
600 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 929 Reviews


Seriously... I couldn't spend even a second hearing the song without my mouth gaping wide open. You have talent, and a lot of it. One more song like this, and you'll have a spot on my favourite artists list for sure. Get ready for a review made up almost entirely out of praise...

The melodies are so awesome. Loved the melodies that were played by the instrument that first appeared at 0:37, and the background depth in this song is just extraordinary. I mean, there was so much happening at the same time, but you still managed to retain a fixed rythm that's easy to keep track of. I just loved the part at 0:57, and 2:04 was very nice, with a very, very, awesome melody coming up at 2:14. Just one problem: 0:29 had much too much distortion, IMO, and it sort of ruined the catchy melody that the instrument was playng at the time. I liked the reverb you put in the song; it gave this a nice spacey feel, as hinted in the other reviews....

The synths you used here are really great. Seriously, you used 16 synths in this, and it still didn't get random. I really don't know how you did it. Loved the synth at 0:37, it had a cool vibe to it, and all of the background synths were excellent. Synth at 2:14 was nice too. What amazed me quite a lot were the amazing sound effects you did in this. That effect at the beginning was just so cool and mighty; it gave me goosebumps O_o. Plus, there were loads of other sound effects like reverse cymbals and stuff which really kept me listening and interested till the very end.

The transitions are just so amazing. I liked the transitions similar to the one at 0:37, they were perfect to introduce that new insrument, and there were some sound effect transitions which were done really nicely. I couldn't find any rought transitions, and all the instruments were introduced either with a fade in, or with a smooth transition, so good job over there. There were also some really amazing buildups in this song, namely the long and gradual one at 2:04.

This song is so well structured. Probably the best structure I've seen in a huge while. The background constantly changed throughout the song, which made the song's variety excellent, especially since there are so many different synths and melodies, plus it didn't get random at all. Seriously, do you ever do anything wrong????? O_o.

When it comes to the intro, it was perfect. The effect was a fantastic way to start the song up. My only complaint is that the intro was rather abrupt, if you get what I mean. It sort of started a little too suddenly. I'd rather, before the intro starts up, you do a long (maybe around two seconds and a half) heavily reverbed and delayed reverse cymbal, and then the effect started up along with a reverbed kick. As the intro is now, it almost made me jump :P. As for the ending, I don't see why Haggard didn't like it. I rather liked it, since it wasn't too abrupt, and had a very nice effect. I just think that those seven notes you used with the instrument that had the cool vibe to it at around 2:51 could've been louder though, to give more significance to the ending.

The drums are interesting. They contrasted with all of the crazy and action-packed stuff that was going on in the foreground by using a laid-back, slow drum beat. The drum samples sounded really cool, and the beats were decently varied and well done. I totally agree with aliaspharow though, that at times, there was a kick only, when I think there could've been more, like maybe a kick-cymbal or some soft drum beat. Also, I think that the kick could be a little heavier and the drums in all could've been a little louder.

This is a really cool song, with superb melodies, an amazing variety of synths, plenty of alternate melodies, extremely good song structure, brilliant effects and great intro/ outro. Just work on starting the intro a little more smoothly, the loudness of the drums, and that distortion, but that's all nitpicking. You got me to favourite the song, which is a very rare occurence. Keep it up!

-Review Request Club-

sumguy720 responds:

Huzzah! glad you like it. I agree with your nitpicks! I think this is a really good song too, but if I'm ever to get signed or sell my music or be any better I've gotta shape up all the little things!
I really appreciate the small stuff, I'm going to get to work on the intro and tighten up my outro as wel as the kick and mixing issues as MACH02 pointed out. And of course, I'll see if I can't add some surprises while I'm at it.

Maybe someday... I will rule the universe!

What's with all the low scores?...

...I don't see why this got so many 8's and 7's. I, for one, really enjoyed it, and although it does have its weak points, you portrayed the feel you were going for in this song excellently. So, in other words, it's time for another kick ass review! XD

The melodies are probably some of the best things about this piece. Piano played such nice melodies, which stay inside your head. I actually had a similar melody in mind before I heard this, and I was going to try and turn it into a song until I found out a similar melody had already been taken :P. Not only the piano melodies are nice, but even the other instruments. I liked the strings' melodies, and I also liked the part at 1:35, since it was a great break from the main melody.

Instruments, as aliaspharow said, were perfectly chosen, and complimented each other very well. They were good quality, and the flute was a great addition to the song. Still, I don't know if it's just me and my awful hearing, but I think some of the flute's melodies had chords in them, and flutes can't play more than one note at the same time :P. Also, I agree with aliaspharow, the instruments, mainly strings, were too bland. Add some more reverb, and give them a little more fullness.

The song's transitions were very well done. I couldn't find any rough transitions, except that I'm not too sure about that transition at 2:39. The flute sort of came out of nowhere, maybe you could fix that by slowly fading the piano out and the flute in (while playing the strings in the background). Other than that, the song flowed smoothly. New instruments were introduced really well; I liked the introduction of the flute quite a lot.

The structure is OK, a little simple, but did the trick. Variety wasn't that bad either, and although I think you could've done a piano solo with a different melody somewhere in the middle of the song, I can't say the song got repetitive, since just when I thought the melody was being repeated too much, it switched to a different melody.

The intro is lacking a good buildup, IMO. I'd rather you'd start it with the strings playing one note that lasts for 4 bars, then at bar 3 another note that harmonizes with the first one plays until the end of bar 4, and then at bar 4, another note is played and finishes at the end of bar 4. While this is all happening, you can fade the piano on like that. Ending, on the other hand, was rather good. I think you could've kept the last flute note last a little longer, but other than that, it was a good way to end the song.

This is a really nice song, and although emotional songs like this rarely get me interested in them, you actually managed to make me download it, and that shows you have a lot of talent. Keep up the great work! ;).

-Review Request Club-

Lublub194 responds:

First off: Sorry for the late response, I've been busy this week, as my uncle, a veteran, had his funeral on veterans day. I've been running around in a crazy panic, trying to get everything covered, as I've had some HUGE tests in school and such. So music responses just sort of fell behind. Sorry.

And as for the rest of the response:

Sorry for taking your melody, I kinda just sat down, and it flowed outta me. It was one of those moments where I stopped, and was like. "What the heck did I just do... what? I made this? WTF?!?" lol. It somewhat sorta just happened.

This was really just a rough draft of the song, but I'm glad you thought the transitions were smooth. I always like being told that :D

The structure is extremely simple. Every 16 measures pretty much. The most simplistic thing out there :P

As stated before, I think I'm going to edit the intro....

Glad you downloaded, reviewed, and voted! I appreciate them all a lot!

Thanks :D

Epicness at its, well, epicest...

This is purely amazing. I'm a huge fan of epic classical, so I've heard quite a number of epic classical songs, but seriously, this beats a good bunch of them. Great job!

The melodies over here are just excellent. Wow, those strings' melodies are just awesome. They were really fast paced, and fit really well with the chaotic feel you were going for. My only complaint was that the strings need more alternate melodies to them. Although the counter-melody at 2:04 was pure awesomeness, seriously, it actually gave me goosebumps, other than that melody, there was nothing to take away the repetitiveness of the main melody. I was expecting a new melody to come in at 1:14, or maybe a new instrument like some brass playing more notes in the background. Oh, and at 2:37, the brass hits were generic and sounded like Pirates of the Carribean :P.

The instruments are such great quality, especially those strings. I use Squidfont Orchestral for strings (yea, more soundfonts) and I thought THEY sounded good, but seriously, I can imagine the musicians in the strings section sweating like hell playing this song in my mind, they just sound so real. Piano was nice quality too, but I wish I saw the piano somewhere in the middle of the song, other than the beginning. Choir voices were perfect, though, they gave an epic feel to the song, and made it even more mighty than it already was. Oh, and since it's my tradition to start nitpicking at the end of paragraphs, that's what I'll do; anyway, I think you should try making the strings at 1:19 tremolo, maybe they could sound better.

Transitions were so awesome. I really liked the transition from calm to epic at around 0:40, and the transition from the main melody to the alternate melody at 2:01 was just amazing. It's good that you added those few seconds of silence around the song, it made the listener think "Now it's going to become calmer, eh?" but it ends up quickly moving on to the chaotic and crazy rythm this song has, leaving the listener speechless.

The structure is interesting, and not the usual Intro - Chorus - Melody 1 - Chorus - Melody 2 - Chorus - Ending. I usually have that problem when I compose songs; that my song structure is always bland and simple, but yours was well structured. Problem was, it did get repetitive, as I said before. Invent more alternate melodies, and maybe take away some unnecessary repetitive string parts in the song, since I'd imagine this song to have loads of variety (hence the name Descending Into Chaos). Oh, and speaking of the name, you typo'd 'descending' :P.

The intro was an interesting way to start the song. Usually, epic classical songs start all mighty and epic straight away, but you gave that more calm intro, which started the song up nicely IMO. Ending wasn't too good though, IMO. I expected it to end really epic-like, since I heard such powerful brass hits before. Play the brass hit you played at around 2:47 one more time at the ending, along with a gong/booming bass drum/timpani/crash cymbal. Ending was quite a bummer :(

The drums, well, wow. They were so awesome. I expected timpanis, bass drums, cymbals and orchestral snares, but I got more than that. The drum beats were so varied, and had such great samples. Loved the snare and timpani rolls you did around here too. What was a little wierd though, was that at 1:14, there was a drum beat, and it played for just one bar, and I expected it to keep playing until 1:28, until the real drum beat kicks in.

Also, another problem regarding the drums. I think they were a bit too quiet at times, especially at 1:26. I think they should be a little louder. Not loud enough to drown out all the other melodies, but loud enough to be heard clearly. Still, good news was that they had really great drum rolls when they were introduced, and were varied extremely well. Loved the timpanis at the end.

Overall, excellent job. Keep up the good work and great job, I enjoyed it a lot.

-Review Request Club-

I'd say what this made me think of, but unfortunately I'm out of spa

DarqueHand responds:

OMFG I Typo'd!!!!! Just when I thought that higher education was paying off lol.

Thanks for the huge review it's not everyday you get this much of a critical approach. Thanks tho and I hope this gave you the motivation you needed to get ewql!!

Wow, unique concept ^^.

It does have quite a number of problems, but the concept is very nice, and I enjoyed it. Nice job.

The melodies are probably the creepiest part of the song. It was in a minor (hehe, I can't imagine a Halloween song in a major O.o...) and was quite catchy. Loved the ambient-ish part at around 0:32, it was an excellent break from the main melody. The problem is that you need many more alternate melodies. There were only 2 melodies: the main melody, and the ambient-like part, which was very similar to the main melody anyway. An alternate melody would fit well at 1:19ish.

The main instrument didn't give out such a great creepy feel. I liked the background instrument, that was pretty spooky, and the one playing the ambient part was nice and scary. What I didn't like was the main instrument, which was a saw wave. Try and experiment with different synths to come up with one that fits well in this song. Also, a piano would do wonders in this, pianos always fit perfectly in scary Halloween songs, and with the right notes, you could really make the song sound frightening. Pianos usually sound creepy in songs like this when in a minor, and playing high notes.

What would also be cool would be sound effects. Screams, doors creaking, heartbeats, doors slamming, zombie groans, you have a variety of effects to use. Large soundfonts come with effects like those. Oh, and the song, as you said, is rather short. I would expect it to be a loop for this length, so either you try and loop it, or make it longer by adding more alternate melodies to stop it from getting repetitive.

The transitions are perfect, and they got you quite a few points. I liked how you switched from the main melody to ambient and from ambient back to the main melody, those transitions were perfect, and I find it quite hard to switch a song from action-packed to ambient and vice-versa, so good job. Loved the small buildups you did around the song, like the small drum buildup in the ambient part, and the drum buildup at the beginning.

The structure is quite simple: Main Melody Fade in - Main Melody - Ambient part - Main Melody - Main Melody Fade out, and as you can see, I repeated the word Main Melody quite a few times. It shows, as the other reviewers said, that this song needs variety. Even though it's short, it doesn't necessarily mean it must be repetitive. Add more melodies, vary the background, etc......

Intro wasn't that good either. It was a simple fade in, and I'd rather prefer you started the song quietly, just with the background instrument, then the ambient synth comes in, then the main saw wave, and then the drums. Instead of fading it in, you're doing a buildup in, which IMO sounds much better. Either that, or if you're planning on looping the song, then you'll have to start the intro suddenly and match it up with the ending.

As for the ending, it was a fade out too. What would be better is an arpeggio-ish ending with a piano. First put a lot of reverb on the piano for the last few bars, and then make an arpeggio ending (depending on what key you're in. Try C4, C#4, G4, C5, C#5, G5, C6, C#6, G6, C7 playing in quavers, maybe with a ritardando before the end, and then move those notes around until it fits the key you're playing in. Trust me, it's the creepiest ending there is XD). You could do that, or do as I said above and loop it.

The drums were decently varied. I was hoping for an alternate drum beat in the ambient part, but other than that, they had a good variety of samples which sounded nice, the beat was cool, and it fit really well with the song. I liked the drum roll that showed up for the first time at around 0:13, it made good transitions, and introduced the drums quite well.

It has its pros and cons. What you should work on is the variety in the song, the amount of instruments, the intro, ending and length, but you've got some great melodies, drum beats, samples, transitions and buildups, plus the song fits well with the name. Great job, keep it up, and good luck if you continue it ;).

-Review Request Club-

dx5231 responds:

damn... that's a big review.

About the fact that it's kinda repeating: as I said in another review in another review, I do not have enough instruments, or I don't know how to use them properly. The instrument pack that I have is not really for hip-hop, or anything like that. I've been trying to get more instruments for a while.

The piano suggestion: I actually thought of putting a piano in that song, but it usually sounds crappy, or too simple, and it wouldn't be good enough for a scary/halloween themed song.

Effects: well, that's a nice idea, I didn't think of that. I just need to know where to get such effects.

Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it.

Sorry to ruin your perfect 10 RRC score, but...

...Not enough to give you a 10 :P. This is a really really cool song, showing what a piano can do, but I don't think this song is being played to its full potential.

The melodies are all perfect, when it comes to melodies, there are no problems. Lol, generic awesomeness at 1:06 XD. Loved the really fast paced piano notes around the middle of the song, it's hard to achieve such a good amount of melodies with such fast paced rythm. I liked the melody that came somewhere around 0:45, had that medieval feel to it, if you get what I mean. I liked that you changed the dynamics in the song every now and again, but a few more tempo changes like the one you did at the very end would work out well here.

I said it before in your other Piano Force, and I'll say it again. Man, this does need other instruments. Something like a synth bass, maybe some bells and choirs, with a few drums; just a few things to accompany the piano so that it can still retain the name 'Piano Force' but won't be just piano only, since it does sometimes get a little boring. Maybe you can try and submit another version of this with other instruments? Also, you really should do that idea I mentioned in the other review of a part where there's a delayed whisper saying 'Piano Force' :P.

Transitions are on the whole quite good. I just didn't like the one at 2:38. It was too rough and abrupt. Also, I'm not much of a fan of the 10 seconds of silence you put before the generic part. You should fill it up with some piano bass notes, or expand the crescendo to fill up all of the silence. Structure and variety concern me a little here too. This was quite a random song, with new melodies popping up all over the place. It's a little hard to keep track of the song when the structure is all over the place. True, it didn't get boring, but you should give a try at making a chorus which plays a few times throughout the song.

Intro was really cool, with those two high pitched notes playing in the background, sort of giving a dangerous theme to the beginning. Ending was awesome too. Man, that chord really caught me by surprise :P. It's always great hearing something new for endings other than a simple fade or something, and man, this chord is like the most unique and craziest I've heard in a big while. EVIL CHORDS FTW :D :D :D.

Again, sorry for the all 10 score from the members ruined. This was a really cool song, but a little too random for my tastes, and it had a few rough transitions, plus a lack of instruments too. Loved the melodies though, and the intro and outro are so awesome. I'd love to hear a V2 with more instruments :D. Keep up the good work.

-Review Request Club-

Box-Killa responds:

Hmmm, I could just make an entirely new song that has other instruments lol, Maybe I should do that instead. Yeah the transitions are a bit rough sometimes, I suppose you could expect that from the change of modes. :D Thanks for the review


Not exactly what I'd call a loop, but definitely what I'd call a good attempt. Sadly, I didn't even understand a word of the first two lines you wrote in the Author's Comments :P (I'm only Grade 3 Theory D:) so I'll judge this as a song not as a project, but anyway, this is still pretty well done ;).

The melodies are really nice. I don't see why the others don't think it as a piratey melody, it does sound quite piratey IMO. At least something that reminds me of the sea. I liked the melody you used at around 0:11, and I also enjoyed that you didn't leave the clarinet playing legato notes all the time, but switched fluently from legato to staccato. Kept me listening without getting bored ;). This should be much louder though, because I had to turn the volume up a lot to hear it clearly, and then, when someone sent me a message on MSN, the sound blasted through my speakers. D:

The instruments aren't that good quality, but that's MIDI for me I guess. I really agree wih Haggard; you should make a newer version which doesn't have to do with Composition Assignments with much better quality instruments, more variety of instruments, and maybe making it longer, since I really like the melodies you used over here.

I can't really complain about transitions. Maybe you should look into the viola's transition at 0:25 as Calamaistr said, but other than that, the song played nice and smoothly. Structure and variety are great, and there was no fixed chorus, so the song didn't get monotonous at all. It did get a little random at times, but Classical usually doesn't have any choruses being repeated every few bars, so they're bound to sometimes get a little random. Intro was good, it's nice that you started it a little quiter than the rest of the song instead of suddenly starting it loudly. Ending was very nice too. It ended on the right note and at the right time, with a nice little melody before it ends. Sorry for the long paragraph =\.

It's a nice little piece, with a lot of variety, some very nice melodies, and good intro and outro. Just work on making it louder, longer, with better instruments/more instruments all in another version and you'll have a great song. Drop me a line if you submit a new version of this :D. By the way, this is more Classical than VG :\.

-Review Request Club-

sarias responds:

A B Aprime is a form structure pop form is AABA (typically) in classical music A would be the original melody, and B is a new melody, then A prime is like A but a little different. I hope that explains that a little bit. Anyways dont worry about this long review I thought it very helpful and thank you for actually putting in the time to say something useful. also for this one I have considered lengthening it, and arranging it for orchestra, I think it would be cool I will let you know if I do that :) thanks for the awesome review

This is what I call a boss theme!

I enjoyed this quite a lot. It's a really interesting mixture of orchestral and guitar, which rarely come out as good as you managed in this song. It does have a few defects here and there, but honestly, this is a really awesome song. Good job.

Melodies are catchy, especially the ones played by the strings. Guitar melodies are really nice too, but the orchestral side of this, IMO, is better than the guitars side of this. 1:01 and 2:16 were pure awesomeness, my favourite parts of the whole song for sure. You gotta love rythm changes XD. I liked how towards the last part of the song you switched to choir only, and then the strings slowly came in; it gave the fast-paced action of the song a little breather, which always is important in boss battles. I think you made it last a bit too long though, and although this makes a great song, I don't think it'll fit too well as BG boss music to a flash game.

Instruments are all great choices, and the fact that you managed to combine orchestral with a distorted guitar. The guitar gave this song a nice VG-ish feel, although I definitely agree with Kirbyfemur that the orchestral needs more of a role in this song. You can definitely achieve epic bossish themes with orchestral instruments. Add some orchestra hits, brass, etc, since the guitar seems to overpower the classical side of this a bit too much. Choir was a very nice touch to the song though, can't complain about that. Oh, and is that a flute I'm hearing at 0:26? Whatever it was, it fit so well!

The transitions were all smooth. I liked that you hinted that a guitar was about to come in at 0:24, it made the guitar get introduced more smoothly. Lol, first thing I thought when I heard 0:24 was that the guitar was about to come in but at the last minute, it thought that it wasn't the right time to come in the song, so changed its mind :P. Anyway, all new instruments were introduced very well in the song, and the buildup of the strings at the choir part was excellent. Loved the transition at 3:05, by the way. The faint bass roll started the song back up to the action part very well.

The song is also very well structured. Not much to say about the structure, it was perfect. Variety isn't the best over here, though. I thought that the guitar was varied decently, but the background choirs need more variation, and the strings did get quite repetitive too. Maybe you could try and give a strings solo somewhere in the song to remove the repetitiveness that the strings have, something really fast paced. Then, the drums slowly come in, then the choirs, and then the song goes action-packed again with the guitar.

Intro was fantastic. Choirs are always great to start songs up, and you used them very well in the intro. Ending, on the other hand, needs to be worked on. Fade endings, IMO, really don't fit well with boss themes, so you should try and think up a proper ending. I really like Haggard's idea of connecting with that one note, you should give that a try. Maybe you can give the song a calm ambient ending with the choirs, and then start the next one with choirs too, starting it on the same note as this one ended with. Anything to take away that fade X(.

The drums fit so flawlessly with the song. This had a very fast-paced drum beat, and I loved the drum beat you used at 1:01 and 2:16. My only concern is that, well, they're not chaotic enough. They gave an epic feel to the song, but I think they should be a little more all over the place. Not too much, or it'll sound random, but they could use a crazier drum beat, a little similar to the one you did at 1:01 and 2:16, except a little more crazy. I mean, the series is called CHAOS element, after all :P. Also, in the louder climaxes of the song, the drums were way too quiet. Still, they had very good samples, and fit with the song, so good job.

You really have a talent in making boss themes, and I hope to see more songs as purely amazing as these. Keep up the great work!!

-Review Request Club-

I'd keep going, but I'm afraid I might end up running out of spa

ChaosDragon004 responds:

I really appreciate the feedback here it really means alot. Thanks for going into great detail with this because it helps even more when I know exactly whats going on. Oh, sorry 've been away for a while because mycomputer is broken, sad to say.

No lessons and you manage to make a great song?

Wow, that's impressive. This is quite an emotional piece, and it's really well done. Good job.

Sad melodies... this song is full of them. There were many melodies here to stop the song from becoming boring, and there are some really nice melodies, especially towards the end with the fast notes at 1:51, as Thief1337 said. You should've continued the song a little more like that, since it sort of came and went so suddenly without any reason. Then you could try and end the song slowly and softly after. As Kirbyfemur said, it was nice to have some parts with silence in them instead of non-stop notes.

What I didn't like was that you practically stayed at the same volume of the piano, with no changes in the automation throughout, or if there was, just a little. I'd like some tempo changes, like rallentandos, and times when the song plays softer. Maybe a few crescendos, that is, the song goes from soft to loud, and stuff like that. A piano piece isn't a piano piece without that kind of stuff ;).

The piano sample was great quality... I'm actually wondering if that's a real piano or not O_o. The lyrics are really well written. I'm not usually the one to enjoy lyirics in songs, but that's only my opinion, and I'm sure the song would be much better off with those lyrics sung with it. Maybe you could even try and post another version of this with more instruments like strings and stuff.

The transitions were all done perfectly, and the song flowed very smoothly. The variety in this piece is extraordinary. There was no fixed chorus, but I won't reduce marks for that, because I think it sounds better without a chorus. Intro was great, a nice way to start the song, but the ending was quite abrupt. Try an arpeggio ending; they usually work out well in piano songs, or you can repeat the fast notes for another bar, and then end it how you did.

This is a really nice piece; if only Newgrounds could appreciate piano songs like this... Oh well, it's a good song, and I enjoyed it. Just needs more tempo/volume changes IMO, a better ending, and maybe if you could make it longer that'd be great :3.

-Review Request Club-

alix1 responds:

:) Thanks. This is just my Korg midi piano. :)Im actually playing this but the piano sound is synthesized. Maybe I'll add some crescendos if I modify this song any more. :P Thanks for the review!

Creepy XD

It'd definitely do perfect as BG music to a haunted house part in a video game. Wish I knew Flash; I'd definitely use this if I wanted to go for something spooky :(. Anyway, good job overall, I enjoyed it!

Melodies are very nice, especially the ones with the piano. They gave that tension that's always needed in a haunted house game. I liked the part at 1:36, it was well done, and then when all of the melodies started playing together, it was fantastic. That sort of spooky harpsichord (?) sound in the background had some very cool melodies as well, and served as excellent acompaniment to this song.

The instruments were great, including that harpsichord, and the strings added a lot of depth to the song. Piano was OK quality. What could be a nice addition over here is the use of an organ; I'd love to hear a fast paced organ solo somewhere towards the middle, or close to the end of the song. I'm not sure if you used choir voices in here or not (I'm deaf from one ear so I can never be sure :'[ ), but if you didn't, then you should add some, since they always sound well with scary songs. If you did, then, excellent job, just turn 'em up a little ^^.

What I think would be cool is if you added some sound effects to the song. A lot of large soundfonts come with spooky sound effects like heart beats, screams, doors creaking/shutting, etc. (you can PM me if you want any). Maybe you could try and make a beat out of those sound effects to accompany the main melody :P. OK, so that's just a crazy experiment and chances are it'll come out horribly :\, but still, try and add a few sound effects here and there.

Transitions fit perfectly with the feel you were going for in this song. They were all relatively smooth, without anything feeling too sudden. Sometimes, new instruments were introduced rather suddenly, namely the piano, but that was probably intentional, since it sounds better in the song like that than with a smooth transition. Structure was all over the place, which is what made this song so unique, creepy and awesome. Variety here was perfect too; the song never got boring.

Lol, the first part reminds me a little of the Undertaker's entrance theme :P. Well, it was definitely a good intro, and the strings smoothly fading in were a nice touch. As a loop though, it wasn't that impressive. It's a little awkward to make good intro's with loops, because with loops, intro's usually start immediately with the main melody without any gradual progressions, and since you have such a good intro, I think this would be better off as a full song. Either that, or you try and end it as you started it, with a bell every 4 beats. Make it slowly fade down to just the bell at the end, and you should have a smooth loop.

I really liked your use of the bell, it was creative and gave a 'graveyard' feel to the song, if you get what I mean. I think it could use a little more reverb to it, you know, giving it that booming feel. Also, apart from the bell, there was no noticeable percussion. You could add some delayed and reverbed reverse cymbals and maybe a few heavily reverbed kicks. Shakers do wonders in songs like these too. Or you could try my crazy idea of making a beat out of sound effects XP.

As I said before, this'd make a superb background soundtrack to a haunted house. Needs a bit of work regarding the lack of percussion, rough loop, and lack of sound effects, but this is still a really good song. Keep up the great work!

-Review Request Club-

Kirbyfemur responds:

First off let me give you some specks on this song to give you an idea of just how crazy I am in how its composed xD

The entire song is in 32/4 at 100 tempo. BUT not only that and most all of the song is in triplets, all except for the "Bell" part and the parts where the strings get a "Solo". Don't ask me why, It just my brain seems to function better when dealing with triplets, and obviously it seems to be working out for me.

The "Harpsichord" part you heard was actually supposed to be acoustic guitar, but but would seem even though they probably failed at sounding like it, they still sounded cool.

The bells are done on the down beats, but each of the bells note lengths are 8 beats long. Lol again my crazy ass just loves doing stuff like that.

And because it's in 32/4 time it gave me far more freedom to do what I wanted, but I made sure i didn't go too crazy with it.

Thanks for the review, I'll try to add some sort of percussion part to it, though i don't know if I come up with something, if i should just submit it separately. Eh i'll figure it out eventually, again thanks! =3

I heard that chord progression 50 times before...

...But who cares, generic chord progressions don't necessarily make your song bad. Nice job, this is a pretty cool song you have here ;).

Melodies, as I said, were generic, and not the best I've heard, but still nice. Climax at 1:08 was well done, but I wished the song, at 1:36, would take a break from the main melody, and then the melody starts fading in slowly, along with some drums soon after. Well, I hope I'm allowed to use other songs as reference... anyway, take this song (remove spaces) as an example: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/277684 ...at 1:21, there's a break from the main action-packed melodies of the song. Something like that would do wonders in this song ^^.

Instruments are very nice, and not that generic. It didn't move onto that very familiar saw wave along with a few bells in the background and a bland kick beat like what happens in a lot of dance songs. Loved the square wave that first distinctly appeared at 0:13, and the one playing the melodies was quite interesting. 1:07, if I'm not mistaken, had a vocal sample. Nice job putting it there, but I would've preferred if you increased its volume some more. Good sound effects throughout the song though.

The transitions were all smooth, and some were very well done, like the one with the vocal sample at 1:07. All new instruments were introduced very well, too. Song structure and variety aren't so good though. It was just that same chord progression with the square wave playing for practically the whole song, and it got rather annoying. I'd prefer you removed the square wave, or even better, make it play other melodies, and leave the melody that its playing right now to the bass.

Intro was great. It started a little too softly, and I had to turn the volume up quite a bit to see if what I was hearing was a very soft melody or just silence, so you could turn up the first part a little, but other than that, excellent intro, with a cool sound effect that moved into the main melody at 0:13. The ending was a fade ending, and I really wish it wasn't, since fade endings almost never turn out that good. I can't think of any way to end it though, sorry :( ; just try and think up an ending which isn't too abrupt or wierd, and fits well with the song.

The drums, as Kirbyfemur said, were very good. Wish they were louder though; at times I wondered if they were even there. Still, they were varied (well, I *think* they were varied anyway... I could barely hear them :P), had nice samples, good beats, fit with the song extremely well, and I liked that you used a crash cymbal here and there to mark new parts in the song.

Overall, I enjoyed this song, although it has a few defects, namely fade ending, quiet drums/vocal sample/intro, and variety. Fix those, maybe think up a few more melodies too, and you have yourself a top-5 worthy song ^^.

-Review Request Club-

Liam3003 responds:

Top 5 worthy song? Now, that really is a long shot. lol, After reading this review the first time I decided to change some things in the song, changed the intro and made the vocals louder, I'm not going to upload it because I'm actually now thinking I should remake the entire song.
variation, variation, variation. I need some..
Anyway, Thanks for the great review.

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

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