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I was trying to beat sixflab's score, and after a few tries I got to, guess what score. 8321. Argh... I'm beating that score, regardless of how long it takes me.

Now, enough of my whining. I enjoy competition too much. The game itself is very good. It's a perfect example of when such a simple game and concept become so complicated, hard, and best of all, fun. I really enjoyed playing this game, good job on it! Also, please add a high scores system, lol :3.

The graphics look great. Simple but effective. I really liked the graphics of the menu screen, and overall, even for simple graphics, I liked the smooth and colourful look of the game. Moreover, the background was excellent and provided a cool effect while playing the game which made the game look cooler and still not distract the one playing the game, so nice job there. I really don't think you can do anything to improve the graphics. Animation at times was laggy, even when quality was lowest, and at other times was fine, although I suppose that's just my computer acting up again. I suppose there isn't anything wrong with the animation, good job there too!

Now for the gameplay. I have to admit that for such a simple concept, the gameplay was great, the game itself was well programmed without any glitches (as far as I know) and there was a noticeable increase in difficulty as the score went higher and higher. The different objects/spheres in the screen all did something different and there was a large variety of different types of spheres (I went up to that annoying blue one that keeps following you). These small things make me want to play the game again and again, although there are still some things that need a bit of work...

Firstly, it's the rate of difficulty. As sixflab said, in the early stages of the game, avoiding the stuff thrown at you was child's play. I almost stopped playing because it started to get a bit boring, but for the sake of curiousity I kept on going and then I noticed that the game was actually getting harder. I think it should either start out harder or become harder at a faster rate, because the user can easily get bored playing this and not realise that it's about to get much harder.

On a related note, I think the difficulty should be proportional to the time you've taken playing, not your score, i.e., the longer you play, the harder the game, not the higher your score, the harder the game. I've noticed that when I get a small sphere which gives me a score boost, a big bunch of new random spheres appear on the screen, indicating that the difficulty gets harder depending on how high your score is. Why do I want it depending on how long the user has been playing? Because if the user's doing really well and gets loads of score-boosting spheres in a short time, the game still inevitably gets harder, whereas if the game gets harder depending on how long you played, the user can get as many score-boosting spheres as he wants without worrying about any sudden increases in difficulty. Haha, I doubt you understood what I mean, I suck at explaining...

A pause menu would also work well here. You could pause and see how many sphere types you've unlocked (so if for example you get to the yellow spheres, it becomes 'unlocked' in the pause menu where you can see what it does which makes it different from the other spheres), and pausing is useful when the user just needs a break, or possibly wants to change the song since you can't change the song when playing.

Additionally, I think a small tutorial would work well here. At first I didn't know I had to avoid *all* the spheres, and tried to grab the green ones while dodging the red ones, and I obviously lost. Same with the yellow sphere; I thought it was some sort of awesome powerup or something, but I lost when I touched it too. Speaking of that, powerups, as the other reviewers said, would really work well in this :).

This is an awesome game, I have to admit. The only problem with it is that it can get a bit boring at the beginning. Still, keep up the great work! :D

-Review Request Club-

TheSongSalad responds:

Thanks for the great review man. Your suggestions on the rate of difficulty increase are especially nice. That was one of the things that gave us the most trouble in getting right.

The pause idea is also great, and basing the increase in difficulty on time instead of score also makes a lot of sense (no worries, I understood what you were trying to say just fine).

All in all, you guys gave a lot of very helpful reviews, I love the RRC ;)

You gotta love the classics...

...This is a nice game, and I didn't get bored playing it. I haven't played any other Kees' Adventures, but what the heck, at least I have a good first impression with this game :D. Good job on this one; there's room for improvement but this is way above the NG standard and is enjoyable ^^.

Animation wasn't extraordinary, although I suppose that's expected in an 8-bit type game like this. Maybe this lacks some more animation, such as at the concert: everyone was standing still and not moving, which made the concert look boring. Give it some more animation to make it more lively and give the flash a more dramatic ending. As for the graphics, I really like them. They were not too complicated, but did the job well, and the characters were drawn excellently. My only complaint with the graphics would be how you drew the hand at the end. It looks weird and unnatural. Other than that, superb graphics.

The concept isn't too good unfortunately. It started off with a good start, but the whole 'normal life, date with a girl to a concert' where you happen to find someone who tells you the 'fate in the world rests in your hands' (I don't know how many times I heard that line before :P) is quite unoriginal and an overused concept. However, the gameplay overall is impressive. You had a decent amount of options such as pause, volume control and a mute option too, plus the game was well-made, with signs next to every building telling you what it is, a wide variety of different characters and some funny conversations.

The gameplay still isn't flawless though. The first and most obvious defect is that, as Roger said, it's so easy. Basically, for the whole game, you have to get random items from random people and give the random items to some other random person... randomly xD... What I'm trying to say is, allow your character to do stuff with his items, such as combine them to get a new item you might need, and allow your character to use items on certain things in the game to progress, instead of just give items to people. Also, add some puzzles; make this more mind-challenging. It will definitely provide much more satisfaction once the game is complete. Finally, make the items harder to find, like for example, you might find an item in the trashbin or in some drawer, instead of finding them lying on the ground or by asking people.

One thing that might make the game harder (other than hiding items in different places and adding some sort of ability to combine items to get a new item/use items on other things in the game) would be to make the places bigger. For example, when they lost the tickets, the place they were in was tiny, with a minimal amount of characters. You just had to ask certain characters what they want, find what they want, they give you another item, you give it to another character, etc... and this is all really easy in a really tiny place. Make the place a bit bigger, maybe even add some characters which give you misleading information or say something useless, because as far as I know, every character contributed to helping you out except Patrick who shouts out "Trollforce!" all the time.

Some other small things which would be cool would be stuff like you being given a choice to answer in a certain way to people. Instead of letting your character do all the talking, you can occasionally choose what to say to the other characters. Also, something really small but helpful would be if you already have a certain item which a character wants. He still says 'can you find it for me?' when you already have it, so make it that if you already have it, they say something like 'Oh, there it is! You're one step ahead of me! Thanks!' instead of you having to talk to them immediately after to give them the item.

The audio was alright. It lacks sound effects, but the music was nice and catchy. Still, it wasn't really anything too special. It sounded pretty plain if you get what I mean. Maybe you can also add different songs.

So overall, nice work, this is a fun game! Keep it up.

-Review Request Club-

kcnh responds:

Thank you very much! You have written quite an impressive review, I'll be sure to use your advice for the next episode!


For a simple concept, this is quiet addictive, and on the whole it's an enjoyable game. It has its positive things and its negative things, although the pros outweigh the cons nicely, so in all this is a good game ^^. I managed to get a 65 as a high score, after like half an hour xD. Persistence FTW.

I was very impressed by your graphics. The background was superb, the characters were drawn really well, and nothing really looked sketchy or out of place, except maybe the fire at the top left. Not saying that it looked bad, because it looked fine, but I think the whole 'OMG the building is on fire' theme would be more effective if you had more fires surrounding the building, instead of one rather weak one at the top left. Instead, maybe, you can make it that the fire gets bigger/more fires are added in different positions around the building as you progress through the game. As for the animation, it was smooth overall, apart from the fact that it lags quite a bit, although it's probably me and my habit of leaving programs open in the taskbar instead of closing them when I'm done. *closes all programs* *plays game* Yeah, it's just me...

What you can do for more variety of animation would be as Fro said, to have more stuff going on in the background, such as birds flying, clouds moving, planes soaring past, etc... By the way, you should add a quick quality choice button while you're playing, typically 'Q'. I must say that the game is really chaotic and fun (not to mention extremely hard) when you have the quality down to lowest, all programs closed and all the processes you can end ended. That's why I think that a quality button would help a lot more instead of having to right click, go to quality, and choose the quality.

As for the concept, it isn't extremely original, but that's not really a big problem. Gameplay on the whole was very good, and I liked the fact that different characters fell at different speeds; it really forced you to multitask and keep your mind on all of the characters and not only 1. So yeah, gameplay was great, but the problem is that the gameplay is so basic...

Fro has some very good ideas, and I agree with him on having levels and a shop in-between. Maybe powerups can fall from the building too and if you get them, something happens, such as a powerup of bird feed where if you grab it birds will cover the screen, pick up every helpless elderly person in the screen currently, and transport him/her to the ambulance, or maybe another powerup which removes one of your casualties. Ideas like these could really spice up your game, adding some more originality and replay value to it. I also really like the idea that Fro suggested about a bit of a background story. Add some funny cutscene at the beginning showing how the fire started (with an option to skip it, obviously), then you're taken to the main menu.

When it comes to the audio, on the whole I was impressed. The song fit really really well with the game, and the sound effects were fine. I was hoping to hear more moans from the old people instead of just a bouncing sound effect, but other than that the sound effects were fine. Maybe you could add more audio options such as a choice of different music (the flash filesize is pretty small, so it won't hurt to make the flash a slight bit bigger), ability to mute the music/sound effects/both, etc...

In general I enjoyed this game. It's very addictive because of its difficulty and gameplay mixed with such a simple concept. In a nutcase, my only issue with this game is that it's too basic; it's as if it does what it's supposed to do (bounce around old folk) and that's it. Spice it up with some animation in the background, more fire animations, powerups, levels, a shop, a cutscene and even some audio options too like mute and a music choice. You have a very good base to build on, and I believe this has a lot of potential, so I think you really should consider upgrading this a little. In all, keep up the excellent work, and good luck on your future flashes.

-Review Request Club-

SantoNinoDeCebu responds:

haha yes, the flame does look a lil' piddly! After realising how hard it is to draw fire I figured piddly flame will have to do!
Ye thanks for the idea with toggling quality and sound, I will definitely add it in at some point as well as future projects, can't do no harm being in!


Its brilliant humour makes up for its simplicity

I won't lie to you, this is among one of the more simple games on NG. The escape the room wasn't too mind-challenging, the hallway could be passed with the right-click cheat, the first part with the car was simply clicking the fire, the part inside the fire was easy since the zombies don't do anything to you, the second part with the car was short and easy, and the airplane part can be passed by pressing Tab and then Enter when an object comes up. Still, the cutscenes were fantastic and hilarious and the idea of mashing up different genres into one game is a good one. This has some defects, but the humour was great, and I enjoyed it.

There wasn't much animation, but the animation that there was was smooth. When it comes to the acting, I must say that I was really impressed. Nick is a natural at acting like an idiot, if I may say so myself :P. The graphics weren't too good unfortunately. Most of it was a video, but the drawn graphics could use some work. For example, the part of the hallway was pacman-style and really plainly drawn, and I can say the same thing for the road in the second part with the car. Still, the simple graphics add to the humourous style of the flash, so I won't really complain much about them.

The storyline is just hilarious. Its randomness, clashing with the generic minigames you added, really set off a funny atmosphere, and the fact that wherever Nick went there was fire was a really good idea. I especially laughed when Nick ran towards his car and said "Oh no, my car's on fire!", that part was really well acted. Maybe you could add even MORE minigames, since the flash as it is right now is short. Also, I don't understand what the escape the room part is about. You just get a bunch of random objects and suddenly a fire extinguisher pops up out of nowhere :S. The Easter Egg on the other hand was funny :D.

Also, the fact that you can cheat in almost every minigame is a bit of a bummer. In the room part, if you press Tab, you can see what you can press, in the hallway part, if you hold left-click and move or press right-click and move, you can easily pass the walls, and in the aeroplane part if you press tab and enter whenever an object comes up you can easily win. Add an instruction like 'Press Tab to commit suicide' and every time the user presses tab it goes to a 'game over' screen. Also, make it that if you left-click and hold or press right-click, you have to start from the beginning...

In addition, the game is really easy, even without cheating. Sure, the main attraction of the game would be its superb cutscenes, but if you give the game a bit more of a challenge, the person playing the game would feel more satisfied when finishing the game. The escape the room could involve some sort of puzzles which are a little challenging to figure out, the hallway part could have more fire, maybe moving walls too, the first part with the car could have some moving fires which you have to click on instead of stationary ones, the zombie part could be better if the zombies actually attack you, the second part with the car would be better if you make the place where the fire comes from randomly generated, and the part with the aeroplane could be some sort of shooter instead of simply clicking on objects. Maybe you can add a difficulty system/lives system, and a main menu would be cool too.

The audio was great. Voice acting was really good (although a little hard to understand at times, maybe you can add a subtitles option to the main menu, providing that you add one xD) and the songs you chose were fantastic and added to the atmosphere. The only thing I'd complain about is that the main loop you used didn't, err... loop. If there's some sort of silence in the loop, you can remove it with an audio editor (try Audacity) or if it's something to do with Flash, I can't help you there...

Overall, this made me laugh. Has its defects, but the fact that it's so funny really makes up for it. Good job, you deserved those awards :D. Keep it up!
5/5 - cuz you made me laugh.

-Review Request Club-

Fro responds:

I think that you will be impressed with the added difficulty in the room. We'll take care of the cheats in the next one and there will be a couple more mini-games. We have it all planned out so far, but if there is more room then I have ideas for even more mini-games that would be like side quests and only done for fun.

Average at best...

This is an alright submission, has its pros and cons and there are worse submissions of this genre here on NG, plus it's additicting especially since it seems as if nobody cheated in the high scores system, so there's more of a challenge. Oh, and I beat all of the RRC members who submitted their scores. I am the superior RRC member >:3.

The graphics weren't horrible, but they weren't too special either. If you look at that background, you'll see that the fork looks like a disfigured miniature pitchfork and the plate has a ridiculously thick outline. The drugs were pretty blandly drawn but the mouse itself was alright. Unfortunately, the screen changing to different colours when the mouse was about to explode really shifted my concentration and was annoying, I think instead you should only subtly indicate that the mouse is about to explode, instead of filling the screen with colour.

The animation wasn't too smooth unfortunately, or at least for me it wasn't, even at low quality. It lagged quite a bit and buttons ended up unresoponsive. Still, that could just be my piece of crap, sorry, my computer, so it won't affect your score. Animation such as the mouse getting fatter could have been done a bit more smoothly, instead of suddenly switching from thin to fatter, so what I mean is you could have animated the transition from thin to fat instead of just switched from think to fad so suddenly. Still, that's just a weird nitpick.

The concept is unoriginal, let's face it. Collect the proper items, don't collect the bad ones. Still, the concept of drugging a mouse until it explodes is something I've never heard of before, so props for that original thought :D. The gameplay, unfortunately, is awkward. You move one direction, and the mouse automatically keeps on going for 1/5 of the ground. I think it's best to move freely, or maybe have a setting where you can enable/disable this movement. Also, I strongly suggest giving more time when the mouse explodes. 5 seconds is not nearly enough, and it's almost impossible to make the mouse explode more than once.

Another problem with this would be its lack of depth and variety. There are only 3 types of things that fall, and that's a small pill, a big one, and a heart. You could add many different things such as time powerups, point powerups, temporary immunity to hearts powerups, etc... You can add different game modes such as unlimited time mode (for practising), no hearts mode, etc... maybe some options too where you can change the music or change difficulty levels. Sure these are all time-consuming, but you don't have to do all of them. Add a few little percs to this, so it won't just be another collect/avoid game.

Another thing which I didn't like would be the fact that this has no levels. It's just pointlessly collecting and avoiding until time runs out, with no goal except to achieve the highest score. I think levels with varying difficulties would do wonders to this submission, as Coop83 said, and having new backgrounds would add to the variety of the submission, since TBH the kitchen background got boring :P.

Also, 3 glitches: the one that Coop83 pointed out with the loading screen would be the first one. The second one would be when you start the game, if you don't move at all, the pills would fall right through you and you won't collect them, and finally the last one (don't know if this happened to me only or not) is when, after the high scores, somehow it just diverts to the game again, instead of the main menu, except no pills are falling. I move one space, and then the mouse disappears too and I'm stuck with the background only. I can't move or go back to the menu :S.

The audio was fine. The song sounded cool and fit well with the submission, although maybe some SFX to indicate if you caught/missed a pill and when you explode might work.

Overall, this is a decent submission, although it looks a bit sketchy, and lacks depth. Add a few different things to it, and make it more than just your average collect/avoid game.

-Review Request Club-

MonoFlauta responds:

"Oh, and I beat all of the RRC members who submitted their scores. I am the superior RRC member >:3."

Not really :P i am monoflauta and i am too in the club haha

"The graphics weren't horrible, but they weren't too special either."

Yes i know, i didnt make them so i cant comment a lot for it -.-

"The animation wasn't too smooth unfortunately"

Yes that is my fault -.- sorry :P i know i made it in a difficult way

"Also, 3 glitches"

Oh didnt know about the second one and the third one, thanks :S

"The audio was fine. The song sounded cool and fit well with the submission, although maybe some SFX to indicate if you caught/missed a pill and when you explode might work."

Yes you are right -.- looks like you are allways right lol, you make nice reviews

Thanks for reviewing!

Yep, covered in glitches :P

It's definitely great for your first game, I believe this is one of the best first games I've seen :). I'm just happy it's not a maze game using the mouse or a dress-up game :P.

Animation was quite smooth, although at times I went through platforms and started falling down when I wasn't supposed to. Still, not too bad animaton, with a good game engine as Coop83 said. Graphics weren't too good, TBH. Platforms were just black blotches and occasionally black squares, the dot seemed to change in every level except towards the end where it remained the same, which was wierd, and there was no background; instead a bland white screen. Try something gradient for a background, or maybe try drawing a space background or something. Just please take away that awful white. :\

The concept, obviously, isn't that original. A platform game played with oversized dot. Also, as Kirbyfemur said quite clearly, there were loads of bugs. For example, sometimes, when you fell down, you kept falling down forever, and this would result in having to restart the game. Also, at level 10, right under the platform where the portal was, there was a little passage which you could enter, and if you jumped, you'd be teleported up to the top of the platform. Oh, and at level 15, the music decided to stop. D: I would mention more glitches, but it seems like Kirbyfemur covered the majority of them :P.

The gameplay was alright; a little awkward because of the glitches, but still OK I didn't like how the game's levels progressed, though. Level 1 was harder than 2, the one with the broken spikes (I think it's level 7), although it made me lol, was practically one of the easiest. Some levels were creative, but there was nothing which was new to platform games like these. Oh, and I liked that you had the preloader letting you move the dot around while you wait, but I didn't need to wait for that long so it wasn't such a useful feature :P.

The game overall is quite short and easy. You could either do longer levels, or increase the amount of levels to something extraordinary like 100, leaving the gamer to think 'Man, when will this ever finish??'. Also, maybe you could add bonus levels, like ones with a timer, ones where you have to find all of the pickups, etc. Also, the menu button was a little wierd, since I thought it was a platform, I jumped on it, and fell to my death :P. I'd rather you put it up to the top left corner, and made it so that it moved with the camera. This would help a lot in longer levels (if you add any). Either that, or you add a pause screen.

Also, regarding the end, where you said 'Try to finish the game always bouncing'. This gave me an idea. Maybe when you win the first 15 levels, there's another game mode where you have to do it always bouncing, and it automatically bounces your dot up and down for you, then another one when you win the bouncing mode where you have to finish the game with the left and right keys inverted, and another with a timer afterwards, where you have to win the whole game in like 2 minutes or something, and then another game mode with all of those other modes combined or something. It'd really make the game longer, if you're not aiming for increasing the amount of levels.

Not much to say about the audio. it had a good song (which disappeared at level 15 as I said before D:) and I liked that you had a victory theme at the end. What you could do is add a different song for every game mode (if you add any), since the size of the file is quite small, and I don't think it would do any harm to add some more songs. Also, the preloader 'minigame' does need an excuse to be played more while the game is loading :P...

It's an OK game, and really great for your first. Work on those glitches, the graphics and the game itself: maybe giving it some game modes and stuff. Still, not a bad job overall, keep on going at this rate and I'm sure you'll become a great flash animator. Sorry for the awfully long review... D:

-Review Request Club-

Reached the character limit, in case you want to know :P.

Joshsouza responds:

Thanks for the review! Although I can't do all of those game modes to add in and 100 levels would take A LOT of time. I AM still a beginner. I only said to finish the game alwaysbouncing because I thought it would be a little bit more challenging and that I couldn't make the game mode. Thanks for the review again it is the best on I have recieved so far. :D

Not that good...

A good concept for a game, although I got bored playing it too quickly.

Firstly, the graphics, although quite well drawn, were too bland since they had no colour. I liked the backgound, although some clouds would help a little. Still, adding colour would not only make the background along with the game in general look beter, but it could also make the game easier, by being able to colour-code the different neanderthals to know what bonuses you could get and which are your enemies/allies. The animation wasn't that bad, although a liittle slow in some parts.

The concept is good, since the fact that the dinosaur grows and shrinks according to who you stomp is pretty original. I just didn't like that you had cavemen 'helping' you, since they got in the way quite a bit, so you could either remove them or make them useful :P.

Gameplay was quite frustrating, since it's very hard to stomp someone on the ground when they keep passing from between your legs. A simple solution to this problem is by making a button (for example, the Shift button) which makes the dino stomp on the ground, destroying any caveman around your feet, and maybe a powerup which makes you be able to emit a powerful ground wave when you stomp which disintegrates any nearby enemies.

As for powerups themselves, it's nice to have some in this game, but all I noticed was one which made you slower (maybe it's because I only played 4 games XD), so you should add some more, and as mentioned above, by making them colour coded, they could be easier to spot.

The fact that you have a high-scores system is awesome, and put your score up quite a bit, but also I think you should add a menu that appears before the game starts giving the choices like: 'Start', 'How To Play', 'High-scores', 'Options', 'Powerup List', etc. since having the how-to-play next to the preloader was a bit unexpected, and I noticed it after like 2 games, and having a menu will make things look neater and give you an excuse to make some options like SFX and Music controls. By the way, you may want to add 'Enter/Space to Pause' to the controls ;).

The audio was great and fit perfectly with the game, but got annoying after a bit since I think it was just a small loop. I think you should do a selection of small loops or some really long loop so that it won't get boring. Some more sound effects like the dino's foot hitting the floor or something would be cool too.

It's not that amazing, and I've seen better games, but I expected this to be some stupid game where you just stomp neanderthals, and when I saw the high-scores list, powerups and lives, I realised I was wrong. Not a bad job overall.

-Review Request Club-

chesster415 responds:

Cool, thanks for the review. I thought this WAS just some stupid game where you stomp neanderthals. Nobody seems too happy with either the gameplay or the lack of color. But the concept seems pretty well liked. I could probably do better with this if I added more options, and maybe a level system, or something.

Quite fun :D

Definitely quite a fun game, but put a little more work in it and it'd be perfect.

The graphics were obviously not amazing, but was nice nonetheless. I liked how the stars left their trail (hence the name 'Star Trails' XP) when you caught them to mix you up, and it looked nicely drawn. Oh, and as Haggard said, the text in the menu was a little awkward to read, especially the 'Instructions' text. The animation was fine, without lagging and smooth, so nothing to complain about in the animation.

Ahh, here's where I have a lot to talk about... As for the concept, it's a good concept, that I haven't seen many times before. An in-game tutorial would do wonders over here, though, since the instructions are quite long and tedious when considering how small this game is. Also, I think the transition from colour to colour should've been a little faster, since I still got confused which colour to take, or maybe you can make the transition a sudden change, but maybe give some sort of warning next to the 'Get: ' showing that it's about to change, like a small 2 second timer or something.

I really liked the fact that there were three modes, but instead of that, maybe you could add some sort of options menu where you can choose whether to have a timer, whether the stars leave their trails, and maybe some new additions like whether you change colour or not, or a choice for the star speed and star amount to be present on screen. Speaking of options, the options menu you had here was nicely done, with an above-average amount of audio options. I've never seen a Pan option before, but seriously though, who would need a Pan option anyway? Lol still, it was cool anyway.

I liked Darklight's idea of adding bonuses and powerups, like immunity and stuff, and maybe some powerup that lasts for like 10 seconds where your star starts flashing different colours really quickly meaning you can take whatever colour star you want. As for the gameplay itself, a little easy, so you could add that variety of options I mentioned with a star amount and speed to make it harder.

The audio you used here was decent, even for a default song, although you could've been clearer when saying you have to keep the bar blank and press load music right after if you want to hear it. It seemed like a cool idea to have the feature of adding music from your computer/internet, but when I tried it out, it didn't work. I gave the full path in my computer, including the mp3 name at the end of it, but it just came up with Load Failed, and when I tried to use music from the Audio Portal, it didn't say anything but still didn't load any music. I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrongly or not, but if it isn't, that feature is worth fixing since it's really cool.

All in all, it's a fun little game you got here, but a few more variety regarding gameplay options and the gameplay itself along with some tweaking on the audio option would definitely make this game a lot better. I still enjoyed it quite a bit, so keep up the good work :D. Oh, and sorry for the terribly long review. D:

-Review Request Club-

chesster415 responds:

That's okay long reviews take a while to read but they help too. I might take a minute to load songs of the internet because they have to download. It could be a security setting restricting file access, you could probably load music from your computer if you were running the swf locally. I think I fixed the problem with loading from the internet. I upload the new version. I'm finally on a computer where I can listen to the audio, and I was getting the same problem. I like the idea of an options panel, The highscore boards are independent for the different gameplay modes so if I were to add an options panel I'd need to either add some kind of handicapping system or make a lot more scoreboards. Powerups really are a good idea, I'm thinking about ways I might implement them.

Nothing special

I've seen loads of better maze games, and this seems like a work of 20 minutes.

The graphics obviously were ugly. Just a few lines and some text, but that's usually what an average maze game is anyway. You could make it a little neater and more attractive, though. I've never used or seen Flash being used before, but I'm sure theres some sort of line and curve maker which you could use to make it a little neater. A better background would help too, and a custom cursor would increase your score more.

As for the gameplay, I wasn't impressed. It was a very short maze game where you can cheat easily (right-click cheat, left-click and hold cheat, etc.) and the levels were easy. This uses too many things that are related to right-clicking and pressing 'Forward' and too little things that have to do with the maze itself. Only the second level posed as a (very small) challenge.

There needs to be a song here too. I guess if you don't know how to add music to your flash you can look up how on a tutorial. Also, as Fro said, you could at least add a little theme that plays when you've lost and another when you've won.

In all, a very simple, short, quiet -.- and easy maze game, which definitely needs more work to it. Sorry for the harsh review, but I don't really enjoy maze games...

-Review Request Club-

Elder responds:

Ok, thanks for the feedback.


Pretty simple for a dressup game. Like in a lot of your other submissions, this needs more variety.

The artwork was nothing too special, as Fro said. The hair needed more texture, the nose was too big, the beard was too big and needed texture too, and in all, it was pretty simple. Some animation would be cool in this.

The layout was a little bothersome. The head wasn't in the exact middle, the buttons 'reset' and 'back' were in the way, and there's limited space. I'd suggest making the head a little bigger, and putting it in the middle, and placing the buttons somewhere at the top and making them smaller (or making them icons, and the words come up under your mouse when you hover your mouse on them).

Then, you could add these small arrows at the side, top and bottom with 'Hair', 'Nose', 'Eyes', 'Accessories', 'Beards', etc, written next to each one, which, when you click on them, a wall of the requested items move in from the side, top, or bottom, you can drag the item you want, and when you click on the arrow again, it disappears back where it came from, leaving the arrow only so you can click it again. It'll give you more space to put more variety, make it more organized, and not make the game all cramped. Plus, if you don't put an item somewhere on the person's head, it disappears onto the wall of items you got it from.

A choice of music would be cool as well. The one right now is fine, but some more variety would be great and boost your score up for sure.

Well... I've seen better dress up games... Work on the variety of it a little more to make it better.

-Review Request Club

piggy123 responds:

ok thanks

Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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