Hey! I'm here from the Review for Review thread.
This is actually a nice piece with some excellent ideas and execute that leaves room for improvement. Let me start by saying that I love the pacing of this track. It starts with a fairly low-key intro, introducing motifs that will later be repeated in the track, and then you introduce some busier, more rhythmic elements at 0:42 which kick-start the song really well.
I have to also add that your main melody is awesome. I don't find this to be sad at all. The melodies in this track have a way of sounding more hopeful than unhappy really, haha. You have a well-composed, memorable motif, plus some solid accompaniment and a nice flow to top it all off.
My primary issue is that this track is pretty bland. You literally only have strings (including a harp) and drums for a whole 4 minutes. The drums themselves are pretty dull and lacking any character/vibrancy whatsoever. The sustained strings sound a bit dull too, which is a big problem since they're used for practically the whole track. Also, I would've liked more changes in chord progression.
Solid track! Loving that melody - work on making this track more intricate and less bland. It has a lot of potential!