
600 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


I'm feeling obliged to straight out admit that I missed reviewing your stuff. Not just listening to it, but reviewing it. Your tracks are incredibly fun to dissect for me because as you know I think my sense of composition is really similar to yours! I adore your melodies here, but most of all the way you progress them. The progression here is simply brilliant. Everything works together like clockwork, and your transitions are as smooth as butter. 1:30's little motif is just wonderful and the way you use it in the background 2 minutes later, as you play various other melodies on top of it, is simply priceless. Your foreground melodies are so uplifting and so very johnfn (minus grace notes)! There are other creative little compositional tidbits that may not be groundbreaking but really leave a mark on the listener, like 4:10's "call and response" with the filters, the little glissando shortly thereafter, and the way the track dies down to almost complete silence a few seconds later before making a pretty awesome return.

Some things about your execution/production bug me, but I'll get to those later. For now, the first thing I need to mention is that the sounds you're using are mostly really nice, and the way you use them just sells it to me. I love the super warm filtered sawtooth lead at 0:15 which sounds like you put guitar amp distortion on it! If you did, then that's actually a really clever way to make a mix between rock and electronic without using a single guitar. Moreover, your drums sound really nice, if a bit dry. My only issue is that this gets hugely cluttered in the climax towards the end! It's less of a problem of having too much going on and more of a problem of levelling and EQing the individual elements, so maybe if you had more time then that's what you would've worked on.

Honestly though, this is a gorgeous piece of music. All of my yes!

SCORE: 9.3/10

johnfn responds:

I missed YOU STEP! <3 Thanks for doing such a colossal amount of work for NGADM and maybe next round I'll start more than 2 days before the deadline and have enough time to mix... nah hahah who am I kidding.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


OK yep you've definitely made an amazing improvement. I know how I told LunyAlex that I think his orchestral submission is one of the best this round. Well, this is is another one of the best. Your melodic work is just phenomenal. It's nothing complex but it's captivating, progresses very naturally and sounds just great. Wonderful harmonies at 1:26 and 2:46. The various dynamics in this track also serve to give the track more varied and different-sounding sections, and unlike LunyAlex your approach to dynamic changes was perfect. The swells up to 1:08 and 2:26 are to die for, and the way you drop the intensity down at 1:56 is abrupt but tastefully so. The piano's composition is gorgeous by the way! And those transitions! 2:14 has to be my favourite. The way you rise up to that moment, the introduction of the clarinet, that beautiful piano motif... Honestly, this is great stuff.

Your production is really solid. The EQing is pretty much spot on, and you can hear that at parts where you play orchestral hits like 1:08. Every instrument in the mix has its own space, and the clarity is all there! I quite like how you mixed in the percussion too - the large hits add a lot of power, and the softer percussion is still nice and punchy, although I would've liked a bit more reverb on the drums! Speaking of which, I really like the rhythms you used for your percussion, but I feel like the percussion gets very repetitive. I would have enjoyed a wider variety of hits and percussive sounds, with more drum fills and subtle changes in the beat, to give your track a more intricate background. I'm struggling to find many other faults in this; it's impressive! Good work.

So yeah, pat yourself on the back for making such a radical improvement. Keep up the great work.

SCORE: 9.1/10

papkee responds:

Feels so good knowing that all the work I put into this paid off. While I didn't win I wasn't expecting much being paired with Cadmus and Johnfn, I'm still proud in myself for actually sitting down and being patient enough to make a well-written track.

I still am a huge fan of the piano, and it's a combination of amazing samples and live-entered midi straight from my keyboard. It really is, in my opinion, one of the best things about this track.

Thanks a bunch; as always your reviews are stellar.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


5 seconds in and here I am gaping at the TOTAL departure in style from your audition! Colour me surprised. However, don't colour me impressed. I feel like the quality you presented in your audition is far from present in this track, and at the extreme risk of sounding biased, I think you are a lot more proficient at orchestral. I've got quite a few issues with this track but my review space for Round 1 is a bit too limited to address them all, so I'll just mention a few glaring ones. Some transitions are awful. For instance, after a decidedly interesting intro, you transition almost senselessly into a totally different sound. 2:08 is the same story. These abrupt transitions disrupt the flow and simply make the track sound like two or three tracks put together.

On top of that, you have almost nothing interesting that justifies retaining interest in this track. The first half of the track consists of a cliche offbeat bass, blaring gated sawtooth synth, drowned-out lead and repetitive trap-like beat. The second half is a repetitive melody played on a drum beat similar to its former counterpart. There aren't many positive aspects to comment on I'm afraid. On top of that, like your audition, this also lacks dynamics. It feels very samey throughout and simply gets monotonous to listen to. I can hear some interesting melodic stuff, but nothing truly memorable.

I regrettably have to give you a low score for this, but good luck with your future musical endeavours!

SCORE: 4.2/10

FlaggedOnArrival responds:

Great review :) Love it when someone points out my flaws so I can work on them :D Thanks Step, and have a great time judging the remainder of the NGADM. Also: Thanks for the honesty :)

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


First off, this is, in my opinion, one of the best orchestral/cinematic submissions of this round, because not only is it well-produced and expressive like a lot of other orchestral tracks this round, but it's also highly melodic and memorable. Composition-wise, I have very little issues. The chords are lovely, your melody is excellent and your progression is spot on. What I would consider to be my favourite part of this track would certainly have to be 0:44. It's the kind of section that does wonders to showcase the melody in its purest form, and the fact that it's a break from all the exciting percussive sections is very much welcomed. You also have great samples which you use very well, especially in sections like the intro where the warmth of those strings can really shine.

On the subject of mixing, I'll start by saying that you've pretty much nailed reverberation and levelling. What's supposed to be in the background is mostly in the background and anything that's supposed to be upfront can easily be heard. Having said that, I feel like the mix does get a bit cluttered and stressed during the climactic sections with the heavy percussion. It sounds like you've compressed those sections like you would an electronic track, and in fact the waveform in those sections (particularly the ending section) are almost bricked. I also feel like the dynamic changes could've been more gradual. The track seemingly jumps from one dynamic to another. For example, it opens up too suddenly at 0:32 and the buildup to the 0:58 section was too weak. 2:49 is the only dynamic change which is somewhat properly approached. Making the listener anticipate a dynamic change like that with a proper approach will give it a lot more meaning then just arbitrarily changing from soft to loud or what have you.

I thoroughly enjoyed this track. Great work!

SCORE: 8.8/10

LunyAlex responds:

Thank you very much for the in-depth review and detailed feedback! Every point has been dully noted!
Definitely need to pay closer attention to compression levels and transitions.

Thank you again!

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Some groove? Why thank you! You shouldn't have! This is such a fun and bold track that I can't imagine anyone on their first listen not smiling or succumbing to the contageous rhythm by tapping their foot at the very least. Speaking of which, I'm going to start by saying that, rhythmically, this is brilliant. You indeed have an excellent grasp of the swing rhythm and every element works together beautifully with the rhythmic backbone - the percussion. The rhythm/groove of the drums is complex, varied and intricate but at the same time easy to follow, which is the mark of good percussion - accents and drum hits in just the right places.

Having said that, calling it just "rhythmic stuff" as you did in the thread doesn't do it nearly enough justice, because even in other aspects of composition this track does not fail to impress. You have a fantastic structure. While I think the primary bassline was a bit overused and some harmonies were weird, you otherwise know exactly when to switch things around with some new grooves and alternate melodies. Loving your intro and how gradually you introduce the track. You set the mood swiftly and slowly build on it until you've fully introduced and established every major element. If I had to suggest anything to improve on in this track, it would definitely be the mix. I can hear the lack of polish you're talking about. The bass is way too heavy, the high hats penetrate the mix a bit too much, other drums are drowned out, and certain sections without the plucked bass sound empty.

But what the heck, you've got a good track with a loveable mood, addictive groove and fun melodies. What's not to like?

SCORE: 8.1/10

Jernemies responds:

Oh thanks, that's a nice bunch of details and nitpicks :)
Points noted. I must admit that I was being a little lazy with the bass, as I didn't know what else would have fit in there without ruining the mood the song has been building up for a good amount of time before that already. The bass is indeed heavy, as there's both the synth and pluck bass playing at the same time in some sections. This is a problem I didn't even think about in the making of this song D: In hindsight, cloning the synth bass, filtering/EQing off the low end and doing a little arranging around for the clone would have done wonders. Would have also made an easy solution to the emptiness problem. Drums aren't that bad until the "fullest" part of the song comes into play, where the problems you mentioned also are the most obvious.

I'm also going to enter NGADM 2015 if it ever gets done, and keep doing this kind of stuff. This isn't the stuff people often put out or are used to hearing, so more the reason to do just that

Glad you like it :)

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Well this is certainly something. Wow. Man, I expected this kind of genre from Skye especially, but not this kind of production value, I've got to admit! This is extremely impressive. It treads the fine line between trippy and ambient, offering silky soundscapes, whopping wobbles and everything in-between, and creating an unforgettable listening experience that sucks you in till the end. I absolutely love the sounds you've used and how you manipulated them. There is something magical about the sound design. It's just spectacular! I especially love 1:06's automation to open up the frequencies of that dreamy plucked synth, complemented beautifully by the breathy white noise sweep. It's also damn hard to believable that you created the section at 1:54 using perhaps the simplest synthesiser possible!

In terms of melodies, I can't say I wasn't left wanting more. While you have some lovely chords played by the pad that sounds like a rhodes organ (starts around 45 seconds in) and a really nifty (but decidedly short) little motif on the high synth lead to tie everything together, I feel like there was potential to include some more interesting melodic content to live up to your extremely interesting sound design. I won't deduct many points for that because, like InvisibleObserver, you've got the ability to make up for minimal melodic content with a memorable sound palette. In terms of production, I was very satisfied with what you've presented. You use every area of the mix well, without going overboard anywhere, and elements like the meaty bass or the crisp snare are just cherries on top. If I had to mention any quirks, it'd be that I think that the melodic synth that plays alongside snare hits (starts at 0:39) is a little loud, and the kick at the start sounds somewhat out of place and unprocessed on its own at the beginning (although sounds fine once the rest of the drums kick in).

I think you two have outdone yourselves and I hope that in the next round you find more ways to incorporate both of your sets of strengths into one track and make something magical.

SCORE: 9.2/10

SkyeWint responds:

"it's also damn hard to believable" 10/10

The white noise sweeps are actually breathing (except when they're reverbs from the click of the kick). They're from something called the Pain Pack. You know about me and quirky sound effects 'n shit. :P

I've talked to you enough on Skype that I don't think more response is needed, but. THE MAGIC WILL HAPPEN.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


If there's one thing that I'm certain of about your music, it's that you have a REAL knack for making these absolutely beautiful intros. This has to have one of the best intros of any Round 1 track, seriously. The way you start things off with that somewhat muted, reverbed piano, and then edged in the string chords so subtly and beautifully 40 seconds in... it honestly blew me away. You set the mood brilliantly and progressed wonderfully from there. What follows is an interestingly atmospheric and well-executed piece of music. I expected the track to open up into something greater while reading the tags you put for this track, but it didn't, instead choosing to portray these moods through subtlety and atmosphere, which is a pretty intriguing approach.

What can I say? It sounds professional, has commendable production value and is overall executed well. My issue with it is that unfortunately, it's pretty forgettable. It retains an almost static dynamic, without really going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, it flows well, but it feels more like a score intended to sit in the background during a film/game scene, rather than to serve as a standalone track to listen to. This is a real shame because I feel like there is enormous amounts of potential in what you've presented here. There are some very nice redeeming factors like your transitions/flow, simple yet appealing motifs, high-quality sounds and good production value, but it ultimately falls short of what it could've been.

I can't not give you credit for making such a well-produced track though! Great work, and thanks for the listen!

SCORE: 7.6/10

TheBenjerman responds:

Thanks for the review! I definitely understand the "static" parts you're talking about, and while I do agree, it could have used a bit more ebb and flow, I rather like where it sits.

Most of the time I post on Newgrounds I try to be overly dramatic and melodic, as that seems to be what is popular on the portal. This time I thought I'd write something a bit closer to what I'm asked to write for projects outside of NG, and see what happens!

Worth a try I suppose. Thanks again, good luck with the rest of the contest!

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Man, I've always loved your melodies. From all the tracks I've heard from you, I've mentioned a few issues here and there, but every single time it's never the melodies. You've got a great sense of composition that shows in the memorable and catchy melodies you write and develop very well throughout the track. This has to be one of my favourite compositions from you. You've also got a very sensible yet decently unpredictable structure, starting off on a low key with lovely atmospheric touches such as those delayed drums and really neat flute-like trills/embellishments, and then build up gradually into a more expressive, power-ballad-like section with guitars, high strings and punchy drums, before ending with a small melodic phrase from your intro sax motif, which was a nice touch. Good stuff!

In terms of production, pretty good! You've got a very clear and breathy mix... but maybe too breathy. I feel like certain sections sounded empty due to a lack of low end, diminishing the power that they would've otherwise had, 1:18 and 1:54 especially. I don't think this would be suitably fixed by just EQing in more low end. I feel like you could've done a better job with filling up the mix with more accompaniment and intricate elements outside what's playing in the foreground. Not only will it give the track more depth but will make it more interesting to listen to, as long as you don't go overboard and detract from the experience of course. On an unrelated note, I feel like the progression was a bit dull. Not necessarily repetitive, but there was a lack of interesting things to latch on to for three whole minutes. It's not that much of a big deal, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Overall, a rock-solid piece of music from you with a pretty unique instrument arrangement, very memorable composition and creative ideas!

SCORE: 8.6/10

SourJovis responds:

Thanks for your review. Your's are always the best.

The song loses in low end at the second halve of the song. I'm thinking about adding a (fretless) bass there. I'm not completely sure what it should play tough. Something to make the whole song more layered and more interesting anyway. Maybe I should add some more instruments beside the bass. I could have some of the already present instruments play more interestingly. The strings can become more interesting I think.

I'll think about what to do with the song next.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Before I start the review, I have to say that I believe this is the best original piece I've heard from you thus far. In the past you had serious transitional issues, disruptive flows, occasionally empty sections, etc... and while I can't say that these issues have all disappeared now, they have diminished greatly. More on that later though. First up, like always your composition and harmonies are amazing. You've got some absolutely stunning melodies, embellished by a command over harmony like no other. The best thing about this track has to be how you accentuated the melody at the beginning played by only the piano with the strings half a minute later. I'm of the belief that this is how all piano/string pieces of this genre should be - complex, expressive and melodic.

The track also flows beautifully and smoothly, one thing which I'm always looking out for in your music, with the exception of 1:05's transition which felt a bit like you were awkwardly gluing two different ideas together. Otherwise, the flow is smooth and every section leads naturally to the next. The only one thing I'm saddened about is your ending. I mean, sure, this is a pretty short track, but I actually don't feel like it lacks content like a lot of tracks of this length lack. I just feel like the ending sounds premature and abrupt. A more suitable approach to it would have been more effective, perhaps reintroducing the introduction's melody once more up till it finishes at 0:28 and ending it there.

Whatever the case, you've created an extremely expressive, emotional and beautifully-composed piece which you should be proud of!

SCORE: 9/10

SilverPoyozo responds:

Thank you for the in-depth review Step,

About the transition, yes, I had a whole other development in mind but changed it in the last minute, although I still think it can be justified by the atmosphere of magic/unknown I wanted express here, yet I realize it wouldn't work on everyone.
And about the ending, damn it! I really DID want to reintroduce the main melody with a little twist in the chord progression, but was too tired/out of time to finish it, so I left it this way.

Anyways, I'm grateful for the kind comments.

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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