Windows is obstinate and stubborn, I'm sure of it. I say 'Restart Later' when the 'Windows is Updating' Popup comes up, and gues what it does??
...I was working on a song for around 6 hours straight, and it was coming out great. Then, I went to the hairdressers, leaving the computer on. Half an hour passed, and while I was gone, windows automatically updated itself. The bad part is that it also decided to automatically restart itself, and I lost all the work I did on FL Studio. I came back finding FL Studio missing from the taskbar and a message saying 'Windows has successfully been updated' or something like that. The worst part was that during those six-hours, I didn't save a second of it.
*Goes to start the 6-hour work all over again*
good gosh. maybe you should save more often. Sometimes i get paranoid and save like every 10 minutes.
not that that helps me much more then just occasionally saving...
Step (Updated )
Lol, yeah. I managed to recover what I lost after a few hours, but there were some things in the original which were better than the things in my new one. Oh well. I would save more, but that particular song I was working on was the most CPU-intensive ever (just to hear it I had to export the whole thing every time) so to save it took around 10 seconds, and, well, I'm not that patient :P.