Just making this update to say that I'm a proud member of Team Breakfast, taking part in the Game Jam 5. We're making a flash game out of Around the World in 80 Days, and so far it's coming out wonderfully, thanks to DeadEndWorldStudios's voices, funkycaveman's art/animation, ToastedToastyToast's additional art/programming and hopefully my music.
Already got the menu theme and one of the game's level themes done. Got a lot more work to do though.
That is all.
EDIT (June 18 - 3:31 PM [GMT + 1]): So far so good. Another 2 songs finished and I've got time for one or two more songs before the end of the day too. This Game Jam stuff is FUN.
Bah... I could beat the both of ya's with my hands tied behind my back! So lucky for you I'm sitting this one out. Next I'll be in for sure.
We'll see about that.