Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!

Stephan Wells @Step

Age 29, Male


Utrecht University


Joined on 11/4/07

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Am I going deaf?

Posted by Step - March 30th, 2012

Be prepared for a long story.

As some of you may know, I'm nearly entirely deaf from one ear. It started off when I was about 3 or 4... my mum noticed me always switching the phone to my left ear because I couldn't hear much with my right ear. She knew I suffered badly from ear infections in my right ear (I even had pus coming out of my ear at some points) so thinking they may have been the cause, she took me to an ENT specialist, who confirmed this suspicion.

He did a hearing test for me, where you have to wear headphones, listen to tones being played at different pitches/volumes in each separate ear and press a button when you hear a sound. His results concluded roughly a 55% hearing loss in my right ear.

Now I presume throughout my childhood my right ear's hearing loss remained fairly constant at 55%. However, when I was 11-12, I started to get more into music. I never really liked music in my younger years but all of a sudden I started to love it. I began making music eventually, and listening to it more and more on headphones at a fairly loud volume. When I was in the van, or in the break, or waiting for lessons to start in the morning, or in a free period... I'd always listen to music. Headphones are known for causing hearing loss, but more on that later.

Nearly 3 weeks ago I started feeling an odd sensation in my ear. I felt as though I was in a plane that was landing and no yawning was able to get rid of the feeling. I started hearing everything a little more muffled than usual and it was really irritating. I scheduled an appointment to an ear specialist who was going to see me after the weekend (it was Friday at the time if I remember correctly) but I couldn't stand it any more so I just went to the regular doctor for a check-up.

He told me I had quite a lot of catarrh in my right ear and said that it's no wonder I heard everything muffled. He then prescribed two weeks of a tablets. That was cool with me. Tablets were hard to swallow but whatever, they did the job perfectly.

The following Monday, I went to the ear specialist. He did another ear test and to my dismay he said that since my last hearing test in 2004 my hearing has worsened. My left ear's hearing went down by about 5% as far as I know, and my right ear went from 55% hearing loss to 70% hearing loss.

This made me think; what if I'm starting to go deaf? Going deaf is pretty high on my "terrible things to happen to me" list. Music is a massive part of my life and I love making music more than any other hobby. Gaming's fun, writing/reading books is also great, programming/maths is something I enjoy too, but making music is just incredible. Going deaf would be horrible.

The specialist told me that the more hearing loss an ear has, the more it's prone to getting even more hearing loss. He also thinks that the culprit to my hearing loss was my constant usage of headphones. He said that it's very likely that listening to music on headphones for such a large amount of time may have affected my ears, and told me to stop using headphones or at the very least keep them at a very low volume.

To be honest I'm very much inclined to believe him because I used headphones for at least 2 hours per day on average. I had it at a pretty loud volume (not as loud as most teenagers but still loud enough to faintly hear what I'm listening to while I have my headphones on). So this is a message to whoever uses headphones a lot - stop. Speakers are a great alternative when you're listening to music (or making it if you're a musician). If you do use headphones, keep them low enough to hear a car's engine or the fan of your tower. Losing your hearing is not worth it.

So anyway, I stopped using headphones nearly entirely from then on - I just used them on rare occasions when I wanted to hear how a song of mine sounded in a different sound system. My time at school got a whole lot more boring from then on but I plan on downloading some books on my eBook and reading them at school when I have nothing to do, to pass the time.

After 2 weeks of those tablets, my hearing cleared completely and I was perfectly fine. Now, however, a few days after stopping the dosage, the irritation and slightly muffled hearing came back again. I had to go over to the doctor again and he told me that it's not a good idea to take the tablets he initially prescribed for a long amount of time because they can cause some side effects. He prescribed more tablets for me which I've got to take for six months.

So now, along with the fact that my hearing worsened (and may still be worsening), the catarrh probably came back when I thought I was rid of it and even though I don't like taking tablets much, I've got to take them daily for another six months (along with a nasal spray I have to use twice every day in the morning and evening).

Even though the doctor assured me that there isn't anything to worry about and there are always many more ways of getting rid of my ear problem, this has made me absolutely terrified of losing my hearing for good. I can't imagine life without hearing. I'd be deprived of nearly all of my hobbies, including gaming and of course, making/listening to music.

I've considered getting a hearing aid for my defective right ear (the one with 70% hearing loss), not because I actually need it since I can hear people speaking fairly well, but because I want to hear more. I don't want to have to ask people to repeat often since I didn't hear properly. I want multi-directional hearing - to be able to know where a sound is coming from. I don't want to have to stay at a particular place in class (front-right) just so that I can hear the teacher perfectly. I think a hearing aid might fix all these things.

That said, my parents said that sound through a hearing aid is different and the doctor told me that there isn't any need for a hearing aid right now, even though it's a possibility in the future.

Whatever the case, that ends my bigass depressing story. Hopefully my hearing won't get any worse.


Dude, that's like really scary. I couldn't imagine things without sound!

Do whatever your doctor says so you can keep making those cool-ass tunes of yours.

Haha thanks for the support.

I'll be following my doctor's advice word by word, whether it's because I want to keep making music or not :P. Being deaf must be really bad.

I'm saddened by your news. I hope you will get all the possible aid for your problem.
Never loose your will to make great music, no matter the circumstances. :)
Thank you for everything.

Naw, as long as I'm not deaf, I won't be losing my will to make music for a long while!

Thanks for the concern, and you don't stop making music either, you got that? :P

I'm facing a similar problem, and am now only beginning the long road to actual treatment. Is there Tinnitus as well? I was told it won't go away, but I've got another doctor to see. I have to ask others if I got the L /R balance right... I wish you a stunning success in the battle for your ears.
You're getting care, so, let them worry... just do your best to flush that muck outta your head.

I've not got any ringing in my ears thankfully. I mean I get the odd hum/ringing in my right ear, albeit not very often, but I'm used to that. Yeah I hope this catarrh goes away for good after the six-month treatment.

I hope your ears turn out better too. Years ago I remember my dad's friend saying he had constant tinnitus in his ears but he said he got used to it entirely.

I can sympathize with you on how much hearing really means to someone that needs sound in their life for hobbies. After a DJ set I went to last year, I had the Tinnitus ringing in my ears for a few days. The complete uselessness I felt when trying to cope with listening to music, composing/producing, or even playing games was too much to even bare, yet alone trying to tolerate the ringing while sleeping. With music as a passion, the best you could do is work through it and let your emotion escape through the songs you write.

It's a very heavy feeling and I can only wish you the best in finding a solution to a easy recovery.

I don't have any issues with tinnitus for now, thankfully. It's mainly that feeling of needing to yawn but not being able to, and slightly muffled hearing. That tinnitus sounds horrible though, I bet those few days with it must've been a living nightmare. Musicians are often the ones to suffer from hearing problems, unfortunately.

Whatever the case, I'm hoping that as long as I refrain from using headphones my hearing doesn't worsen.

I've always wondered how do hearing aids work? Do they just pump up the volume of whatever comes into it? Wouldn't that be pretty bad for the ear?

Good luck in your journey towards a binaural experience. You're not going deaf on my watch. <3

Haha thanks for the luck :3.

Yeah I always wondered how hearing aids worked too. I mean if they just amplify sound and direct it into your ear then they're even worse than headphones.

Well, hope this doesn't get worse. Your music is... I will never get to be as skilled as you... I'm stuck with open-source LMMS, making sucky tunes... :(

Losing any sense, to be honest with you, would suck horribly for me. Hope ya feel better in a while.

I know what it's like to fear to lose something you treasure so much. Feels terrible, eh?

BTW, listening to Sanctuary right now, and your music is AWESOME. <3

"Well, hope this doesn't get worse. Your music is... I will never get to be as skilled as you... I'm stuck with open-source LMMS, making sucky tunes... :("

Hey don't say that. It's not the software but the artist using the software that counts!

"Losing any sense, to be honest with you, would suck horribly for me. Hope ya feel better in a while.
I know what it's like to fear to lose something you treasure so much. Feels terrible, eh?"

Yeah, it does! You start feeling paranoia and it just feels really bad :(.

"BTW, listening to Sanctuary right now, and your music is AWESOME. <3"

Thanks a lot man, the support's really appreciated.

That must be pretty awful for you Step, I remember had a chat about this a few weeks ago but reading all of this here has made me realise just how scared you must be. I can't imagine losing my hearing, it scares me too. But there are worse things such as losing my sight that would make me really worried.

I think you should take the advice of a specialist over a doctor, as the doctor may not always be correct. Use common sence by making sure you're not having music on too loud (I do this often and i've noticed my own hearing isn't as good as it used to be). But whatever happens, you've made some amazing music and even losing your hearing won't stop you making amazing music, because you'd find another way to do so.

Keep your spirits up, remain positive and stick with the treatments been given to you. You're young, and there's plenty of time to offer further treatments and medication to help. I'm sure everyone on Newgrounds and your friends will have their fingers crossed for you.

Oh hey I didn't see this comment. Thanks for the advice/support though man. I am indeed trying to keep my hopes up!