
929 Audio Reviews

600 w/ Responses

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Whoa, I'm thinking this might be my favourite track from all of the many tracks I've listened to that you've produced. This has the earcandy-like sonic palette of a well-produced electronic track coupled with the sound design and unique ideas of experimental glitch, with a fine collection of funky basslines to seal the deal. In a way this sounds like a form of continuation on Lying to a Stranger, due to its similar danceable groove, intro and the fact that you use your bassline as the primary source of melodies, while creating indelible rhythmic and sonic anomalies with all the other elements, except I feel like this has a significantly better mix and more variety. That's certainly good news because those were the two precise issues I remember having with Lying to a Stranger!

Honestly, there's so much great stuff going on here such as the phased/bitcrushed percussive rhythm in the background, the subtle variety in the drum kit, the filter automation at the start, the wonderful transition at 2:00, and the warm atmospheric ending playing a section of the motif you introduced at the start. One of my favourite aspects of this track has to be the percussion though. There's a commendable amount of detail in it, this has some of the best cymbal/high-hat work I've heard thus far! While I said I think this has better mixing than Lying to a Stranger, I still think it has too much compression, making it sound a bit messy and clunky, especially in the case of the bass which sometimes has trouble being heard behind all those effects, and other times sticks out like a sore thumb.

Anyway, I think you've outdone yourself and I'm starting to wish you posted more tracks in-between NGADMs. Keep up the great work!

SCORE: 9/10

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


This has got to be the most well-meaning submission of the round, ostensibly made with the sole intent of putting a smile on the listener's face. Well, I'm not going to lie. It worked on my end! You've got a great sense of musicality and the sheer modesty you put into this track above all has to be commended. Harmonies and melodies are all solid, structure and transitions are essentially flawless and the recording quality is not too shabby! Your singing is pretty good; you have a nice voice and sing with a good amount of confidence. There are pitch issues, so if there's one vocal area you need to focus on improving, it's intonation. In terms of mixing, you have a warm-sounding guitar and the lyrics are clear, which is good. In terms of levelling, however, the voice is too loud and stands out next to the guitar too much, but otherwise the mix is alright!

Well, I mean, this is a good track. Truth be told, however, I was pretty torn when judging your audition. I was worried that the fact that you limit yourself to just voice and guitar might hold you back in your Round 1 track, and I think my worries were confirmed. While this is a humble little ditty, the wow factor is depressingly low. The melodic content isn't ground-breaking, the guitar simply plays a set of chords with almost the same strumming rhythm throughout, and the track is fairly predictable. I think you got away with all that in your audition which had hilarious and pretty brilliant lyrics to make up for it, but in this case, while the writing is far from bad, I missed the wit present in your audition that elevated your track from more than "just another pop/ska song".

I ironically can't sum this track up with any adjective other than merely "okay", but thanks anyway for this heart-warming submission!

SCORE: 7.9/10

SonicWombat responds:

Thank you. This review was really cool to read, and it made me feel great about my art. Much love, man.

Oh damn, any slight preconceptions that I had about you two being a one-trick pony have just been entirely annihilated. This is entirely different from the kind of music I'd expect from both of you, but still has the strengths present in your usual work - brilliant and detailed composition, varied sections and moods, and an intrepid, addictive originality and uniqueness whose conception still eludes me. I don't get how you two can think of such obscure-sounding ideas which still sound fresh and grow on me with every listen. This one in particular has a lovely atmosphere, and a surprising amount of detail in the instrumentation and sonic palette. It really shows that you're both dynamic and can go outside your respective comfort zones while still creating a solid track.

One particular thing I enjoyed in this track was the mood changes. You start with a pretty low-key, ballad-like introduction, have an absolutely brilliant mood change at 1:10 to a more cheery tone, back to the original mood and then you have this eerie section at 2:49 very characteristic of steampianist's musical style. Not only are they excellent ways to bring in variety, but you have such great transitions between them that they are seamlessly incorporated and feel right at home to create a very cohesive and full listening experience. My only complaint would be in something I've almost never complained about - the singing. I still love it, but I feel like you (ZipZipper) could have done more to the sustained notes. You keep a pretty steady pitch which makes the longer notes sound pretty bland and I would've enjoyed some more vibrato and pitch variation. You got away with it in previous vocal tracks where the notes were shorter and more staccato but in this more drawn-out, atmospheric track, the problem arises. Otherwise, top notch performance as always.

Honestly, you two have just incredible synergy. This is absolutely fantastic. Keep it up.

SCORE: 9.3/10

ZipZipper responds:

Thank you! I notice I need to change the way I sing while recording...it ends up being different from the way I just let go in real life because I end up getting perfectionist really quick and care more about sounding closer to how the autotune corrects me than actually being creative sssssssss yeah it's complicated I also get off pitch easily while recording I don't know how singing what bye thanks again!

I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

Well, this is certainly something! Oddly enough, this stuck out to me for one main thing: it's freaking enormous. I don't mean the length of the track or its filesize, but more of a metaphorical enormous. The mix just gives off such a huge sense of largeness. It's wide and spacious, goes on for a full 7 minutes, has a lumbering, slow tempo, is doused with cathedral-tier reverb at parts like 1:22, has aggressive synths and contains a very punchy and bassy kick drum to top it all off. For that characteristic alone, this track remained in my memory even after listening to 200-odd tracks.

I'm not just here to tell you your track sounds big, though. Other great aspects of this track include your great transitions, catchy melodic work and solid production value. My only gripe with this track is a fairly major one. This has repetition issues. In a way I can forgive you for it due to how fun it is to listen to and due to your pretty vast array of synth layers, but the fact that this is essentially has one melody at the forefront that's tirelessly repeated still irks me. I mean, perhaps relying on that one melody up until 3:05 can be somewhat acceptable, but by 3:05 I was desperately in need of an alternate melody to spice things up. On a lesser note, the choir that you introduce at the end has a harsh, unpleasant, resonant tone to it.

That's pretty much all I have to say about this track. It's a BEAST of a track, and I'm super relieved you made it in this year despite missing out last year. This year's competition has a much harsher first round, since you need to make the cut from a group of 4 rather than a pairing of 2, so I wish you the best of luck and no matter how far you go, consider me a fan!

Reali-tGlitch responds:

Thank you very much for the criticisms! I don't recall not entering, last year. I just know this is the first time making it through the first round. I know I won't be making it through the second with my submission for said round, but it was fun, regardless.

I also wish that I could change my name on Newgrounds, since in 2009 I adopted the name 'Reali-tGlitch'. It would actually get some publicity for my bandcamp page XD

This piece is one of the ones I am most proud of, though, and people like you only back up that claim.

I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

This is one of the auditions I keep coming back to, and the one reason for that is that it's just brilliant. I don't know where to start! You've got such a strong grasp on this genre of music that finding faults in it is like finding a needle in a haystack, if you'll pardon the cliché. You craft your atmosphere expertly, your transitions seamlessly, your harmonies exquisitely, and what we're left with is an incredible and satisfying piece of music.

What I must commend you the most on would be your composition. It's easy to get lost in the angelic atmospheres and pretty-sounding instruments, but behind all that fluff is a solid backbone of fantastic use of motifs, smooth flow and great melodies/harmonies. I almost squeed like some fangirl when I heard one of your motifs played by the high strings in the background towards the end, or during the crescendo at 1:53 resolving its previous ominous chord in perhaps the most majestic manner possible.

So yeah, this is great stuff. I'm truly excited to hear the rest of your competition tracks and I'm very glad you made it in. Hope you keep up the great work and surprise us with new approaches and styles throughout the competition if you get far. Good luck!

DamienFleisch responds:

Wow thank you for sharing all that :) I don't even really know what to say!!

Your words are inspiring and I hope to live up to that expectation!


I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

Two words for this track. Holy crap. You just showed up out of nowhere and gave us this spectacular drum and bass track as an audition. It's captivating from the start, with an addicting little motif played by the piano, followed by the fitting vocals and subtle foreshadowing of future melodies played by high piano notes. Cue standard but beautifully-executed buildup into 1:06, and at this point I've crapped bricks.

Superb mix, synths, atmosphere, melodies, everything. Everywhere in the mix is refined. Meaty bass, clear mids and crisp highs. Perhaps the one thing I would complain about (apart from some slight repetition at certain parts) would be what Kabalist mentioned below me. 0:45's synth does need some better EQing. Probably nudging out a bit of its high frequencies would keep it from standing out like a sore thumb.

Don't let my compliments get to your head! You've got a tough contest ahead of you. Hope to hear more excellent music. Good luck!

KabukiTunes responds:

Wow, thanks a ton for the feedback. I really appreciate all of it!

As I mentioned to Kabalist, I plan to do a VIP (variation in production) of this track, so when I do, I'll definitely go back and fix those little mixing things, especially that synth. And when the VIP does come out, I hope it blows you away as much as this one did!

Once again, thanks for the feedback, and let's hope I can make it into the next round!

I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

Even though I don't think this is the best audition I've heard while judging auditions, it certainly stuck out to me as an interesting track and left me wishing to make my thoughts about it public. You have some absolutely fantastic ideas over here. Your main melody is highly memorable and an absolute blast to listen to. You also miraculously used strings and piano in a dance track without making them sound gimmicky or out of place.

Unfortunately, while you have some excellent ideas, you still have room for improvement I feel. The mix often sounds cluttered with synths clashing left right and centre, and it's far too heavy on the higher frequencies. There are some compositional issues too - I feel like the first minute of the track is a bit repetitive, and the sections in-between your "choruses", so to speak, feel more like filler and less like meaningful continuations of the track. There isn't much memorable melodic content outside the sections in which you showcase your main melody.

Having said that, the one adjective I can use to describe this track is bold. The huge gaps of silence between melodic phrases, the layers upon layers of different melodies, the funky plucked bass, the huge climax at the end... you fearlessly disregarded the overused techniques of a typical dance song and just composed what you felt, and for that I have a lot of respect. You still have a way to go in my opinion, but I'm glad you made it in and excited to see what you have to offer.

larrylarrybb responds:

Thanks! Those are all excellent tips.

I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

So, even though you didn't make it past auditions, I had to come and review this track since it really stuck out to me as wasted potential. Let me start by saying that this has one of the best intros and buildups that I've heard throughout my auditions judging. You have a wonderful atmosphere at the beginning with these really lush pads and subtle rhythmic pluck synth, and you waste no time to introduce your fantastic melody played by that eargasmic lead synth, and that exciting buildup. While hearing the first minute I thought to myself "oh, this guy will make it in for sure".

But then, 1:03 came in and damn, I can't say I wasn't disappointed. You destroyed any form of melody and completely nullified the buildup you had... built up, for lack of a better verb. I can understand you wanted to go for an anti-climax which is a perfectly nifty thing to have if executed well, but the fact that the latter half of the track was essentially a four on the floor kick + sub bass with some other rhythmic elements and effects thrown in just left me (and the other judges) with a bad impression.

I can understand that this is a preview, so maybe that's why you didn't treat us to some more interesting content later on? Whatever the case, I was left hoping for more, and I question your choice to use a preview to audition. I feel like you've got a lot more potential and that you're an experienced and proficient producer of electronic music. Even though you didn't get in, I still enjoyed your track and I wish you luck for the future!

D-Chain responds:

Thanks step! This review shows to me what people think. However. I make music i love and enjoy.
Anti clamix is my thing, ive been doing it for a long time now and everytime i do a song, and a next one, and another one i feel i do better.
I get that you lost it around 1.03 for most of the people this anti-climax thing is.. not what they want..
but i can assure you once its played live, on a big music event, people go crazy. atleast, thats my vision, my goal and aim. thats what i want in the future.

I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

Well, wow. I wasn't aware were this good. Spend more than one day on your tracks more often damn it! This is a tremendous improvement from the last track I heard from you. It's refreshing, empowering, uplifting, emotional and overall one hell of a listening experience. I need to also highlight how amazing that intro is. Piano + string intros are so common but when they're done right they are incredibly effective. Guitar is also a great addition and while I'm not usually too fond of noodling up and down scales I think it actually works pretty well here. I'm a fan of the piano motif you introduce at the very beginning and wish that you included it more in the track, ideally towards the end where everything is dying down.

Compliments aside, this isn't perfect. The mix gets very heavy and unclear when the huge string section comes in, drowning out other elements like the guitar strumming, flute trills and percussion. Moreover, the track drags on a little too long at the end I feel. You also kind of overuse cymbal rolls to the point that you cheapen them slightly when they play in the transitions that count the most (like 4:05). Having said that, your percussion is pretty great. The timpanis really sold me, and not just the rolls but the rhythmic passages too.

Overall, this is great stuff, and like I said, a big improvement from what I heard last time I checked out your music. I'm hoping you keep up the pace for the competition. Unrelated note; does the guitar VST you use have both plucked and strummed patches? I like the sound and I've been needing a strummed guitar for a while now. Would you recommend it? Anyway, great work!

papkee responds:

Owow. O.o

I knew this track was a lot better than much of what I've done before but I didn't realize it was THAT good. Coming from someone such as yourself this means quite a lot.

Yeah, I know the strings kind of drown everything out. I've never been that great at mixing and I'm really trying to get better with every song. I just don't really have a good ear for stuff like that.

The guitar is called (appropriately) RealGuitar by MusicLab. It's got all kinds of bells and whistles and I love it.

Thanks for the stellar review, and look forward to seeing another amazing track for round one!

I'm posting a few comments on some of the NGADM auditions that particularly stuck out to me, and this is one of them!

Felt the need to drop by and let you know that I think that both your singing and mixing/recording thereof have improved tenfold since my last encounter with your music. This is the first thing that stuck out to me when hearing this track while sifting through the 200 auditions! On the one hand, it's not perfect. Things like 1:12's clipping on that high note, and some lack of clarity at 2:38 with all those vocal harmonies, indicate that there is still room for improvement. On the other hand, former problems I had with your singing (bad recording/mixing quality, iffy higher register) have all but disappeared! The singing in this is mixed tastefully and sounds crisp, and your higher notes sound absolutely wonderful now, complementing your strong lower register, instead of falling behind it.

Of course, the other things that you've usually nailed in your music have once again been nailed right on the head. The composition is beautiful, both in melody and harmony. I especially love how subtly you introduced the other instruments with the prolonged note on "autre", and how the song effortlessly transports itself from one mood to another, from a solemn, solitary and intimate mood to a truly uplifting turnaround at 1:44. Oh, not to mention the divine atmospheres you've created at the very beginning and at the very end!

I feel like the main things holding you back are your instrument samples and mixing/levelling. My advice for the contest is for you to hold on to your signature weapon - your command over real instruments (primarily your voice). They elevate the expression of your music in a way that mere soundfonts unfortunately can't do. In any case, no matter how far you make it in this contest, let me just say I think you've already come an insanely long way since the first track I've heard from you (Propter Te). Best of luck in Round 1!

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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