I just hit 100 favourites on my song Legend, and it's the first song of mine to get that many favourites. That's really awesome, thanks a lot to those who have favourited it and/or me as an artist.
I haven't made any new music in a long while, but rest assured that I still really appreciate all the support I've been getting. I'm currently with over 130 people who added me to their favourite artists list, and I'm also very grateful for that. I'm not exactly popular but I never dreamed of getting this many fans!
Of course I would be all the more grateful if I get more fans which is why I'll link to this newspost if you want to check out my stuff, but my point is... thanks a lot everyone :3.
OH AND BY THE WAY lpfann2 finished his first full Flash animation: Super Cow & Captain Walrus, which is also the second Flash animation I ever scored. Please check it out, it came out really nicely ;D.
Congratulations man!!
make your shot to the 200!!
Thanks but I don't think I can live that long man. D: