This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.
This is a submission that I'm torn about, because on the one hand it has a neat atmosphere and wonderful motif, but on the other hand there are various issues that take it down. I'll get the ball rolling with the good news. You've created an impressive and very cinematic atmosphere with your huge, deep chords played by a thick string ensemble and looming, sustained brass notes. It's the kind of atmosphere that can do a great job of sucking you in, making it perfect for, say, a film score. Speaking of which, you have a great motif here. I mean, it's kind of stretched out and repetitive, which does make it boring at times, but it's still pretty memorable and sounds exactly like a leitmotif for a score to a blockbuster film. When you repeat it later on in a higher key, it leaves its intended effect of bringing the track together in dramatic and climactic grandeur.
Now, onto the bad news. In terms of production value, while I don't think this is terrible, it's considerably muddy. I can tell you from now it's entirely possible to make a track both warm and thick while still making it clear, and unfortunately that isn't the case over here. I honestly can't hear much outside your sustained orchestral chords, let alone identify what other sounds you have hidden under there... bass drums, timpani, staccato strings? I also agree with KoraMusic that the brass's pitch is a tad bit offputting. It sounded alright at the very beginning but after around 0:10 it simply sounded out of place and wobbly. You have some abrupt transitions, primarily 1:38 and 3:54. Lastly, for a piece that's a full four minutes and then some, I expected some more varied content.
What you provided may have not been quirk-free, but it's still a good listening experience. Solid work.
SCORE: 7.3/10