Remember that link I had in my sig: "Click here if you make music and want examples of really horrible songs"? That link took anyone who pressed it to a list of their songs, since I linked it to the audio edit link ( io/edit). Basically, even if the best Audio Artist on NG clicks on the link, he will be sent to his audio submissions.
Now, many people have fell for it, and many have sent me serious PM's asking me why I called their songs horrible, some of which actually 0-bombed my songs as payback or linked to MY songs in their sig calling them rubbish (-.-), so since I'm tired of people falling for my joke, I changed the link.
Any retarded comments insulting me, my music or why I waste my time making these newsposts shall be deleted :3.
EDIT: Changed the sig from "I've sigged your songs. Aren't I kind? :3" to a new link. Let's see who falls for it xD.
Some people obviously have no sense of humor.
The problem isn't that they don't have a sense of humour, because when I told them 'Hey it was just a joke. It wasn't directed completely at you. Actually, anyone who clicks it gets taken to their audio requests' they laughed and said 'Hey that's a pretty good joke'.
The problem is that the joke was too good :P.