
600 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


I am definitely in two minds about this submission. This has some wonderful qualities, but then there are some issues that take it down. I'm going to start with the good stuff. You develop the theme so much better over here than in your Round 1 track, as you mention in your author's comments. This is precisely the kind of thematic attention I was hoping for in your Round 1 track, and I'm very glad you decided to take the criticism and give it a shot. Your different sections flow smoothly and your various repetitions of the leitmotif tie it all together. The motif itself is a real pleasure to listen to and easily remains in the listener's head, and the transitions you wrote to lead up to it or come out of it are well-written!

All of your composition, in fact, shines. There are some beautiful harmonies, memorable sections and overall a strong sense of musicality that's present here. The 2:19 chromatic passages were quite a surprise but after a few listens they grew on me and I commend you for that bold idea! The instrumentation and voicing are, in my opinion, where the submission begins to fall short. I mean, some of your instruments do work well, whereas others, like the piano, seem to stand out like a sore thumb at times. What really peeves me, however, is your voicing among the various instruments. Various instruments just play together in unison, and there's a lack of supporting elements and intricate details behind your melodies that excite the listener's ears.

For instance, at 2:19 you start adding some proper voicing, call-and-response, counterpoint, etc, but it's short-lived, because soon after the melody starts playing again and it even starts fading out, which is another point by the way. Man, what a bad way to end the track (in my opinion, of course!). It doesn't even fit with what the (well-written, might I add) story you wrote in the description - the man dies - shouldn't you give this a suitable ending? Or, if you want to fade out to portray a feeling of continuation, then at least put a bit more effort into it rather than grabbing the melody and doing a master volume fade-out on it. The execution isn't quite as impressive as it was in your previous track either. The mix is muddy and the instruments sound a bit more lifeless and bland.

So yes, I'm a little torn with this submission. It performs well in areas that your Round 1 submission fails in, but conversely you executed some aspects better in that track than you did in this one. Either way, thanks for the pleasant listen and heartwarming story!

SCORE: 8.2/10

Jay-Turner responds:

Thank you for your review Step.

I'm glad that you like the overall piece. I agree that there are a lot of things that detract from it and it could be a lot better.

I've definitely learnt a lot about my own abilities from this piece. I'm dissatisfied with it in all of the areas that you mention so it is no surprise. For the voicing of instruments I reaaaally struggled as my woodwind and brass are all pretty naff. But, I had the idea that I wanted a really woodwind oriented piece, so I tried with what I had, albeit not the best decision I ever made. One thing I really feels horrible about the piece is that I tried to 'reverb' all my woodwind to beef-it up, which resulted in it having a very horrible strange sound.

The ending was definitely a bad call, I agree. I think I was running out of time so I did a rush job on the ending, and I was already generally fed up with it. My mix too, was terrible, I think thats one of things I need work on.

Thanks for the review again. It was definitely a learning curve.

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


Oh yes. This is my second favourite submission from the whole round of the contest, and in my opinion it's well-deserving of that rank. I believe that you did an absolutely splendid job with this, and your insanely careful attention to detail simply solidifies that belief. You have a decidedly diverse and distinguished amount of details scattered throughout the track, backed up by the skillful execution I've come to expect from you. Details like the miscellaneous subway ambient noise that plays at the start/end, the brief visits from that silky synth at 0:42, or the subdued reintroduction of the guitar at 3:29 are subtle yet very welcomed gifts to the ears. However, it's when I heard the subtle sonic variations on every iteration of the snare hits that first come in around a minute and a half in did I realise that this is no ordinary attention to detail, but an undisputed "Skye" attention to detail.

There are so many things I love about this track, but I'll mention just some of the more notable ones over here. Your intro is simply glorious. The plucked synth you introduce eight seconds in sounds great and, just like your snare, has a subtle variation on its sound each time it's played, probably done with a flanger or phaser of sorts. The best thing about it would be how it throws you off rhythm until your (absolutely awesome and clean-sounding) bass pattern and four-on-the-floor kick beat are introduced. Progression from then on was very enjoyable (and flowed well thanks to your almost always faultless transitions), and you have some fantastic compositional ideas that really bring the track forward.

One of the main issues I have with this track is the clutter during the climax. The lead synth is very upfront and heard clearly, but everything that's supporting it (save for maybe the plucked synth sound) is just buried and hard to follow, creating a lot of clutter and muddiness. After hearing such clean and airy sections with just the bass, drums, plucked synth, guitar and effects, taking such a messy route in terms of mix was a bit of a disappointment. I also kind of think your ending is a little lame. I like your idea of ending it in an understated manner, but the reverse effect personally throws me off, since the song keeps on going for a fraction of a second after the reverse effect is played. I thought that was an odd choice, and it made the ending sound a bit unsatisfying. Mostly a stylistic and opinionated issue, of course.

Overall, unlike your Round 1 submission, this is full of great compositional ideas, yet just like your Round 1 submission it has super enjoyable sound design and a unique sound palette. I genuinely can't wait for what you guys cook up next.

SCORE: 9.5/10

SkyeWint responds:

I talked with you on Skype.

Mixing this was a bitch and a half. :D

And I didn't have many ideas for the ending which didn't sound worse than this, so. Satisfied with that.

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


OK I'm going to get things on the road by saying that this is your best work from all the tracks I've heard from you. I knew you had loads of potential. Back when you didn't make it in the previous NGADM, your lack of foreground was what put you down, but now that you've made what, in my opinion, is a more balanced track with careful attention to both the foreground and background, I feel like you've reached the pinnacle of what you're able to make, and let me tell you, that pinnacle is pretty damn HIGH. This is brilliant stuff that excels in almost all of the areas I look to criticise in an NGADM submission, and it really opens my eyes at how far you can end up going in the competition.

One thing I particular liked about this would be your use of effects. The high pass filter on the guitar kicked the song's intense mood off pretty much perfectly, and the generous helping of tasteful sonic tidbits here and there like the guitar tone at 0:54, or the glitching at 1:36 and at various other areas. One of the aspects of this which I was glad you worked on would be the composition - now this is more like it! I felt like in Orcus there were certain sections that just kind of sounded like aimless chugging. Conversely, thanks to its melodic nature, this particular submission feels a lot more cohesive and memorable. I especially liked your 1:12 melody which is so expressive.

Issues with it... well, this is where I'm at a loss. You've made something very special here and as I said, succeeded in nearly every area of music production. My only issue is now something which is more stylistic than anything - the dynamic range. You heavily brickwalled this track like you do with a lot of your tracks. It adds a lot of meatiness and loudness to the mix but at the same time, you're really limiting yourself. There was a large lack of dynamic contrast, which would help so much especially in the sections building up to the main (1:13) melody. Having an audible shift in power from one section to the next is vital if you want to make something as climactic as that, and by brickwalling so hard you've limited yourself from providing that contrast, making the dynamics of this track mostly very samey.

This may just be biased since I come from an orchestral background, but man I really think the brickwalling is working against this track a little. Otherwise, this is my favourite from the whole round. It's simply superb, professional, and well-written stuff. I'd love to hear you explore a new style like prog rock next. Change things up a little! Just a personal request; either way, keep up the amazing work!

SCORE: 9.6/10

PirateCrab responds:

Er, I don't think you was even meant to be reviewing this track according to the judge sheet? But hell am I glad you did! :)

First off, thanks for all the compliments and hearty feedback. It really does mean a lot to have people spot those little tidbits that I put in for a giggle.

In terms of the whole 'brickwalling' thing. Unfortunately, due to the whole loudness war and how important it is these days (Especially in Metal) to have a track that's leveled the same as all the other music in your iTunes library, it has to be pushed fairly hard. This genre is generally the only one I push hard sadly, disappointed that you don't like it but there's no way I can feasibly change it :(

Thanks for the great review Step, looking forward to the next one! <3

PS. You might get lucky with some form of Prog Rock (ish) soon ;)

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


You really are too harsh on yourself sometimes Bosa. Even though you and I both know this is leagues away from what you're truly capable of doing, it has a surprisingly large amount of redeeming factors that make this still a perfectly enjoyable submission which was certainly worth submitting. I'm going to reiterate what has been said below since I agree strongly with it - your knack to weave different instruments and melodies together is undisputed. I loved hearing all of the different instruments playing together in such a fantastic arrangement, and how they complemented each other with potent synergy.

I think my favourite aspect of this track would be the atmosphere. The instant the track kicks in we have a wonderfully warm and lush atmosphere that remains fairly subdued and with tons of lovely embellishments from different instruments before opening up beautifully at 0:39. I mean, I know you could do a more pronounced buildup there but I totally get the idea you were going for and I know that with a bit of polish it'll really sound fantastic. I also loved the contrast between the majestic sections that make heavy use of sustained brass notes, and the delicate sections that shift more towards detached/plucked instruments.

I feel like there isn't much of a reason to list what is wrong with this submission but for the sake of completing the review I will list what I think are the issues that are worth mentioning. The most glaring one is that this is short. It's the kind of track whose natural environment is in a long, developed and dynamic musical setting which needs more than under 2 minutes (especially with an unsatisfying ending like that). The mixing isn't the best you've done. It isn't particularly bad and you still let the high quality of your samples shine (seriously, great samples - the legato intervals on the brass are very tasty), but it can get somewhat cluttered and muddy. Lastly, the melodies, while not bad, felt a little artificial. To be honest I think it's because they're - for the most part - made out of the same note lengths, particularly 0:42's brass melody.

You have a nice blend of emotional and majestic, with a wonderful instrument arrangement and atmosphere. Some more polish which I know you're capable of can easily turn this into another King Bosa epic.

SCORE: 7.8/10

Bosa responds:

thank you sm, Step!

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


Wow, that has to be the beefiest mix from the whole round, maybe rivalled by the likes of garlagan, SolarexMusic or PirateCrab. But really, the raw thump in the drums, the upfront power of the synths and the inexorable aggression in your dubstep bass are very formidable. Unlike MetalRenard, I think this sounds sweet at high volumes because it really highlights the raw sonic intensity of the sound palette you've provided here. I genuinely love the production value of your tracks, and I'm not wary of turning my volume up just to fully experience the really nifty sound manipulation such as the mini sub bass dropping in pitch at parts like 1:20 or the crisp high end you added to the snare at 3:40.

One thing I think you did particularly well in this track, and definitely better than your opponent(s), is control the rise and release of power through more satisfying buildups. Buildups like the ones leading up to 0:54 and 2:44 are simply fantastic. While it's a tried-and-true dubstep technique to build up a lot of intensity only to let it all go with some vocal sample playing on its own, followed by the bass dropping, I don't think it's ever been done with a cow sound before, or at the very least it's not something you hear everyday, I'll give you that! I admit it gave me a laugh and I will henceforth remember this track as "the cow song" because of it. The way you played a drum roll at 2:44 instead of another moo like we were all expecting, and then got the moo in later, was also very clever!

It's sometimes kind of lame to post a review after so many helpful ones were listed under it since you end up just repeating a lot of the same thing, but yeah... I agree that the actual melodies could do with some work. The only melody which I actually enjoyed was 0:42 but you rely on it as your almost sole source of an actual melody, repeating it a lot when it's actually showcased and trudging through copious amounts of sound processing and effects when it's not. Some more interesting melodies would really take this track places, and really, the melodic aspect is the only thing that's lacking (except I thought your chords were a bit loud at times but that's a minor levelling issue). Other aspects of the composition such as structures and transitions are great, which is a refreshing improvement from your Round 1 track.

That's my opinion on it. Regardless, I think it's one of the stronger submissions this round. Very solid work; keep it up!

introstalge responds:

Thanks Step for the in-depth review, I really appreciate your encouragement and criticism. I will be working really hard on my composition in the future and hopefully can make some cool stuff/

And thanks for holding the NGADM as always, it was awesome to be able to participate this year!

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


I think you'll be pleased to know that I don't think this sounds rushed at all. While I kind of preferred your Round 1 submission in that it sounded more innovative and memorable than this submission, you've actually fixed the repetition issue from your previous track. I mean, it's not entirely gone but since I admit that you seem to cling on to melodies for too long, but at least now you actually have a really fun variation on the main theme with the B section starting at 1:23. Speaking of which, all of your themes are earworms! While this doesn't have the memorable style and mood of the original, it has some lovable hooks to keep in one's memory.

Production is awesome! I assumed since you had to rush this it'd have a bad mix, but there are literally no signs of rushing in the mix/master. Everything seems considerably well-thought-out and care was taken to ensure that there's both dynamic variety and just the right amount of loudness when needed in the master, and the EQing is pretty much spot on since everything occupies its own space in the mix. I would've liked some more highs, but otherwise it's a good mix!

My first complaint is one I mentioned earlier. Your original track had one main theme but it felt like you were too hesitant to include varieties on it. You fixed that in this track by adding melodic variety, but there still isn't enough. I'm not saying this just because of my orchestral background; having the same melody repeated up to four times over simply isn't fun to listen through after the second repetition, especially when your opponent has such a varied track. Secondly, I feel like stylistically this was a little bland/generic. I mean, it wouldn't be much of an issue if I were reviewing this out of the blue, but for the contest where I have to compare you with your opponent, I feel like johnfn took a less safe route and made something more original.

Anyway, as evident by my high score, I certainly don't think the issues detract that much from this. It's a very well-produced piece of music. Wonderful work.

SCORE: 9/10

AeronMusic responds:

Thanks Step. Yep, Johnfn did make something more original and he deserved to win. I had little time to finish this. So I rushed it (not that the mixing is bad but I could have put more variety and instruments in it...). It is kind of pity.
Anyways, your reviews are so indepth and these are higly appreciated! Thank you very much!
I'll look forward for next year!

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


Ever since we've started using the audio playlists feature on Newgrounds for NGADM submissions, I've taken to listening to all of the submissions of a round in the playlist without knowing who made what. And damn, every single time this track popped up while I was listening to the playlist, I instantly KNEW it was made by you. Those smooth lead synths that you use almost like lead guitars with all their solos and pitch bending (and the classic 1:08 johnfn drum roll) are all instantly identifiable as yours, and that style of synths is one of the many things I always enjoy when listening to your music. Parts like 2:47 are simply a gift to the ears. Hell, all your composition is nailed. There's no shortage of likeable hooks in your melodies.

One thing which I think you did particularly well over here is jam-pack your track with loads of different ideas and make them work together for the most part. For instance, you've got an ambient and atmospheric intro, a 5/4 section with wonderful percussion work and then a seamless transition back to 4/4 with this huge soundscape made up of punchy drums, incredible glitch effects, heavy use of reverb and spacey/trippy elements everywhere. The sounds you use to represent these ideas are awesome, to boot. Highlights would be those looming bassy hits at 1:38 and the spacey glissandi at the end. Great stuff.

Now, I know this might come off as a surprise since it has NEVER EVER happened before with your NGADM submissions... EVER... but the mixing might've been rushed at the last minute. I mean, I've come to expect great mixing from you since I know you're capable of it and in your defence this isn't particularly bad, but parts like 2:47 sound messy and overcompressed, the snare was a bit too harsh at the beginning and could've been mixed in better, and the hits towards the end are obnoxiously loud and drown out the other elements rather than accentuate them like they should be doing. Also, yeah I agree the transition at 1:38 is a little abrupt, but man I need to commend you once more on transitioning back to 4/4 so well, so that sort of makes up for it!

Not your best, but still a blast to listen to. Love it!

SCORE: 8.9/10

johnfn responds:

Haha step forgive me! I normally have a only a single weekend to work on these things (i have a job and stuff...) and it's hard! :p it's especially hard to mix under such tight time constraints... Maybe I should just quit my job!

This song was particularly tough for me for some reason. I think it's because I decided to have it be made out of like 3.5 smaller songs. That was tough. heh

Thanks for the thoughts... I will try to leave some time for mixing next time ;-)

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


It's killing me to see that you have only 7 fans here on Newgrounds! You've pumped out another well-produced track in a similar style to that of your audition, and you honestly deserve a lot more recognition here for your skills. For starters I think your melody is, in the same light as your previous submission, catchy, well-developed and fun to listen to. There's this distinct Megaman-like quality to your track at 1:07 in that there's a pretty raw, chiptune-esque lead synth and it's very melodic. You've supported your melody with layers of arps and pads, embellishing your background with a wonderful dreamy texture. Love that 3:40 filter automation by the way!

The sounds you've used are mostly very suited to the theme and sound good. The chimes at 3:07 are a very nice touch and freshen up the listening experience as they weren't really showcased before that part (or at least they were played too subtly for me to hear them!), the drums are once again punchy and crisp, and the vocals, I think, are a very welcomed addition! The only sound I didn't quite like is the lead saw synth with all that portamento at 1:28, which sounded a bit too detuned for my tastes, but that's just my own opinion. My favourite sounds have to be the softer sounds which evoke such a fantastic atmosphere at parts like the intro.

Production is leagues above the production value of a typical electronic track here on Newgrounds, although at this point I certainly can't expect less from you! The clarity and loudness is all there. If I had to suggest anything related to mixing, it'd be to include a bit more bass, turn up the vocals and turn down the drums. You know, I think the only notable pertinent issue I have with this is that it isn't quite as novel as I hoped it'd be. Your other tracks offered more unique listening experiences, whereas this feels a bit more like by-the-book Drum and Bass, and as much as I love it, it's still something I feel needs mentioning.

Anyway, EXTREMELY solid track right here, please keep it up!

SCORE: 8.8/10

KabukiTunes responds:

Thank you, Step! It's been a pleasure being a part of the competition, and I can't wait to be a part of it next year. I only just discovered Newgrounds, but I'll definitely be posting more stuff here. It's great exposure and a great community. I'll see you around the forums!

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


Damn, man. You know how much I love your music but the best part about it all is that you've never flopped so far. Every single track of yours that I've heard is extremely well-produced, well-written and just sets the bar every time! Of course, this doesn't fall behind on that expectation. What I think this excels in compared to your audition is that it's unlike anything I've heard before. It's precisely this kind of clever synth work and unique composition that, in my opinion, distinguishes the generic electronic music from the really special ones. From the slap bass, to the huge chords, to the sliced female voice at the end, there really is something for everyone.

I think my favourite thing about this track apart from how unique and creative it is, is that you've established some insanely addicting motifs, such as that little 0:06 melodic phrase which serves as a foreshadowing to what comes afterwards, or those bars where you move the first kick of the bar a half-beat forwards and accentuate it (example: 0:20) which gives it an awesome syncopated feeling. What shines aren't the melodies you use, but your little motifs and how you incorporate them seamlessly into the track.

I don't even feel the necessity to tell you how good I think your production is. I do kind of agree this could do with a more defined bass and it's mixed too loudly in sections like 0:27 with not much dynamic range, but they honestly didn't bother me much. I'm a huge fan of all the sounds you've used (especially those glissandi at parts like 1:18) except the synth brass (I think that's synth brass) that first comes in at 0:27. It might be just me, or might be how loud the sections using it are in, but I sort of felt like it was too blaring and crude-sounding for a polished and thick mix like this.

Anyway, wow. I prefer your Round 1 track since I think it has stronger composition but this is still yet another amazing track. You have to be one of my favourite electronic artists on the site, seriously. Keep it up.

SCORE: 9.3/10

garlagan responds:

WHOA! Thanks Step!
Your reviews are probably my favourite thing from the NGADM <3

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review.


Another round, another charming VGM tune! You know, contrary to what garlagan said in his review, I don't quite think your style is very original, but in a way that's what I love about it. You've nailed a style that's not done to death in modern times and is still very familiar and nostalgia-inducing, and like in your Round 1 track, it gives this loads of charm and enjoyability. Most of this is coming in the sounds you use, which, while sounding a little harsh at times, synergise SO well with each other. The acid bass, the delayed hypersaw, the laser sound effects, the synth brass, the chimes, the vibrato, the snare-heavy drum patterns... at the risk of sounding like Apple, it just WORKS.

Now that group stages are over I'm able to directly compare competitors with their opponents, and I feel like it's especially viable to do so with you and garlagan since I think it's an easily comparable matchup where each submission has noticeable faults and strengths. In the composition department, I have to admit I think yours takes the cake by a bit. The melodies all sound inspired like in your audition and are structured wonderfully. Your rhythms are probably my favourite aspect of the composition though. You accentuate your rhythms with loads of drum hits and it's just a blast to listen to.

My only issue is kind of similar to the one I had in your Round 1 track. It's the mix. Due to the fact that the frequencies often clash in the lower half of the spectrum, it again gets a little ear-stressing. I don't think the problem is NEARLY as present here because, to my delight, you took my advice and added more dynamic sections, like 1:15 and 3:12. Still, you need to work on making the mix less muddy and cluttered! This is what's giving garlagan an edge, and in a genre where production is so important, I'm afraid it's enough of an edge for me to give him a higher score!

Anyway, the mix isn't bad by any means. It's just a little muddy during the busier sections. Whatever the case, I am starting to get really partial to your music! Good job with this.

SCORE: 8.6/10

Spadezer responds:

Thanks for the excellent review. I love hearing that you enjoy my tracks and I love the detailed feedback that you give. One day I'll nail down the mixing stuff, and I feel silly that my last track didn't have much dynamic range (I should know better).

But other than that I love that what I can take away with this is the possibility of winning over another fan through my music. I'm glad you like it and I'm glad to hear a 8.6 out of you (although I was aiming for a 9). And now that I look back on it, I guess I really like to stress out on the composition more so than the mixing.

Be awesome, be more awesome, and repeat.

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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