Seriously... I couldn't spend even a second hearing the song without my mouth gaping wide open. You have talent, and a lot of it. One more song like this, and you'll have a spot on my favourite artists list for sure. Get ready for a review made up almost entirely out of praise...
The melodies are so awesome. Loved the melodies that were played by the instrument that first appeared at 0:37, and the background depth in this song is just extraordinary. I mean, there was so much happening at the same time, but you still managed to retain a fixed rythm that's easy to keep track of. I just loved the part at 0:57, and 2:04 was very nice, with a very, very, awesome melody coming up at 2:14. Just one problem: 0:29 had much too much distortion, IMO, and it sort of ruined the catchy melody that the instrument was playng at the time. I liked the reverb you put in the song; it gave this a nice spacey feel, as hinted in the other reviews....
The synths you used here are really great. Seriously, you used 16 synths in this, and it still didn't get random. I really don't know how you did it. Loved the synth at 0:37, it had a cool vibe to it, and all of the background synths were excellent. Synth at 2:14 was nice too. What amazed me quite a lot were the amazing sound effects you did in this. That effect at the beginning was just so cool and mighty; it gave me goosebumps O_o. Plus, there were loads of other sound effects like reverse cymbals and stuff which really kept me listening and interested till the very end.
The transitions are just so amazing. I liked the transitions similar to the one at 0:37, they were perfect to introduce that new insrument, and there were some sound effect transitions which were done really nicely. I couldn't find any rought transitions, and all the instruments were introduced either with a fade in, or with a smooth transition, so good job over there. There were also some really amazing buildups in this song, namely the long and gradual one at 2:04.
This song is so well structured. Probably the best structure I've seen in a huge while. The background constantly changed throughout the song, which made the song's variety excellent, especially since there are so many different synths and melodies, plus it didn't get random at all. Seriously, do you ever do anything wrong????? O_o.
When it comes to the intro, it was perfect. The effect was a fantastic way to start the song up. My only complaint is that the intro was rather abrupt, if you get what I mean. It sort of started a little too suddenly. I'd rather, before the intro starts up, you do a long (maybe around two seconds and a half) heavily reverbed and delayed reverse cymbal, and then the effect started up along with a reverbed kick. As the intro is now, it almost made me jump :P. As for the ending, I don't see why Haggard didn't like it. I rather liked it, since it wasn't too abrupt, and had a very nice effect. I just think that those seven notes you used with the instrument that had the cool vibe to it at around 2:51 could've been louder though, to give more significance to the ending.
The drums are interesting. They contrasted with all of the crazy and action-packed stuff that was going on in the foreground by using a laid-back, slow drum beat. The drum samples sounded really cool, and the beats were decently varied and well done. I totally agree with aliaspharow though, that at times, there was a kick only, when I think there could've been more, like maybe a kick-cymbal or some soft drum beat. Also, I think that the kick could be a little heavier and the drums in all could've been a little louder.
This is a really cool song, with superb melodies, an amazing variety of synths, plenty of alternate melodies, extremely good song structure, brilliant effects and great intro/ outro. Just work on starting the intro a little more smoothly, the loudness of the drums, and that distortion, but that's all nitpicking. You got me to favourite the song, which is a very rare occurence. Keep it up!
-Review Request Club-