Cool idea, but I'm not going for it because the name reminds me of pooping and childbirth. Definitely not my two favorite things.
Hey! My name's Stephan Wells, and I'm a musician, mixing engineer, programmer, proofreader, gamer, aspiring game developer, audio moderator, and former host of the NGADM. Thanks to Youkos for the user image and profile icon!
Age 29, Male
Utrecht University
Joined on 11/4/07
Cool idea, but I'm not going for it because the name reminds me of pooping and childbirth. Definitely not my two favorite things.
You people are insane ;_;
go make music or something
Good idea.
Can't tell if fake, or just overly lies.
You think it's too good to be true huh?
No, I think it's too fake to be true, or it's just being 'falsified' by you.
How can something be "too fake to be true"? D:
It's legit I PROMISE.
I don't see why I would ever use that program.
;___________________; but it's the best program since FL Studio.
...are you serious?
K it was a bit of an exaggeration :3. But still, this is AMAZING. Dunno, might just be the fact that you're not finding much use for it as I am. I answer lots of FL questions on Yahoo Answers and now it's so much easier to compliment each answer with a screenshot. My everyday conversations on MSN and Skype often require screenshots too.
And I very often share my works in progress and stuff to other people on my contacts list for feedback. Before I had to open up MediaFire, browse for it there, upload it, share the link, give it to someone else, they'd download it and then listen to it on their media player. Now I just right-click the file, click 'puush', it uploads and throws the link on my clipboard and I can just give to them for them to listen to on their browser without having to wait for it to finish downloading.
You probably don't use file transfer as much as I do (I transfer an average of like 4 files a day) because if you did you'd most likely agree with me that this program is godsend.
Even with your sophisticated explanation, I'm not downloading puush, mainly because I:
(1). Don't trust it.
(2). Possible virus. My laptop doesn't have an anti-virus scanner (yeap, that's right).
(3). It's probably gonna make my laptop lag even more.
(4). The more a thing gets whored out by people, the less likely the effects will work.
God, I think I need to rest...
Yes you need to rest. You're not thinking straight!
But hey. Your loss :3.
It can't be a loss if I never tried it before. Simple logic.
This will turn into a fairly large philosophical debate so I'm stopping here.
I use puush often, it's very handy to get a message across quickly!
This man speaks the truth.
truth is not a real thing but merely a concept in the minds of men. no man speaks it.
Don't instigate it dude. D:
More like a flame war.
Hurr durr, you seem upset.
My attempt to spread the word of this glorious program has failed miserably ;_______;.
Yes, you've certainly failed to spread the word.
The more you advertise and spread a certain thing, the less likely the person will ever buy/download the thing That's my legacy. :3
Yeah but this is like a little well-meaning project that's entirely free (unless you go for the super cheap option of getting a yearly subscription of $15) and it's so underrated. It deserves recognition.
Stop lying. :3
Lying isn't my thing.
Although I do acknowledge that saying "Lying isn't my thing." is kinda useless because if lying IS my thing then I'd be lying about that statement, and if it isn't my thing then I'd be telling the truth. So whatever the case it will leave you none the wiser.
Dammit this is turning philosophical again. Brb got to do NGADM reviews.
You can't lie if you speak the truth, yet you can't speak the truth if your lie is actually a lie without the truth that contains the truth. Your 'truth' might as well be a lie with a fraction of the truth, which might also be a lie, resulting your entire statement to be false.
Nothing to do here.
*jetpacks back to the NGADM*
Do you know any Guitar Rock/Metal VSTi that are free for download?
Hm. Try SuperRiff Guitar, DVS Guitar and some amp emulators like FreeAmp, Tube Screamer, Univibe, etc...
Seems really handy and useful.
but, Ill just stick with the "PrtSc" button! :3
Oh come onnn why not get Puush? It's so so so so much better! And you can still keep the Print Screen button, except if you want to share a screenshot with someone else, you have Puush to do it for you! It's PERFECT.