
929 Audio Reviews

600 w/ Responses

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Well this is certainly something. Wow. Man, I expected this kind of genre from Skye especially, but not this kind of production value, I've got to admit! This is extremely impressive. It treads the fine line between trippy and ambient, offering silky soundscapes, whopping wobbles and everything in-between, and creating an unforgettable listening experience that sucks you in till the end. I absolutely love the sounds you've used and how you manipulated them. There is something magical about the sound design. It's just spectacular! I especially love 1:06's automation to open up the frequencies of that dreamy plucked synth, complemented beautifully by the breathy white noise sweep. It's also damn hard to believable that you created the section at 1:54 using perhaps the simplest synthesiser possible!

In terms of melodies, I can't say I wasn't left wanting more. While you have some lovely chords played by the pad that sounds like a rhodes organ (starts around 45 seconds in) and a really nifty (but decidedly short) little motif on the high synth lead to tie everything together, I feel like there was potential to include some more interesting melodic content to live up to your extremely interesting sound design. I won't deduct many points for that because, like InvisibleObserver, you've got the ability to make up for minimal melodic content with a memorable sound palette. In terms of production, I was very satisfied with what you've presented. You use every area of the mix well, without going overboard anywhere, and elements like the meaty bass or the crisp snare are just cherries on top. If I had to mention any quirks, it'd be that I think that the melodic synth that plays alongside snare hits (starts at 0:39) is a little loud, and the kick at the start sounds somewhat out of place and unprocessed on its own at the beginning (although sounds fine once the rest of the drums kick in).

I think you two have outdone yourselves and I hope that in the next round you find more ways to incorporate both of your sets of strengths into one track and make something magical.

SCORE: 9.2/10

SkyeWint responds:

"it's also damn hard to believable" 10/10

The white noise sweeps are actually breathing (except when they're reverbs from the click of the kick). They're from something called the Pain Pack. You know about me and quirky sound effects 'n shit. :P

I've talked to you enough on Skype that I don't think more response is needed, but. THE MAGIC WILL HAPPEN.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


If there's one thing that I'm certain of about your music, it's that you have a REAL knack for making these absolutely beautiful intros. This has to have one of the best intros of any Round 1 track, seriously. The way you start things off with that somewhat muted, reverbed piano, and then edged in the string chords so subtly and beautifully 40 seconds in... it honestly blew me away. You set the mood brilliantly and progressed wonderfully from there. What follows is an interestingly atmospheric and well-executed piece of music. I expected the track to open up into something greater while reading the tags you put for this track, but it didn't, instead choosing to portray these moods through subtlety and atmosphere, which is a pretty intriguing approach.

What can I say? It sounds professional, has commendable production value and is overall executed well. My issue with it is that unfortunately, it's pretty forgettable. It retains an almost static dynamic, without really going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, it flows well, but it feels more like a score intended to sit in the background during a film/game scene, rather than to serve as a standalone track to listen to. This is a real shame because I feel like there is enormous amounts of potential in what you've presented here. There are some very nice redeeming factors like your transitions/flow, simple yet appealing motifs, high-quality sounds and good production value, but it ultimately falls short of what it could've been.

I can't not give you credit for making such a well-produced track though! Great work, and thanks for the listen!

SCORE: 7.6/10

TheBenjerman responds:

Thanks for the review! I definitely understand the "static" parts you're talking about, and while I do agree, it could have used a bit more ebb and flow, I rather like where it sits.

Most of the time I post on Newgrounds I try to be overly dramatic and melodic, as that seems to be what is popular on the portal. This time I thought I'd write something a bit closer to what I'm asked to write for projects outside of NG, and see what happens!

Worth a try I suppose. Thanks again, good luck with the rest of the contest!

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Man, I've always loved your melodies. From all the tracks I've heard from you, I've mentioned a few issues here and there, but every single time it's never the melodies. You've got a great sense of composition that shows in the memorable and catchy melodies you write and develop very well throughout the track. This has to be one of my favourite compositions from you. You've also got a very sensible yet decently unpredictable structure, starting off on a low key with lovely atmospheric touches such as those delayed drums and really neat flute-like trills/embellishments, and then build up gradually into a more expressive, power-ballad-like section with guitars, high strings and punchy drums, before ending with a small melodic phrase from your intro sax motif, which was a nice touch. Good stuff!

In terms of production, pretty good! You've got a very clear and breathy mix... but maybe too breathy. I feel like certain sections sounded empty due to a lack of low end, diminishing the power that they would've otherwise had, 1:18 and 1:54 especially. I don't think this would be suitably fixed by just EQing in more low end. I feel like you could've done a better job with filling up the mix with more accompaniment and intricate elements outside what's playing in the foreground. Not only will it give the track more depth but will make it more interesting to listen to, as long as you don't go overboard and detract from the experience of course. On an unrelated note, I feel like the progression was a bit dull. Not necessarily repetitive, but there was a lack of interesting things to latch on to for three whole minutes. It's not that much of a big deal, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Overall, a rock-solid piece of music from you with a pretty unique instrument arrangement, very memorable composition and creative ideas!

SCORE: 8.6/10

SourJovis responds:

Thanks for your review. Your's are always the best.

The song loses in low end at the second halve of the song. I'm thinking about adding a (fretless) bass there. I'm not completely sure what it should play tough. Something to make the whole song more layered and more interesting anyway. Maybe I should add some more instruments beside the bass. I could have some of the already present instruments play more interestingly. The strings can become more interesting I think.

I'll think about what to do with the song next.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Before I start the review, I have to say that I believe this is the best original piece I've heard from you thus far. In the past you had serious transitional issues, disruptive flows, occasionally empty sections, etc... and while I can't say that these issues have all disappeared now, they have diminished greatly. More on that later though. First up, like always your composition and harmonies are amazing. You've got some absolutely stunning melodies, embellished by a command over harmony like no other. The best thing about this track has to be how you accentuated the melody at the beginning played by only the piano with the strings half a minute later. I'm of the belief that this is how all piano/string pieces of this genre should be - complex, expressive and melodic.

The track also flows beautifully and smoothly, one thing which I'm always looking out for in your music, with the exception of 1:05's transition which felt a bit like you were awkwardly gluing two different ideas together. Otherwise, the flow is smooth and every section leads naturally to the next. The only one thing I'm saddened about is your ending. I mean, sure, this is a pretty short track, but I actually don't feel like it lacks content like a lot of tracks of this length lack. I just feel like the ending sounds premature and abrupt. A more suitable approach to it would have been more effective, perhaps reintroducing the introduction's melody once more up till it finishes at 0:28 and ending it there.

Whatever the case, you've created an extremely expressive, emotional and beautifully-composed piece which you should be proud of!

SCORE: 9/10

SilverPoyozo responds:

Thank you for the in-depth review Step,

About the transition, yes, I had a whole other development in mind but changed it in the last minute, although I still think it can be justified by the atmosphere of magic/unknown I wanted express here, yet I realize it wouldn't work on everyone.
And about the ending, damn it! I really DID want to reintroduce the main melody with a little twist in the chord progression, but was too tired/out of time to finish it, so I left it this way.

Anyways, I'm grateful for the kind comments.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


This is a submission that I'm torn about, because on the one hand it has a neat atmosphere and wonderful motif, but on the other hand there are various issues that take it down. I'll get the ball rolling with the good news. You've created an impressive and very cinematic atmosphere with your huge, deep chords played by a thick string ensemble and looming, sustained brass notes. It's the kind of atmosphere that can do a great job of sucking you in, making it perfect for, say, a film score. Speaking of which, you have a great motif here. I mean, it's kind of stretched out and repetitive, which does make it boring at times, but it's still pretty memorable and sounds exactly like a leitmotif for a score to a blockbuster film. When you repeat it later on in a higher key, it leaves its intended effect of bringing the track together in dramatic and climactic grandeur.

Now, onto the bad news. In terms of production value, while I don't think this is terrible, it's considerably muddy. I can tell you from now it's entirely possible to make a track both warm and thick while still making it clear, and unfortunately that isn't the case over here. I honestly can't hear much outside your sustained orchestral chords, let alone identify what other sounds you have hidden under there... bass drums, timpani, staccato strings? I also agree with KoraMusic that the brass's pitch is a tad bit offputting. It sounded alright at the very beginning but after around 0:10 it simply sounded out of place and wobbly. You have some abrupt transitions, primarily 1:38 and 3:54. Lastly, for a piece that's a full four minutes and then some, I expected some more varied content.

What you provided may have not been quirk-free, but it's still a good listening experience. Solid work.

SCORE: 7.3/10

PascalPalomino responds:

Hey thanks for this review. I do find it hard to tweak instruments so they don't get muddy. I'm working on it.
This was a great contest to be part of. Keep up the good work.

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Not going to lie, I have a HUGE soft spot for electronic/orchestral hybrids so I very much enjoyed this. The two of you have created a very action-packed and Matrix-esque piece of music, highlighting undeniable synergy between strings/brass and gritty bass synths/techno percussion. Apart from commending you on your melding of these two styles, I've also got to give credit to the composition used to tie everything together. You have some pretty great motifs like the strings melody at the beginning and a similar counterpart at 1:23. The percussion is highly fitting, but as a small suggestion, I would add more drum fills. Parts such as the introduction of the drums at 1:23 sound a bit sudden and offputting without a drum fill to suitably prepare the listener for the upcoming drum beat.

Most of the sounds you used are absolutely fantastic and fit incredibly well together. I love how you incorporated the choir into the track, as it gives off a thematically suitable 'end of the world' vibe. The glitch/electronic elements are spot on, and the orchestral instruments are high-quality and arranged well. The only thing I haven't mentioned yet is the one main thing I think is poor in this track, which is the mixing. It does not do the samples/sound justice, especially in the extremely busy sections like 0:28, instead making them sound unclear and muddy. I believe that the whole track could do with sounding brighter and having more breathing room, which means entirely redoing the EQ to remove clashing frequencies and giving the track more high end and less lows/mids.

Hope that helped! A solid submission, keep up the good work.

SCORE: 8/10

Like many other returning faces of the NGADM, I feel like you've made a significant improvement in your Round 1 track from the last time I heard your music, while still keeping the qualities that I've always seen to be your strengths. I think the best thing about your music remains to be the fact that it tells a story. You've developed this track and made it flow through various moods and dynamics. Not only does this work wonders with keeping it interesting, but it pulls the listener in, making him/her able to imagine the scene you undoubtedly had in your head while making this track. You communicate yourself clearly through your music and that is a highly respectable quality. You've additionally got some pretty sweet apocalyptic atmospheres and moods to complement that.

In terms of production and execution, I can certainly confirm that this is an area you've made a lot of improvement in. Before, you had nice ideas, but did not suitably present them in your track through the right instrument arrangement, but now your instrument arrangement is simply top notch. The brass is fittingly mighty and empowering, the strings are warm and deep, and the piano offers an interestingly delicate and emotional touch. Some aspects of the production still need work though! The percussion is completely drowned out and unclear, the track is too heavy on mid frequencies, and sometimes the staccato strings sound too frontal in the mix. On a less related note, I question your piano intro. It sounds nice, but to me it isn't developed enough to set the mood properly for the following huge brass entrance. I wish it was longer and more fleshed out, so it can transition more naturally to the next section.

Quirks aside, I think this is an audible improvement over your previous works, and that's always excellent to hear. Nice one!

SCORE: 8.4/10

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Oh dear lord, Peter. This is something else. I love how everyone is always stoked for your submission and you NEVER fail to deliver. This is truly brilliant, Hollywood-tier trailer music right here. I wouldn't bat an eye hearing it in a blockbuster trailer, and would probably make a remark on how great the music is. You say that the mix and master isn't perfect, but those are actually precisely the best things about this track for me. The mix and master are just so damn good. You've expertly created a huge dynamic range, making the buildup positively beastly. Then, at 3:05 you open up the track so beautifully and widely that it's a pure goosebump-inducing moment. The sound design in the following climax is just beautiful. I don't usually enjoy excessive high end in this kind of percussion, but your percussion offers a lot of high end fuzz which in this case gives the track surprising amounts of depth and might.

In terms of composition, you have some good stuff here. One thing which I was admittedly worried about from the start was whether this would be just a buildup until the end, without any form of climax (very typical for this genre), but again, you did not disappoint. Your instrument arrangement is on point and your atmosphere/mood is exquisite. My gripes with this track are that firstly, there's no denying that this is generic. I can turn a blind eye for it because of its *near flawless* execution, but it's pretty by-the-book with its build up technique, quick repetitive staccato string passages, heavy-hitting drums and instrument arrangement. Additionally I feel like this lacks a foreground melody. The buildup was somewhat melodically bland and the climax simply consists of loud, sustained high notes with the staccato string motif repeated in the background, which would not leave nearly as much of a mark on the listener as a meaningful melody on top of that incredible percussive and string accompaniment.

Anyway, for what it's worth, this is still an absolutely fantastic track that has blown my socks off. Superb.

SCORE: 9.1/10

EvilRaccoon responds:

Thankyou Step! A very good review. You have pointed out a few key things which I think I neglected unintentionally due to the struggle of sound. However I'll be pushing on with the feedback you (and others) have given. Thanks!!!

Upward and onward!

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


First off, props for incorporating vocals into your submission, and pretty good ones at that! Your sister's got a decent singing voice and intonation issues aside, she offered a fairly solid performance for this track. You have some great composition to accompany and play alongside those vocals, played by a very wide variety of instruments. I can't say that after hearing this track I didn't feel at least somewhat inspired by your avant-garde approach. Unfortunately, the good qualities that this track has are all heavily put down by its primary fault. This is terribly mixed. Apart from the dead obvious over-compression present here, there are pretty serious levelling issues, namely in the percussion which drowns out everything else mercilessly.

I also feel like the track is suffering from a lack of... identity, for lack of a better word. I question your use of a lot of elements in this track, such as the flute, guiro and guitar giving the track an odd and unfitting ethnic flair, and the vocals sounding like they came out of a pop song. I'm all for genre experimentation if it works out, but in a track with heavy drums, aggressive bass and blaring hypersaw, I can't see how those other elements can possibly fit in there and still sound at home. Maybe they can in some form or other, but over here they just feel awkward near each other. My point is, the track has potential but the way it's presented, with the huge mixing issues and confusing instrumentation, leaves it with loads of room to improve.

So, in conclusion, it's an interesting experiment, but in my opinion it's neither a successful nor well-executed one. Thanks for taking part!

SCORE: 5.4/10

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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