Extremely fast paced, and you did an amazing job with the percussion. The melody varied a lot, and the effects were great; they fitted in perfectly. The buildups of the song were really professional and great. Only one problem. The part at 1:35 didn't fit in that well. The sudden rythm changes, in your songs usually come out really impressively, but this time I don't think it came out that well. It didn't fit in at all with the fast paced feel of the song and didn't sound that well overall. Was that supposed to sound like a piano? Well, if so, it doesn't eally sound like one. I'd suggest firstly improving the quality of it, and then choose from moving it to the end or making it match with the rythm of the song. Anyway, the rest of the song was great. I especially liked the solos like the one in 0:33. Well, apart from the problem at 1:35, it was completely perfect, and I couldn't help but give it a