First off, check out THIS remix RalaiyX3 made for my track The Festival. How he managed to turn a folk/orchestral track into electro-house is beyond me, but HE DID IT.
In other news, I just got my Grade 6 piano exam results today. All my hard work paid off, because despite me being a nervous trainwreck during that exam, I landed a distinction!
Aw yisssss.
Nice one step! What pieces did you play?.
I played three pieces - first one's a pleasant classical Rondo. Second is a super expressive Romantic piece by Schumann. Third, my favourite, is a fairly standard but enjoyable Jazz piece. (couldn't find a video which nailed the rhythm for the third piece but this is the closest I could find).
I'm fairly happy with my performance although I agree with most of the critique the examiner wrote down. He was actually quite merciful on me in the aural tests. He wrote down "There was some uncertainty singing the melody over a piano accompaniment", but "some uncertainty" puts it lightly! I was TERRIBLE in the sight-singing exercise he referred to. I'm really really crap at singing haha.
Thanks for the comment!