Decent job!
Sorry for... never... reviewing any of your submissions. I tend to write more audio reviews, but I'm abroad right now and can't listen to any audio so I'll review some art. As for the submission, it's well done. It doesn't seem like you spent enough time on the little details, but as usual your style works well and all in all it looks good.
The colour scheme is fine. I think the bricks could be a little redder but other than that minor defect the colours were chosen well.
Shading could be better though, especially since I see no shadow behind the burglar, and considering that there's a light shining on him, I'd expect quite a strong shadow behind him.
The lighting is good around the outline of the burglar, but other than the outlines there's no lighting in front of the burglar which is weird. Maybe you could put the burglar's right arm in front of his face as if he's shielding his eyes from the light. It would definitely make the picture look better and more realistic.
When it comes to the textures, they were quite plain, really. Maybe that's your style, but I still would've liked to see some creases on the bag, and better brick texture in the background for sure (some rows of bricks are thinner than others, there are no chips in the bricks, etc...). Some creases and folds on the clothes too would be nice.
Having said all that, the picture itself is drawn well. While the concept isn't too original, the burglar looks cartoon-ish with a nice drawing style to him. However, there are a few small details which need work. The money bag is hanging unnaturally from the burglar's arm, the burglar has four fingers, the tie is not symmetrical, the spotlight isn't a perfect circle, the face expression should be more surprised and the ear looks weird.
I understand that maybe these were on purpose because of your sloppy style, but I definitely think that fixing the defects I pointed out will make this look better, and that's the aim of an art submission, right? To look pleasing to the eye or look interesting. Also, maybe you should give the burglar a burglar costume, although that's personal preference.
All in all, this is a good submission. The sloppy style is interesting and works well. All I'd ask for is fixing the small details here and there. Try and make the piece look more refined and detailed while still keeping your unique style on it. I think the result would be impressive. On an unrelated note, this picture reminds me of Metal Gear, particularly at the very beginning of the first one when you're in the helicopter bay with spotlights moving around the floor. Only difference is that you're not holding a money bag xD. Anyway, keep up the good work!
-Review Request Club-