fantastic. The fact that all of the objects and background has bright colours while the trolls are all dark make them stand out more (just like a troll would stand out in a forum :D) and gives this picture a sort of comical feel. The shading was also superb, so nice job there too, although I would've liked to see a more fur-like texture on the trolls instead of the plain texture you have now.

As for the drawing itself, it's drawn extremely well, too. As I said, this has a comical and cartoon-y theme to it. The blankly staring eyes of the trolls and the open mouths give them an ignorant appearance, which was cool. The throne is also drawn well, and while I don't see why you didn't draw a floor, I think the drawing in this is flawless.

The background is cool, and as Coop83 said, the background colours resembled the NG colour scheme. Nothing wrong with the background either.

In all, this is a good picture. Since I can't find anything wrong with it, you get a 10/10. Keep up the good work.
Recommended for the Art Portal.

-Review Request Club-

Mabelma responds:

Thank you so much for the reccomendation, the 10 and for the great review. I am very sorry for boy having responded earlier, so please excuse me but again thank you for such a great review and as you say a fur texture would indeed be nice for those trolls, I'll try to ad everything you guys/gals said as soon as I can.

Good overall.

This is a good art submission; it seems a little plain, but overall it's a nice picture and a pretty cool concept. Good on this ^^.

The colour scheme is good. The skin was a good colour, and so was the hat. Maybe the eyebrows could be a bit darker, since they look like grey worms right now :P. The shading could use some work, like putting shading around the nose to make it look like it's sticking out and stuff, since right now the face is a bit flat. Texture could be a bit better, such as making some bruises and scars on his face and hair texture on his eyebrows. It would definitely give this a realistic touch. Texture on the hat was fine.

The concept is good. Slightly generic, but good. As for the picture itself, it was draw well. Maybe you could make the hat a bit bigger, and you could make it almost cover his eyes, then shade around his eyes a little. It would definitely give him a more menacing look. Also, the left eye is a *little* further down from the right eye, maybe you could fix that. Still, other than those small problems, this is a well-drawn picture. I like the lines that you did around his face. Definitely made him look more menacing.

The background was good, although it could be more interesting, like a street or something. Still, I liked that you made the background black, not white, since white will make it look a little stupid. Black FTW :D.

In general, this is good. Well-drawn, with good colours and good hat texture. Just add some more texture around the face, more shading, and maybe making the eyes in line a bit more. Keep upthe good work!
Recommended for the Art Portal.

-Review Request Club-

MCarsten responds:

Wow, really thanks by your review, I really enjoyed. Ok, I'll try to improve for my next art, trying to get what you asked to see the result. This image was an old Paint design that I done, but I imported to Flash and there I fixed the background and give the guy a better looking (lol, better I want to say, more evil looking) and I made some more details to his face and I reinforced some of the lines, like the eyebrow, as you can see. Thanks again for the nice review!!


A good variety of the Yin-Yang sign...

Not such a bad job on this. It has a nice pattern, and is a pretty well-drawn picture, although looks a little plain. Still, it's alright, good job on it :).

The colours were one of the main defects of this picture. Unfortunately, you only used black and white. While these are the original colours of the Yin-Yang symbol, unfortunately it makes the picture look bland and plain. IMO this could really do with different colours. Since the tradition of Yin-Yang is with 2 colours, maybe with your Yang-Ying you could add your own touch by giving it a variety of different colours, maybe instead of the white parts you could add a mixture light colours such as cyan, yellow, bright green, etc... and instead of the black part you could add some darker colours like purple, dark blue, etc...

The pattern inside the Yin-Yang symbol was well drawn, and the quality isn't THAT bad. The circle was actually drawn pretty well, although may I suggest that you use a compass next time to draw the circle? Write now it's not a perfect circle which takes a little away from the submission. Also, in some parts, such as the left side of the circle, you drew further away from the circumference of the circle. Still, the pattern inside looks great.

This lacks a background, unfortunately. It doesn't need to be anything too special, although a background which can replace the bland white background you have now would be great. Maybe add a gradient from a dark colour to a bright colour where the darker colour is at the bottom and the brighter one at the top. Just an idea...

Overall, it's decent. Too bad it seems so plain, being black and white and all. However, the pattern inside the symbol was fine and overall it was drawn pretty well. Just work on adding more colours, fixing the rough edges and adding a background. Keep up the good work.

-Review Request Club-

MonoFlauta responds:

"Not such a bad job on this. It has a nice pattern, and is a pretty well-drawn picture, although looks a little plain. Still, it's alright, good job on it :)."

Haha thanks, its a little plain because the Ying-Yang itself is plain :p

"maybe with your Yang-Ying you could add your own touch by giving it a variety of different colours, maybe instead of the white parts you could add a mixture light colours such as cyan, yellow, bright green, etc... and instead of the black part you could add some darker colours like purple, dark blue, etc..."

Lol really nice idea, thanks a lot maybe this will be really usefull in the future... thanks!

"The pattern inside the Yin-Yang symbol was well drawn, and the quality isn't THAT bad. The circle was actually drawn pretty well, although may I suggest that you use a compass next time to draw the circle?"

I used one u.u i really suck making circles :p

"This lacks a background, unfortunately. It doesn't need to be anything too special, although a background which can replace the bland white background you have now would be great. Maybe add a gradient from a dark colour to a bright colour where the darker colour is at the bottom and the brighter one at the top. Just an idea..."

Yes nice idea, but i liked to keep it like that :p thanks anyway

"Overall, it's decent. Too bad it seems so plain, being black and white and all. However, the pattern inside the symbol was fine and overall it was drawn pretty well. Just work on adding more colours, fixing the rough edges and adding a background. Keep up the good work."

Oks thanks a lot for the very usefull review! :D

Absolutely amazing

This is another amazing picture by you. This isn't one of your best, admittedly, although that surely doesn't make it a bad picture. Even when experimenting your pictures come out so well. Good job!

The colour scheme was green, and I liked that the eye was a different colour since it made it stand out a bit more and contrast with the green, giving it its own importance in the picture, which is good when considering the fact that this picture is called 'Dragon Eye'. The shading was brilliant, especially around the eye, and the texture of the scales was really, really good. These are all signs of your amazing artistic talent.

Not really much wrong with the picture itself. The way the eye is drawn makes it look like it's looking directly at you, giving the picture a menacing feel. The only small issue that I seem to find about this picture is that the shine effect on the eye looks a bit out of place. Maybe you could make it a bit less... prominent? I don't know, it's just that as it is it looks a little weird, although that may just be me.

This picture deserves all the 10's it can get, just like all of your others. Keep up the amazing work, you're definitely my favourite art creator on NG and any other artist will have to be REAL good to take your place :D. Keep it up!

-Review Request Club-

EchoRun responds:

Not overly happy with that eye highlight myself, but gel pen was all I had on hand that would stick.

thanks for the review. :)


This really looks amazing. It's good to see that dragons aren't the only things you excel at :P. The picture really sucks you into the atmosphere and looks great. Superb job on this one, probably one of my favourites from you.

The green colour scheme works really well in this picture. I wish I saw more brown though, since with the picture being almost all green, it does seem slightly bland. Still, not much of a problem, when the different shades of green worked so well. The shading and lighting was out of this world, especially in the middle of the picture, and the texture of the plants was also sublime.

When you see this in full size, you're immediately hit by the brilliant detail of the piece. Everywhere you look in the picture leaves you doubting whether it's actually a real photo of a jungle or not. I also liked the atmosphere of this picture: obviously there's the atmosphere of a jungle, but the butterfly-like creatures even give it a mystical and magical atmosphere.

This picture is just amazing. If I had anything to say about it, it'd be the lack of colours other than green, but that defect is so small it's barely worth mentioning. This is going straight on my favourites.

-Review Request Club-

EchoRun responds:

Thank you. :)

I'm glad you like.

Yep, always dragons with you :P.

Yet another amazing work of art. I'm always impressed by your submissions, and this is no exception. Amazing job, this is just excellent.

The colours were well chosen on the whole. Loved the colours of the dragon, and the colour of the keys was great too. Colours were fantastic, and I can say the same thing for the shading, which was also superb. The dragon's shadow was great, and so was all the other shading, especially on the wings. Texture was spot on, although MAYBE (could be just me), the dragon's skin isn't scaly enough? I don't know, it just seems a little plain as it is, it needs a bit more texture to it IMO.

The concept was good, and the picture itself was drawn extremely well. I really liked how you drew the keys. I really don't think there's anything wrong with the picture, even the background was great. Don't you ever do anything wrong?

All in all, this is another excellent piece. You seriously have the power to bring dragons to life in just some pictures. Keep up the amazing work, you are sure among the best artists on NG :D.

-Review Request Club-

EchoRun responds:

Lol, I would be the first person to point out flaws with my work, particularly after I have let them sit for a while.

Thanks you for the review. :)

Basically what MonoFlauta said...

This is well drawn, and has a nice style to it. I suppose the only defects in it are the ones that MonoFlauta pointed out. Never saw any Pokémon when I was young, so I don't really understand who this person really is, but what the heck, I still see this as a well-drawn picture, so good job ^^.

The colours were fine, I like that you kept to the same colour scheme and no colour stood out and contrasted too much with the brown colour scheme you used. Shading was also superb, especially around the right arm, and the texture was alright. Maybe you could give the hair a bit more of a texture instead of keeping it so plain.

The pose is done very well, but as MonoFlauta said, the feet are a little weird (it's as if they're made out of rubber) and could be a little less thin. The clothes were great, nothing to complain about there. As for the background, it was very plain. You should find a background which makes the picture more interesting but doesn't divert the viewer's attention away from Sandshrew too much. Just a suggestion :).

In all, it's a good submission. Well-drawn on the whole, and only has a few small defects such as the lack of background, weird legs and lack of texture. Keep up the great work!

-Review Request Club-

Aigis responds:


...Never played or saw Pokemon when you were young?

I... I'm so sorry.

As for the lack of a background, this was for a collab in the art forum which specified that there shouldn't be a background. Not that I'm saying I would have been able to draw a good background, had I chosen to do so.

You should draw secretly more often.

Good job man, this, for something done while making sure no teacher sees it, is a great picture. It's got a lot of stuff to look at, and heck, I could look at it for 10 minutes and not find all of the stuff inside it. Nice job!

The colours were pretty plain to be honest. Just blue, white and a little red for the margin. as XwaynecoltX said, this could do with some more red, maybe green and some other colours too (for instance, the fire at the bottom leftish could do with some orange and red). You seem to be very good at pen ink-style drawing, so more colours really wouldn't hurt in a picture like this. There wasn't much shading, maybe you could work more on that, and as for the texture, as Fro said, the colour filling in got a bit sloppy as you looked further up in the picture. The bottom, especially the bottom right, was excellent, but at the top it looked like you were running out of ink :P.

The picture itself was well-drawn. As I mentioned above, there really was a lot to look at; the picture really was utter chaos, which brings me to my next point. The margin and lines in the background REALLY didn't fit. I'm sure this (or at least pictures similar to this) would look much better without the lines and margin, since they depict a sort of organised/neat feel, contrasting with the utter chaos of the drawing itself. Also, the drawing cut off a little at the end, although that can easily be fixed with a bit of cropping.

The background, as I said, was bad because of the lines/margin, so maybe you could add something a bit more interesting? Instead of leaving it as white, you could fill it in a different colour; something that matches with blue, such as red or black. Maybe add something like a gradient in the background. Although if you can't think of anything, plain white would be fine anyway.

So, overall, it's a good submission. There's a lot to see, and considering the fact that you did this when you should have been paying attention, it's great :P. Keep up the good work!

-Review Request Club-

MonoFlauta responds:

"Good job man, this, for something done while making sure no teacher sees it"
Yes hahaha but i did well that part :P

"It's got a lot of stuff to look at, and heck, I could look at it for 10 minutes and not find all of the stuff inside it. Nice job!"

Thanks! the idea was to fill all the page with random stuff but no soo random, everything has a meaning it self... not explicit obviously :P

"The colours were pretty plain to be honest. Just blue, white and a little red for the margin. as XwaynecoltX said, this could do with some more red, maybe green and some other colours too"

Yes i will need to buy new pens with others colors lol

"The bottom, especially the bottom right, was excellent, but at the top it looked like you were running out of ink :P."

Haha no, it was my humor :P not that, at the end i was like bah... who cares and i took a lot of time in it, at the beggining for personal reason i was very angry with a lot of things so i drawed it with more anger.

"would look much better without the lines and margin, since they depict a sort of organised/neat feel, contrasting with the utter chaos of the drawing itself"

Yes the problem that that page was an shool page :P and that margin is for it to enter in a carpet and the lines are from the page to you to writhe there :p i didnt painted them... i only did the chaos an i didnt want to remove them with the computer because i wanted to let it original.

"So, overall, it's a good submission. There's a lot to see, and considering the fact that you did this when you should have been paying attention, it's great :P. Keep up the good work!"

Hahaha but i did well in the test so nobody cares :p

Thanks a lot for reviewing and for the awesome score!!!

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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