Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!
Age 29, Male
Utrecht University
Joined on 11/4/07
Hmmm, so you have malwares from porns... LOL
Hah you damn fapper... >:)
Also, just came by to say: Trust Fro, he has teh experience...
*Checking if my computer has malwares too*
^ Got teh joke?? hah
Lol, finally a comment which is more than 2 lines. Thank you :D.
Je suis un petit spam. Je veux dire salut, bonjour, au revoir. :P
(I think i got that right)
D'où as-tu trouvé comment parler français, hmm?
Sono uno spammo petito. Voglio dire ciao, buongiorno, arrividerci. :P
(I think i got that right)
Da dove hai trovato come parlare l'italiano, hmm?
Ich bin ein guter Spammer. Gratulieren Sie mich!
(I got this right)
Gert ich boon faceron ghat sie too!
(I got this wrong)
"Schwain"... That's the only thing I know in Deutsch, my grandmother tought me that, it was a swear, but I don't remember and I can't spell it on Deutsch
Also, no problem, I like to type... But, c'mon, my last post was ridiculous... =D
DOn't know how to speak Maltese (if that's a language at least... lol --'), but if I knew Maltese, I'd talk to you in Maltese, but I think it doesn't exist, and if it exists, I'd speak it with you, but it if exists, you had to learn it, or you talk to your friends in Maltese and not in English?
Hah, Maltese Spam!!
I speak in English all the time. As Spysociety said below me, it sounds like tribal Indian... Usually whenever I talk to someone in English they answer in English, but when they talk to their other friends they use Maltese always. Hate the language :O.
EPIC MALTESE -> Jiena xi haga zghira li ser iddejqek u irrid nejdlek bongu, il-gurnata t-tajba, u caw.
(I most definitely got that one right cos i kinda like speak the language...)
Haga doesn't mean spam. It means thing.
Shame on you.
<: O!! Maltese looks sccccccccccccaaaaaaaary!! Damn, this looks like a tribal indian, no offense!
NOW I'll speak Maltese with Stepha
I just have to know WHERE IN THE HELL I'll learn Maltese...
Malta would be a goo-
Yeah what Echo said.
Malta would be a good place to start...
(It's either that or Google Translate :D)
I hate it when you have conversations with the other people who are commenting in my newspost.
Stephan is died.
I'm gone for 2 days and I'm already declared dead huh?
You is back! I need to bloody speak to you on a certain chatting software so log in dammit.
How about after the Matsec exams are over? :3
But that's Mid-June!!!!!
Too early for you? :(
Well, i guess if you don't log in to msn, then i won't have to tell you my very special news. Ah well...
But my MSN is broken.
D'oh! I had forgotten to tell you that there might have been malwares in the songs Camoshark and I sent you...sorry 'bout the mess...hope you don't :P
('s either that or porn...)
Oh yeah, because malware can attach itself to MP3 files :D.
In any case, I can't touch those songs until the computer's fixed :C.
omg agnryfaic
>: c
What? Was it something I said? :O
Can't wait for exams to finish. So i can start studying for the next batch. The bigger much longer, much harder batch. Well, our life sux doesn't it?
Yep. High five!
How's studying going?
Absolutely splendid.
It is true that you're the fan #1 of LOL Police Academy?
Um... no?