Something's not working right for me with NG. Most of the icons have disappeared, audio isn't playing and instead of the player there's a large white box, and the background is all messed up. Did anyone ever experience this problem and is there any way to fix it? Thanks.
Note: Recently I found a Trojan Horse on my computer ( :S ) and deleted it, thinking that was the problem, but Newgrounds is still all messed up. Also, some of my programs aren't working and when I go on the Internet, and the home page doesn't come up; instead it just says 'Connecting'.
Here's what a typical audio page would be for me:
EDIT: Thank goodness... It's better now. I deleted all the Temporary Internet Files and scanned my computer twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. One of them did the job and Newgrounds along with all the other sites are alright now. My programs still don't work though :(.
Yea I have. Sometimes it does that. Usually at first it takes a while to load up or it stops responding which kinda looks like you got disconnected. It does re-load back up though. Is it different now?
Yeah, when I was waiting for it to load before it got all messed up, it did look like that. Now, it seems to get stuck and stays like this...