Where I live (Malta), the driving is horrible, and it really isn't as safe driving as in other countries. It's been like this all the time. A few days ago, we were driving back from a meal in some restaurant 10 minutes from home, and we got hit by a ball flying at top speed, probably by some kids who weren't supposed to be playing ball. Thankfully my dad kept his eyes on the road and didn't get a fright, or we would've had it.
There were also loads of occasions when people don't indicate (I mean come on, even the cops don't indicate sometimes) and other times when accidents are almost caused because people are talking on their mobile when driving. A lot of Maltese think they own the road, so they sometimes stop in the middle of it to talk to someone they know in the car driving next to them.
Weird part is, whenever you give them reason and tell them 'you're not supposed to be there', or 'you're not supposed to be doing that', they ALWAYS answer with something like 'oh get a life' and continue doing it. It's like their minds are void of reason, and they just continue doing what they want to do. I think that the driving laws in Malta aren't enforced NEARLY enough as they should be.
Maybe I'm ranting about this since I'm used to Australia after having gone on holiday there for a month. Driving over there is pristine and I didn't ever see anyone do something stupid when driving for the whole month that I was there, when in Malta occasionally you can't last a day without seeing a driver ignorantly forgetting that rules exist.