YES. This is absolutely wonderful. The ambience you created here is really lush, warm and soothing, but it's supported by really good soloing and composition so it remained interesting throughout. Really nice work man - as usual I've got the odd complaint here and there, but I'm honestly very impressed. I will make ambient like this some day. MARK MY WORDS.
So uh, first off, intro's from Buoy's "Solace". That's an easy one. *snatches cookie you unjustly gave to Soapbubble and noms it*. Speaking of which, the intro is wonderful. Very reminiscent of Solace's intro, but not as slow and melancholy. It also has some awesome effects with a lot of echo on them to really set the atmosphere. Progression from then on was nailed nicely!
Composition is fantastic, as usual. There's a certain depth to the composition which makes it just so interesting and enjoyable to listen to. I absolutely love all the pad's chords and the massive and deep layers of harmony. What I thought was a very nice touch in the composition was how you did that effect at 0:30 and then at 0:35 you sort of "answered" the effect with that lower instrument. That was a small subtle touch, but nevertheless a stroke of genius.
Now I'll talk about all the sounds, and to start off your sounds, while not being realistic, are very pleasant and mellow. That pan flute (?) was wonderfully fitting and I can't say less about the instrument that first comes in at 0:26. I love your use of the piano too - as Coop said, it was a great way to keep the track's progression going smoothly, while still not standing out.
And yeah, you guessed it, I have a few complaints about the mixing :P. The track, again, feels too muddy. You talked about how you want to achieve that fluffy texture with a tonne of reverb, which I agree with, although all this reverb is muddling the instruments with each other.
I think you should do some sort of filter to edge out the low/mid frequencies of the reverb (just increase the low cut knob of Fruity Reeverb). Having high-end reverb still gives the song the texture/atmosphere you're going for while still spacing out the mix a bit more and making it easier to pick out what's going on. I think it's especially important that you do it on the pan flute and the 0:26 instrument.
I think the general EQing needs some work too since the song is kinda heavy in the mid frequencies and it gets a bit tiring eventually. A tip I've got is, when EQing, to cut out or at least tone down the frequency ranges of an instrument which aren't "important".
For example, if you're using a bass guitar, it's there to provide bass to the track (no kiddin') so you can tone down the upper mid and high frequencies a fair amount. Sure it might make the string pluck sound of the guitar much less heard and it might sound bad on its own, but in the context of the whole song it will sound fine. For instance, I generally tone down a lot of the lower frequencies of my pianos, to the point that on their own they sound weird, but then in the song they sound perfectly OK and at the same time they won't mud up the mix.
Oh and on a smaller note - I think the wind effects at around 0:46 stand out a tad bit too much. I think you should tone them down a little. Anyway, that ends my bigass lecture on mixing. I don't know much about it - just sharing what I know from the little experience I have. Basically your mixing is good but it has room for improvement.
Last point I want to mention which I haven't mentioned is about transitions. Just wished to say that they are so smooth. I honestly have no complaints at all on them - the introduction of the new instrument at 1:18 was amazing, as was the transition at 2:06. You REALLY have a knack for transitions, I swear :3.
That's pretty much it - I love this track. The composition is terrific, the sounds/atmosphere are soothing, the transitions are out of this world and the progression is great. As usual I'm being nitpicky on the mixing but other than that I really can't find anything else to complain about. Brilliant work on this, and keep it up!